  • 卢森堡2.15支敦士登2.13日本1.74挪威1.65丹麦1.60摩纳哥1.38冰岛1.35德国1.34奥地利1.31瑞典1.30
    Luxembourg 2.15 Liechtenstein 2.13 Japan 1.74 Norway 1.65 Denmark 1.60 Monaco 1.38 Iceland 1.35 Germany 1.34 Austria 1.31 Sweden 1.30
  • 以德国新教和天主教之战为起点一直延续到法国和丹麦瑞典跟神圣罗马帝国和西班牙对立的一系战争(1618-1648)。
    a series of conflicts (1618-1648) starting between German Protestants and Catholics and spreading until France and Denmark and Sweden were opposing the Holy Roman Empire and Spain.
  • 还有三道巨大山墙并的结绳派修道院,以及奥古斯都教派修道院,其优美多姿的尖塔形如齿状,在巴黎这一边,从西数起,位于纳勒塔之后,算是第二个这种形状的尖塔。
    the Cordeliers, with their three enormous adjacent gables; the Augustins, whose graceful spire formed, after the Tour de Nesle, the second denticulation on this side of Paris, starting from the west.
  • 下一次车什么时候开?
    When does the next train depart?
  • 档案管理策略第三阶段,也是最后阶段的工作,已在一九九九年顺利完成。通过一系部门检讨,以及为政府人员开展全面的档案管理培训课程,第三阶段工作大大改善了政府部门的档案管理系统。
    The strategy's third and final phase was successfully completed in 1999, bringing about considerable improvements to the records management systems in the Civil Service through a series of departmental reviews, and the launching of a comprehensive curriculum for the training of government staff in records management.
  • 出埃及以色人离开埃及
    The departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
  • 包括不颠联合王国和他的附属国以及许多原来英国的殖民地、现在的君主国但仍对英国王室效忠的国家的联合。
    an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and its dependencies and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states but owe allegiance to the British Crown.
  • 《海峡时报》最近刊登了一系介绍中国各大都市的报道,该报记者一再用“hip”这个英文字来形容所见所闻。
    The Straits Times recently carried a series of reports on major cities in China. It was notable that the reporters kept using the word “hip” to depict what they had seen and heard.
  • (地质学)以水平层的方式沉积或者排
    (geology) deposited or arranged in horizontal layers.
  • 如果以色人占主动,其空军就会在一开始的48小时内袭击机场和捣毁弹药库。
    Had the initiative been Israel's, the Air Force would have spent the first 48 hours or so attacking airfields and taking out the ammunition depot.
  • 在多文本格式处理技术中,使得在一个页面上各长度大致相等的处理。
    In multicolumn text formatting, the process of making column depths on a page approximately equal.
  • 今天的火车混乱不堪,因为前面有一火车出轨了。
    The trains are all to today because of a derailment farther down the line.
  • 按显赫程度由高到低排的头衔;由高音区降至低音域的音符
    Titles listed in descending order of importance; notes that descended to the lower register.
  • *在1999-2000学年,留学美国人数最多的前10位国家分别是(按序排):中国,日本,德国,韩国,印度,加拿大,俄罗斯,法国,英国,意大利。
    * During the 1999-2000 academic year,the top 10 countries of origin of foreign students in the United States were (in descending order):China,Japan,Germany, South Korea, India, Canada, Russia, France, Britain and Italy.
  • 描述程序使用和运行的程序表或技术手册。
    program listings or technical manuals describing the operation and use of programs.
  • 说明书应当包括下内容:
    The description shall include the following:
  • 一览表名单或逐条记的陈,如题目、课程或者供展览或出售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图
    A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.
  • 把一个文件细分成一系术语或叙词的过程。
    The breaking down of a document into a series of terms or descriptors.
  • 陈列总体设计
    General Design for Exhibition
  • 它用来指定一个统一资源名(urn,universalresourcename),这个统一资源名的形式是对uddischema的引用的逆序排
    It is used to designate a universal resource name (URN) value that is reserved for all references to the schema.
  •  (六)委派官员席立法会并代表政府发言。
    To designate officials to sit in on the meetings of the Legislative Council and to speak on behalf of the government.
  • 百货商店聘请了专业设计师在其橱窗里陈商品。
    The department store hired professional designer to display its goods in the window.
  • 百货商店聘请了专业设计师在其橱窗里陈商品。
    The department store hired a professional designer to display its goods in the window.
  • 埃姆斯,查尔斯1907-1978美国设计家,以其颇有创意的椅子系而闻名,此种椅子均由铝制管和模制的胶合板制成
    American designer noted for an innovative series of chairs made of aluminum tubing and molded plywood.
  • 总的证券交易来,服装设计比园艺吸引我。
    On balance, dress designing appeals to me more than gardening.
  • 《欲望号列车》。
    A Streetcar Named Desire.
  • wfm2.0动议包括下协议:桌面管理接口(dmi)2.0用于编制硬件目录;
    The WFM 2.0 initiative incorporates the following protocols: Desktop Management Interface (DMI) 2.0 to inventory hardware;
  • 在桌面上排窗口,就像你在实际的桌子上移动工作用品一样。
    You arrange windows on the desktop just as you move work items around on your actual desk.
  • 在不颠哥伦比亚省德索莱申海峡附近的古老黄杉林是世界上最大的小海鸭筑巢地之一。这种带大理石斑纹的小海鸭是一种在大森林里和海上都能自由自在地生活的鸟类。
    The venerable yellow cedars near Desolation sound British Columbia hold one of the world's great concentrations of nesting sites for the marbled murrelet, a bird equally at home in the old-growth forest and on the sea.
  • 按昨夜贵方电报要求,我们已于今日将下货物赶紧发出,恳请确认为荷。
    In conformity with your instructions by wire last night, we have today despatch the goods as mention below.
  • 这一系伟大的胜利不但根本改变了中国的命运,也改变了世界的形势。
    This succession of splendid victories changed not only China's destiny but the world situation as well.
  • 第二十八条 破坏性地震应急预案主要包括下内容:
    Article 28 An emergency preplan for a destructive earthquake mainly includes the following: