  • 約翰遜博士說期三下午放半天假。
    Dr. Johnson said that Wednesday would be a half-holiday.
  • 她零零地付給我錢,而不是一次付清。
    She pay me in drib and drab, not all at once.
  • 其他策略也可能奏效,如示威遊行,精心設計的公共關係,舉行公衆辯論以及選拔有領導力的創造明等。
    Other tactics might work too - such as demonstrations, well-crafted public relations, staged public debates, and drafting leading creative stars.
  • 高層大氣衛阻尼觀測
    upper atmosphere observation by air drag of satellite
  • 那商人衹能零地付給那工人工錢。
    The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets.
  • 好,星期六見。
    OK. See you Saturday.
  • 這位著名的歌和他的合作者將在音樂會上三月演二重唱。
    The famous star and his partner will give a duet at the concert.
  • 蘇必利爾美國一城市,位於威斯康州的西北部,臨蘇必利爾湖,隔湖是明尼蘇達的德盧斯。該市在19世紀80年代發現鐵礦後發展起來。人口27,134
    A city of northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior opposite Duluth, Minnesota. The city grew after the discovery of iron ore nearby in the1880's. Population,27, 134.
  • 因為有着7個太陽質量的體不可能是白矮或中於,所以它一定是黑洞。
    Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star, it must be a black hole.
  • 約翰說,他的女兒們可以在期六晚上舉行一個晚會,但警告他們說。他會密切註意他們的各種活動。
    John said that his daughters could have a party on Saturday night, but warned them that he would be keeping an eagle eye on the proceedings.
  • 最少也要二星期。
    At the earliest, in about two weeks.
  • 我上星期分文沒掙.
    I earned damn all last week.
  • 同年,一位棒球明掙了35萬美元;
    That same year, a star baseball player earned $ 350, 000;
  • 雨真正開始是在七月中旬。
    Meteorshower begin in earnest in mid-July.
  • 術,占學研究天體位置及外觀的學術,並相信它們會影響地球上出現的自然現象及人類事務的發展進程
    The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
  • 真菌一科屬於灰包屬。
    a family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales.
  • 她的朋友們都說:“這個20歲的明自從3月份和'nsync的主唱分手以後一直靠美食和烈酒撫平心中的傷痛。
    Friends say the 20-year-old star has been easing her heartache with comfort foods and heavy drinking since parting with the 'NSync singer in March.
  • 基督徒相信耶穌在那個期日(後定為復活節)裏復活了。
    Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
  • 歡樂節復活節後第三個期日
    The third Sunday after Easter.
  • 大齋節,封齋期從聖灰期三(大齋節的第一天)到復活節的四十天,基督徒視之為禁食和為復活節作準備而懺悔的季節
    The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.
  • 基督徒相信耶穌在那個期日裏復活了。
    Christian believe that jesus rise from the dead on easter sunday.
  • 、金及其他行沿不正圓的軌道運行。
    Mars, Venus and the other planets move in eccentric orbits.
  • 終切;出凌天體從蝕或掩中的出現
    The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation.
  • 現象天體運行穿過觀察者和另一天體連綫,如日食時,月球移動到地球和太陽之間
    The passage of a celestial body across a line between an observer and another celestial object, as when the moon moves between the earth and the sun in a solar eclipse.
  • ,命宮某人出生或其它事件發生時升起於東方的黃道點或黃道十二宮
    The point of the ecliptic or the sign of the zodiac that rises in the east at the time of a person's birth or other event.
  • 黃道帶天球上,嚮黃道兩邊各延伸約8度的一條帶,代表主要的行(月亮和太陽)的軌道
    A band of the celestial sphere extending about8= to either side of the ecliptic that represents the path of the principal planets, the moon, and the sun.
  • 我們這個球的環境正處於危險之中。人類應對此負責,因為地球目前的生態狀況比以往任何時候都更加與人類的“進步”密切相關。
    The environment of our planet is at risk, and man is responsible, since the ecology of the earth is inexorably-linked with man's “progress” now more than ever.
  • 緑葉的生與死乃是旋風的急驟的旋轉,它的更廣大的旋轉的圈子乃是在天上繁之間徐緩的轉動。
    The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars.
  • 人們團團圍住了那位足球明,但哈裏卻成功地擠進去。
    People had crowded around the football star, but Harry succeeded in edging in.
  • 據約翰說,你上期在愛丁堡。
    According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.
  • 他在蘇格蘭呆了一個期,遊覽了愛丁堡和格拉斯哥的博物館。
    He spent a week in Scotland, visiting museums in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
  • 我把這個想法寄給了《鷹眼》編輯部决定在1月6日期日版上采用它,刊登在第二頁上,還附有兩張照片:一張是我正從我們的後陽臺上眺望密西西比河,另一張是我正在服藥。
    I sent the story to the Hawk?Eye, and the editors decided to use it in the Sunday, January 6, edition. The story was carried on page 2, along with a picture of me looking out from our back porch and another of me taking my pills.