| - 年内,消防人员曾前往各类楼宇视察113244次,并发出了7582份消除火警危险通知书。
Fire Services personnel inspected 113 244 premises of all types and issued 7 582 fire hazard abatement notices for the removal of fire hazards during the year. - 信号传输速度的一种单位,等于每秒内离散状态或信号事件的数量。例如,1波特在二进制信号序列中等于每秒1比特;在八种不同状态中任选一种状态的信号序列中等于每秒1个3位值。
A unit of signalling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second. For example, one baud equals one bit per second in a train of binary signals and one3-bit value per second in a train of signals each of which can assume one of eight different states. - 年内,环保署调查的投诉约有2700宗,发出消减噪音通知书约220份,定罪个案约70宗。
In 1997, the department investigated around 2 700 complaints and served some 220 abatement notices, which led to about 70 convictions. - 代替x射线穿透人体的方式,核磁共振成像依靠一强磁场和无线电信号来共同触发体内的原子发出它们自己的信号。
Instead of passing X-rays through the body, MRI relies on a strong magnetic field and a radio signal that together trigger atom in the body to send out signals of their own. - 在设备的所有输入信号的值保持不变的情况下,该设备的输出信号的值在规定时间内产生的不希望的变化。
The unwanted change of the value of an output signal of a device over a specified period of time when the values of all input signals of the device are kept constant. - 美国海军通讯兵杰克-坎贝尔和英国海军(英国皇家海军女子服务队成员women'sroyalnavalservice)女信号员斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕第一次打交道还是在57年前。当时两人在苏格兰附近方圆4英里的海域内打着灯向彼此发出摩尔斯信号。上周三,两人最终在伦敦会面了。
Fifty-seven years after U.S. Navy signalman Jack Campbell and British Wren signaler Stephanie Batstone first communicated by sending Morse code messages by lantern over a 4-mile stretch of the Scottish sea, the pair finally met face to face in London on Wednesday. - 为减低空气污染,当局已制订政策,在本港实施切实可行范围内最严格的车辆燃料及废气标准,并禁止露天焚烧活动。
To abate air pollution, a policy has been established to adopt the most stringent and practical vehicle fuel and emission standards which can be made available to Hong Kong. Open burning has been prohibited. - 早期的信令系统使用的是带内信令,即将语音信道的一部分划分出来供信令使用。
Early signaling systems used in-band signaling where a portion of the voice channel was allocated for signaling. - 年内,环保署调查了3683宗投诉,并发出了240封法定通知书,指令违例者消减空气污染。
The department investigated 3683 complaints of air pollution, and issued 240 legal notices instructing offenders to abate air pollution. - 与带内信令相比,带外信令可提供:
Compared to in-band signaling, out-of-band signaling provides: - signalinglinkcode--链路群内的成员号。
Signaling Link Code裈he member number within a link set. - signalinglinkcode=链路群内的成员号。
Signaling Link Code = the member number within a link set. - 1885年,外国侵略者甚至在上海法租界公园门口公然竖起“华人与狗不得入内”的牌子,肆无忌惮地侮辱中国人的人格。
In 1885, foreign aggressors put up a signboard at the entrance of a park in the French concession; in a blatant insult to the Chinese people, it read, "Chinese and dogs not admitted." - 在立交桥、城市道路、大型公共场所和主要街道竖立标注国际通用文字的新型站牌、导向路标,方便国内外旅游者的出行需要。
For the convenience of domestic and foreign visitors, new types of signboards and signposts in commonly used international languages will be erected at overpasses, major public places and along urban roads and streets. - 洞悉,明了掌握其内在重要性;理解
To grasp the inner significance of; understand. - 我们主张的集中兵力,并不包括放弃人民的游击战争在内。
The kind of concentration of forces we advocate does not mean the abandonment of people's guerrilla warfare. - 就我们国内来说,什么是中国最大的政治?
