  • 标准室温下款待美酒;正常外交关系;正常工作时间;正常词序;正常的好心;事件的正常发展。
    serve wine at normal room temperature; normal diplomatic relations; normal working hours; normal word order; normal curiosity; the normal course of events.
  • 地注视着北方的天光
    Gazed with wonder at the northern lights.
  • 心想知道与自己无关的人或事情的欲望;爱管闲事
    A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one; nosiness.
  • 对邻居的行为很好;他以他爱刺探消息的方式翻动着我的信件;爱打听的眼睛;爱管闲事的邻居整天在观察我们。
    curious about the neighbor's doings; he flipped through my letters in his nosy way; prying eyes; the snoopy neighbor watched us all day.
  • 现在只有出现迹她才能得救。
    Nothing but a miracle can save her now.
  • 这毫不奇怪。
    It is nothing surprising.
  • 想反复无常的怪想;怪念头
    A capricious notion; a whim.
  • 怪念头怪的、异的或顽固的想法
    An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.
  • 他对环境的新感不久就淡薄了。
    The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off.
  • 新奇的喜欢革新的
    Fond of novelty.
  • 在1900年, 汽车是件新的东西。
    Cars were a novelty in 1900.
  • 这种神的感觉已消失了。
    The novelty has worn off.
  • 那种新不久就会使他们感到厌倦。
    The novelty will soon pall on them.
  • 由于问题的新,他变得颇有兴趣。
    He become interested because of the novelty of the problem.
  • 能说某种外国语的英国商人仍可算是新人物
    A British businessman who can speak a foreign language is still something of a novelty
  • 他解释说:“这些人在危险性、不确定性、新感和多样性的激励下而参加冒险活动。
    "These people are motivated by risk, uncertainty, novelty, variety," he explained.
  • 这种新的感觉很快就会消失。
    The novelty will soon wear off, ie It is only attractive because it is new.
  • 现寄上部分新杂货,并在随附的报价单中列出了最低价格。
    We send you herewith some novelty in fancy goods, which we offer you at the lowest price named in our price- list enclosed.
  • 乘飞机比其他交通工具有着巨大的优越性,它不仅速度快得多,而且轻松得多,但不利的一面是空中飞行令人感到乏味,它剥夺了旅行给人的一切新兴趣。
    Flying has enormous advantages over other means of transport; it is not only much faster but much less tiring. The other side of the coin is that it is boring and takes all the novelty out of travelling.
  • 这道程序能够产生怪的效果;新法律产生很多抱怨。
    This procedure produces a curious effect; The new law gave rise to many complaints; These chemicals produce a noxious vapor.
  • 一些怪的生物偶然被冲到岸上来,然而在海上很少能被捕捉到。
    Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.
  • 我突然有了一个怪的念头。
    A strange idea suddenly occurred to me.
  • 她没有回我们的信是件很怪的事。
    It's very odd that she didn't reply to our letter.
  • 怪, 汽车竟耽误这么长时间。
    It's strange that the bus has been delayed so long.
  • 怪,他没给我打电话。
    It's odd that he hasn't telephoned me.
  • 引人注目的怪或者不同寻常。
    strikingly odd or unusual.
  • 古怪的不寻常的或古怪的;怪的
    Unusual or eccentric; odd.
  • 畸形人,怪人一个怪或不可思议的人
    An odd or ridiculous person.
  • 发生了一桩相当怪的事。
    Something rather odd has sprung up.
  • 怪的是,你竟会提起那件事。
    It's odd that you should mention that.
  • 行为古怪的怪的或不合传统的,如行为;古怪的
    Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric.
  • 说也怪,我们刚谈的正是这件事。
    Oddly enough, we were just talking about the same thing.