  • 别去理那条狗。
    Let the dog alone.
  • 沿着这河生长的是高大的棕 树。
    Growing along the river are tall palm trees.
  • 请将条子传过去。
    Pass the note along.
  • 他是那靠着码头停泊的船的主人。
    He is the master of the boat moored alongside.
  • 我们把船靠在他们那船旁边。
    We brought our boat alongside their boat.
  • 沿着每一灌溉渠,他们还挖了一排水沟。
    Alongside each irrigation canal a drainage ditch was dug.
  • 晚饭后,我们经常沿这路散步。
    After supper we are often used to walking alongside, of tills road.
  • 他们几乎都不接受这种教
    Nearly all of them kept aloof from such doctrines.
  • 他们几乎都不接受这种教
    Nearly all of them stood aloof from such doctrines.
  • 说明这样一个事实,就是文艺界中还严重地存在着作风不正的东西,同志们中间还有很多的唯心论、教主义、空想、空谈、轻视实践、脱离群众等等的缺点,需要有一个切实的严肃的整风运动。
    It shows that wrong styles of work still exist to a serious extent in our literary and art circles and that there are still many defects among our comrades, such as idealism, dogrnatism, empty illusions, empty talk, contempt for practice and aloofness from the masses, all of which call for an effective and serious campaign of rectification.
  • 原理在物理学中极为重要。
    In physics, this principle is alpha and omega.
  • 对所有款都有定义或说明的词汇表,不一定按字母顺序排列。
    A vocabulary, not necessarily in alphabetical order, with definitions or explanations for all terms.
  • 穿越阿尔卑斯山有一风景优美的路径。
    There is a scenic route across the Alps.
  • 在这么小的公寓里养一象阿尔萨斯的大狼狗真是麻烦,当你拿着一盘玻璃杯时,它似乎老是挡道。
    The trouble with having a big dog like an Alsatian in a small flat is that it always seems to be in the road when you are carrying a tray of glasses.
  • 你的那阿尔萨斯狼犬后来情况怎么样?
    What became of that Alsatian you had?
  • 可变的衣服;可以变化的雇用件。
    alterable clothing; alterable conditions of employment.
  • 这些件不是终局的,可予变更。
    These terms are not final and are subjected to alteration.
  • 第十二 依法改变土地权属和用途的,应当办理土地变更登记手续。
    Article 12 Changes of owners and usages of land, should go through the land alteration registration procedures.
  •  第二十作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。
    Article 20 The term of protection of the rights of authorship, alteration, and integrity of an author shall be unlimited.
  • z字型线在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线
    A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.
  • 那匹布黑白纹相间。
    There is an alternation of black and white stripe in that cloth.
  • 深浅环纹不同动物毛皮上深浅相间的彩色纹,产生灰白斑的外表
    The alternation of light and dark bands of color in the fur of various animals, producing a grizzled appearance.
  • 路被挡住了,因此我们走了另一路。
    The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.
  • 我们是从另一路回来的。
    We returned by an alternative road.
  • 我们只有两路,投降或死亡。
    We have two alternative courses, surrender or death.
  • 中国不走这路,就没有别的路可走。
    China has no alternative but to follow this road.
  • 最高纬度在地面可见的天气件下最高的海拔高度
    The highest altitude under particular weather conditions from which the ground is still visible.
  • 卷云一种高空云,由狭状或小块状的薄絮般的,通常是白色的部分组成
    A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts.
  • 她在铝锅里下了些面
    She put some noodles in the aluminum saucepan.
  • 他尽全力拖那绳子。
    he pulled the ropes amain.
  • 如今,由于对第二版(1989年)的经常性补充与合并,这本词典中的词已达24万个。
    now, thanks to the regular addition of supplements and amalgamation into the second edition, published in 1989, it defines 240,000.
  • 广布苋,风滚草多种枝茂密的一年生植物中的一种,如苋和细叶钾猪毛菜,在植物生长期的末期,从根部脱离,被风吹动,在田野里滚动
    Any of various densely branched annual plants, such as amaranth and Russian thistle, that break off from the roots at the end of the growing season and are rolled about by the wind.