  • 雇主们可能在听谈判的人说些什么,但是同时他们却一直在打探你们是不是有团结一致的工作后盾。没有这个后盾援助,就是嚼烂舌根,也是不会有什么结果的。
    The employers may be listening to what the negotiators are saying, but they're also constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there's a unified workforce behind you., without this support you could talk until you're blue in the face and get nowhere.
  • 累过度所造成的神经紧张。
    Nervous tension brought on by overwork.
  • 二十一世纪初期,中国动和社会保障事业的发展目标是:基本建立起适应中国生产力发展水平、符合社会主义市场经济要求的比较完善的动和社会保障制度,使广大动者得到较为充分的就业和基本的社会保障,维护动者和用人单位的合法权益,提高城乡居民的物质和文化生活水平,促进经济发展和社会稳定。
    The targets for labor and social security development in the early part of this century are as follows: initially forming a comparatively complete labor and social security system corresponding to the development level of China's productive forces and meeting the requirements of the socialist market economy; ensuring well-nigh full employment and basic social security for the majority of workers; safeguarding the legal rights and interests of both employees and employers; enhancing the material and cultural wellbeing of rural and urban residents; and promoting economic development and social stability.
  • 假日里我们白天踏勘农村,晚上几乎天天都去夜总会——我们实在累过度。
    On holiday we explored the countryside during the day and went to nightclubs for most the might-we really burned the candle at both ends.
  • 新机器把动成本几乎降低到零。
    The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil.
  • 不劳无获。
    No work, no pay.
  • 不劳则无获.
  • 产于北美洲北部的伯鸟。
    butcherbird of northern North American.
  • 功绩引人注意的行为或事情,特指勇敢的行为;功
    A notable act or deed, especially an act of courage; an exploit.
  • 坚持教育创新,深化教育改革,优化教育结构,合理配置教育资源,提高教育质量和管理水平,全面推进素质教育,造就数以亿计的高素质动者、数以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才。
    We should encourage innovation in education, deepen its reform, optimize its structure, allocate its resources rationally, raise its quality and management levels and promote quality-oriented education to cultivate hundreds of millions of high-quality workers, tens of millions of specialized personnel and a great number of top-notch innovative personnel.
  • 我们的辛全都白费了。
    We had all our trouble for nothing.
  • 去年11月17日,拉成为第一位在周六早晨的新闻广播中发表讲话的第一夫人。
    On Nov.17 she became the first wife of a President ever to deliver the traditional Saturday morning radio address.
  • 来,4只漂亮的假力士才化了新台币5,000块。
    Here you are. Four beautiful fake Rolexes for Nt $5,000.
  • [谚]不不获;要想吃果仁,必须破果皮。
    He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut.
  • 但座落在美国伊利诺伊州奥克布鲁克的麦当总部对此却不能充耳不闻。公司于10月28号发表了一份声明,表明公司"坚决不同意"广告中所援引的营养学家的那番话。
    The McDonald's Corp., based in Oak Brook, Ill., said in a statement Wednesday that it "strongly disagreed" with the nutritionist quoted in the French advertisement.
  • 一则登在四月刊《femmeactuelle》杂志上的广告引用了一位营养学家的话:"我们不能吃太多的快餐食品,同样也就不能每周吃一次以上的麦当
    One ad placed in Femme Actuelle in April quoted a nutritionist who said, "there's no reason to abuse fast food, or visit McDonald's more than once a week."
  • 在这项调查中,每周进行2.5小时的散步或进行同样时间园艺动的妇女,心率比较低,也不会过于肥胖,这些都表示她们的健康状况相当的好。
    Women in the survey who walked vigorously for 2.5 hours a week or did an equal amount of gardening were less likely to be obese and had a lower resting heart rate, which is a sign of physical fitness.
  • 驾,替我把门关上。
    Please oblige me by closing the door.
  • 我们乐于效劳。
    We'd be happy to oblige.
  • 驾把那窗子打开好吗?
    Could you oblige me by opening the window?
  • 请你驾替我给他送个口信好吗?
    Will you oblige me by send him a message?
  • 凡能做到的我都愿效[尽力]。
    I'll do any thing within reason to oblige.
  • 驾给我打开窗户,好吗?”“谢谢。”
    "Could you oblige me by opening the window? " "Thanks."
  • 我觉得我不能使他操过度。
    I feel obliged not to work him too much.
  • 机器使动的差别越来越小,使工资几乎到处都降到同样低的水平,因而无产阶级内部的利益和生活状况也越来越趋于一致。
    The various interests and conditions of life within the ranks of the proletariat are more and more equalised, in proportion as machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour, and nearly everywhere reduces wages to the same low level.
  • 四、帝国主义列强还在中国经营了许多轻工业和重工业的企业,以便直接利用中国的原料和廉价的动力,并以此对中国的民族工业进行直接的经济压迫,直接地阻碍中国生产力的发展。
    The imperialist powers operate many enterprises in both light and heavy industry in China in order to utilize her raw materials and cheap labour on the spot, and they thereby directly exert economic pressure on China's national industry and obstruct the development of her productive forces.
  • 如果不可能,动者暂时仍将处于半饥半饱的状态。但是,资本家的花费从非生产性支出转变为生产性支出,会使商品需求发生变化,其结果乃是下一年生产的食物将增多,而餐具和珠宝将减少。
    if not possible, the labourers will remain for a season on their short allowance: but the consequences of this change in the demand for commodities, occasioned by the change in the expenditure of capitalists from unproductive to productive, is that next year more food will be produced, and less plate and jewellery.
  • 中国法律还规定了死刑缓期二年执行的制度,即:对于应当判处死刑的犯罪分子,如果不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑,同时宣告缓期二年执行,实行动改造,以观后效;
    China's law also provides a system allowing a two-year reprieve in carrying out a death sentence. That is, in cases where criminals should receive the death penalty but the sentence need not be carried out at once, capital punishment can be announced with a two-year reprieve and reform through forced labor, in order to observe the offender's behavior.
  • 我提出的愿效的想法仍然未变。
    My offer still stands.
  • 因为造就生产力的动,不论是体力的还是脑力的,可以看作是社会完成其生产活动所用动的一部分,换言之,可以看作是生产使社会付出的代价的一部分,所以用于维持生产力的动,防止它们因事故或疾病而毁坏或减弱的动也可以这样来看待。
    As the labour which confers productive powers, whether offhand or of head, may be looked upon as part of the labour by which society accomplishes its productive operations, or in other words, as part of what the produce costs to society, so too may the labour employed in keeping up productive powers; in preventing them from being destroyed or weakened by accident or disease.
  • 从上星期—的泰晤士报上我得知巨星伦斯奥立佛的死。
    I read of Sir Laurence Oliver, the great star's death in the Times last week.
  • 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口众多,经济发展水平不高,发展动和社会保障事业的任务十分艰巨。
    As the most populous and largest developing country in the world with a relatively low level of economic development, China is faced with an onerous task of promoting its work in this regard.