What is the most significant political task for China? - 从1997年起,为了适应故宫博物院深化改革开放的需要,院内组织机构又进行了重大的改革。
Moving with the times, the Palace Museum's internal administration has been significantly reorganised since 1997. - 用于表明美国内战联盟军队的(穿灰色制服的)。
used to signify the Confederate forces in the Civil War (who wore gray uniforms). - 用于表明美国内战中的联合武装(穿蓝色制服的)。
used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms). - 昨日的选举标志着我们为筹备香港特别行政区第一届立法会进入一个新的阶段,我们会加紧宣传和推广五月二十四日立法会选举,我期望看到在未来数周内全港每个角落的选举气氛会更加热烈,我亦呼苸全港二百八十万已登记的选民,在五月二十四日踊跃投票选出立法会议员。」。
"The elections yesterday signify the beginning of a new phase in preparing for the election of the First SAR Legislative Council. We will step up our publicity efforts to increase public awareness about the LegCo election on May 24. We expect to see a lively election atmosphere throughout the territory in the coming weeks." - 庙内图书馆收藏不少有关锡克教的文教书籍。此外,该庙并为4至6岁的印度裔儿童开办一间幼儿学校,准备他们升读本港的英文小学。
The temple houses a library containing a good selection of books on the Sikh religion and culture, and runs a 'starters' school for Indian children aged between four and six to prepare them for English primary schools in Hong Kong. - 挡风玻璃内侧有一架平视显示器,正好在我的视线下方,突然屏幕上出现活动着的白色人影。
A head-up display(HUD) on the inside of the windshield, just below my line of vision, suddenly comes alive wit white human silhouettes. - 年内,机管局共批出逾140个经营零售店和食肆的牌照,其中包括全球最大型的单一免税烟酒特许经营牌照,以及香水和化妆品、百货商品、钟表珠宝、书店、健康护理用品和便利店等特许经营牌照。
During 1997, the AA awarded licences for the operation of more than 140 retail and catering outlets, including the world's largest single duty-free liquor and tobacco concession, perfumes and cosmetics, general merchandise, watches and fine jewellery, bookstores, pharmaceuticals and convenience stores. - 年内,机管局继续根据《机场管理局条例》,规划和管理财务状况,而第一期的发展,则以一九九五年与政府签订的财务支持协议为依据。
The AA continued to plan and control its finances within the parameters of the AA Ordinance and, with regard to first-phase development, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Support Agreement (FSA)signed with the government in 1995. - 发现泥沙中含有小卵石;内含化石的石头;桃和李子的种子内含于甜美的可实用的果肉中。
found pebbles embedded in the silt; stone containing many embedded fossils; peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp. - 结合堤防工程,对重点河道和湖区,进行大规模的清淤疏浚工作,使抗御洪涝灾害的能力有明显提高,确保江湖沿岸城市、交通干线和人民生命财产的安全。在灾区人民和全国人民的共同努力下,把灾后重建,整治江湖,兴修水利与扩大内需、加快发展结合起来,以最快的速度、最好的质量,建设起更新、更好的家园。
While construction of flood-control facilities is underway, large-scale silt-removing and dredging projects should be proceeded in main river beds and lake areas, in an effort to significantly enhance the flood-control capacity, ensure the safety of cities, trunk communications lines, and the lives and properties of the people along the rivers and lakes. - 由于其银色有条纹肉质叶子而作为室内盆栽植物种植;南美。
grown as a houseplant for its silvery striped fleshy foliage; South America. - 哈巴内拉舞一种慢速古巴舞蹈
A slow Cuban dance. - 女孩子们类似样式的内衣裤
Girls' underpants of similar design. - 在法语区内,通用的是法文与法语,但也听得懂德语。
Similarly in the French-speaking areas, the people speak and write in French,but they understand German as well. - 在法语区内,通用的是法文与法语,但也听得懂德语。
Similarly in the French-speaking areas, the people speak and write in French, but they understand German as well.