  • 他们子女很多,四个孩子之间都是相两岁。
    They had a large family. Their four children were spaced out two years apart.
  • 以前似乎小得容不下儿女及其小伙伴们玩耍的房子,如今显得宽敞了,打扫和清洁房屋是件苦事。
    Spacious homes that once seemed too small for the children and their friends to play in now mean more drudgery, to dust and maintain.
  • 葡萄牙语和西班牙语的别很大吗?
    Is Portuguese very different from Spanish?
  • 海面上波涛汹涌,不多每个人都呕吐了。
    There was a heavy sea and almost everyone spat up.
  • 由于男性与女性之间在体力上的天生异,对许多军职专业而言,女性能够胜任的人数远远少于男性。
    Because of the differences in raw hysical strength between men and women,far fewer women would be qualified for many Military Occupational Specialties.
  • 使图片在红绿透镜下呈现三维的并且色强烈的过程。
    the process of producing pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed and viewed through spectacles with one red and one green lens.
  • 她的讲词背得一字不
    Her speech was word-perfect.
  • 与东部地区城市相比,我国西部地区许多城市基础设施条件较,城市交通运输亟待改善。
    Compared with cities in eastern China, infrastructures in many cities in western China are poor, and urban transportation in those cities must be speedily improved.
  • 一辆开得飞快的汽车超车抢档,点造成事故。
    A speeding car cut in and nearly caused an accident.
  • 她拼字的功底很好[].
    She's a good/poor speller.
  • 他的拼字功底极差.
    His spelling is terrible.
  • 因我拼写,她常批评我。
    She's always pulling me up for my bad spelling.
  • 喂,走路看看清楚——你点儿把我的饮料泼翻了。
    Hey, watch where you're going- you almost spilt my drink.
  • 她的演讲在各方面都很好,却因表达技巧而功亏一篑.
    Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech.
  • 那厨师搞糟了那顿饭后降了职,被吩咐去干扫地的事。
    After the cook had spoilt the meal, he was kicked downstairs and given a job sweeping the floors.
  • 国际恐怖主义的威胁,使回教徒成了瞩目的焦点,也突显了国人以国家为重,抛开种族、宗教和文化的异,互相了解和团结一致的重要。
    The threat of global terrorism has put Muslims under the spotlight. It has also shown how important it is for Singaporeans to understand each other and pull together as a nation regardless of race, religion and culture.
  • 那些医院的医疗质量参不齐。
    Medical care in those hospitals is rather spotty.
  • 尽管朋友们一再警告你,你还是乱花钱。你瞧你,一点食不果腹,衣不蔽体了。
    You should squander your money, despite the warnings of your friends and here you are, with scarcely enough to feed and cloth yourself.
  • 我们队差一点输了。
    Our team squeaked through.
  • 我们点没完成这项重任。
    We squeaked by the great task.
  • 骑士中世纪的绅士士兵,通常出身高贵,在作为骑士的听或扈从训练后被君主授予特权的军事地位
    A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire.
  • 他想到面试时自己表现得那麽劲儿,心里真不是滋味儿.
    It made him squirm to think how he'd messed up the interview.
  • 我注意到了书桌上的混乱:一次出回来需要清理的东西堆得老高,摊着各种用品,需要关注的计划,还有一长串的语音信箱留言。
    I noticed the clutter on my desk:clean-up from a business trip piled high,stacks of articles,projects that needed attention,and an overwhelming list of phone mail messages.
  • 奥申官员在莫斯科告诉国奥委会代表,举办奥运会有助于中国缩小与外界的距,而中国的媒体表示申办成功将表明中国已经是国际社会的成熟一员。
    Bid officials told IOC delegates in Moscow that staging the Olympics would help to narrow the distance between China and the outside world, and the country's media have suggested that success would demonstrate that China has come of age as a member of the international community.
  • 一九九八至一九九九年度,该局的饷收益约占总收入的66%,其余收入则来自香港特区政府发放的一笔过拨款、各种收费,以及街市摊档、小食亭和食肆的租金收入。
    In 1998-99, this provided about 66 per cent of total revenue. The rest came from the Government's one-off grant, fees and charges, and rental income from market stalls, kiosks and restaurants.
  • 她看上去和她年龄不多。
    She's starting to show her age.
  • 他们在旧社会点儿锇死。
    They came near starving in the old society.
  • 表二:转口及香港转口增加值导致美方高估对华贸易逆 单位:亿美元19921993美公布自华进口257.3315.4香港转口增加值-52.3-63调整后美方进口205252.4美公布对华出口74.287.7经香港转口美方与香港统计额1823调整后美方出口92.2110.7美公布对华逆183.1227.7调整后美方逆112.8141.7资料来源:《中美商贸联委会贸易和投资工作组贸易统计小组工作报告》
    Table 2 The United States' Over-estimated Trade Deficit against China as the Result of Neglecting Re-exports and Added Value from Re-exports via the Hong Kong Region (in billions of US dollars) 1992 1993 US published imports from China 25.73 31.54 Value added via Hong Kong's re-exports -5.23 -6.3 Adjusted US imports 20.5 25.24 US published exports to China 7.42 8.77 US and Hong Kong statistic difference over re-exports via Hong Kong 1.8 2.3 Adjusted US exports 9.22 11.07 US published deficit against China 18.31 22.77 Adjusted US deficit 11.28 14.17 Data source: Work report of the Trade Statistics Subgroup of the Trade and Investment Working Group ofthe Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
  • 非显著的指含有、产生或是处于偶然变限度之内的数据测试而获得的数值的
    Having, producing, or being a value obtained from a statistical test that lies within the limits for being of random occurrence.
  • 我们准备统计分析不同类型人群笑的微妙变化,以使研究这些异。
    We're going to study these differences by statistically analysing the minute variations in laughter between different types of people.
  • 越来越多的国际经济学家和统计学家认为,目前国际通行的这种统计原则,存在着不合理性,特别是对于转口贸易和加工贸易的统计,往往存在较大误
    A growing number of international economists and statisticians believe, however, that there are irrationalities in this currently widely-used international statistical principle, especially because big errors might occur when it is applied to calculating entrepot trade and processing trade.
  • 把方向盘往右边转转,好修正驾驶上的偏
    Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.