Chinese English Sentence:
  • 有超过一半的公司股份,具有控制权。
    ownership of more than 50% of a corporation's voting shares.
  • 瓦格纳解释说:"我认为,当一个人在公路上,尤其是身处挤不堪的城市道路上的时候,有很多东西可以让人感到压抑。因为其他司机会对他们造成不断的威胁。
    "I think that when a person is on the road, in a crowded urban area in particular, many things can cause them to feel stress (because there is the) constant threat from other drivers," Wagner explained.
  • 所以,珍惜你有的每一刻,且记住时不我待,不要再作所谓的等待--等你上完学,等你再回到学校;
    So treasure every moment that you have. And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school;
  • 你认为这张价格单能使妈妈从她那希望在乡下有一栋大房子的梦想中清醒吗?
    Do you think that this price list will waken Mother from her dreams of owning a large house in the country?
  • 他来到这个国度时,身无分文。但是仅仅几年之后,他已有大量的钱财。
    He came to this country without a penny, but after only a few years, he's already wallowing in money and property.
  • 他想用现金的形式有自己的股份。
    he wanted his share in cash.
  • 姐妹俩热烈拥抱。
    The two sisters embraced warmly.
  • 富豪有大量财富的人
    A man of great wealth.
  • 一个有大量财富的人
    A person of great wealth.
  • 签署全面禁止核武器公约;所有有核武器的国家承担彻底销毁核武器的义务;
    A convention prohibiting all nuclear weapons be signed, whereby all nuclear-weapon
  • 1964年10月16日,中国政府郑重建议:召开世界各国首脑会议,讨论全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器问题。有核武器的国家承担义务,不对无核武器国家使用核武器,不对无核武器区使用核武器,彼此也不使用核武器。
    On October 16, 1964, the Chinese government offered a solemn proposal: a summit conference be held to discuss the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons and that nuclear-weapon states commit themselves not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones or against each other.
  • 签署全面禁止核武器公约;所有有核武器的国家承担彻底销毁核武器的义务,并在有效国际监督下付诸实施;
    a convention prohibiting all nuclear weapons be signed, whereby all nuclear-weapon states undertake to completely destroy existing stocks of nuclear weapons under effective international supervision;
  • 有亮丽花色的欧洲草本;谷地里生长的普通野草。
    European herb with bright yellow flowers; a common weed in grain fields.
  • 有或经营石油井的人。
    a person who owns or operates oil wells.
  • 同时也有右的干扰,概括起来就是全盘西化,打着护开放、改革的旗帜,想把中国引导到搞资本主义。
    Certain individuals, pretending to support the reform and the open policy, call for wholesale Westernization of China in an attempt to lead the country towards capitalism.
  • 码头老板有或管理码头者
    One who owns or manages a wharf.
  • 警队有850部电单车及1650部四轮车辆。
    The Force has 850 motorcycles and 1650 four-wheeled vehicles.
  • 尽管从电视到汽车亚洲有不少品牌产品,但是美国的大型家电市场仍是惠而浦、通用电器和梅塔格公司的天下。
    But while Asian brand names have become common on everything from televisions to cars, the major-appliance market in the U.S. is still dominated by Whirlpool, General Electric, and Maytag.
  • 有关的输电及配电系统由中电全资有。
    The associated transmission and distribution systems are wholly owned by CLP.
  • 举例说,投资者有100元的资金,准备把60元储蓄供退休后用,这笔数目便是他不愿承担风险的财富。假设m是2,那么这名投资者将把80元用来投资(2x(100-60)),其余20元则存起来。如果股市下滑10%,他在股市的投资会减至72元,而有的财富总额也减至92元。
    For example, the investor needs $60 (Floor) for retirement and is not willing to risk this amount in any investment. His present wealth is $100., Assume that m=2, he will invest 2X($100-60) or $80 in stocks and save $20. If the market drops by 10%, his stock investment will be worth $72 and his total wealth will be $92 ($72 stocks and $20 savings).
  • 这些宇航员知道这些危险,但他们甘愿面对,因为他们知道自己有远大而崇高的人生目标。
    These astronauts knew the dangers,and they faced them willingly,knowing they had a high and noble purpose in life.
  • 愿你有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。
    Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.
  • 拥护女权!
    Up with women's rights!
  • 玛丽和约翰电影院里抱亲吻。
    Mary and John pitched woo in the movies.
  • 实利主义,物质主义认为物质上的富足、世俗财物的有是人生中最有价值的、最美好的事物的理论或信条
    The theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life.
  • 我蠕动着身体挤进挤的火车。
    I wormed my way into the crowded train.
  • 最令我们深感不安的事情倒是,我们获取的大量情报称,伊拉克现在有曾大量生产生物制剂的可移动生产设施。
    One of the most worrisome things that emerges from the thick intelligence file we have on Iraq's biological weapons is the existence of mobile production facilities used to make biological agents.
  • 主数据类型也有自己的“封装器”(wrapper)类。
    The primitive data types also have “wrapper” classes for them.
  • 互相拥抱
    be wreathed in each other's arms
  • 拥抱某人
    wreathe one's arms about sb.
  • 游艇主有游艇或驾游艇航行的人
    A man who owns or sails a yacht.
  • 女游艇主有游艇或驾游艇航行的女子
    A woman who owns or sails a yacht.