  • 考狄莉亚的回答反映了她的忠诚和宽容,因此其伦理性成为我们对此做出的部分审美反应,即:当生活满了如此甜美温情之时,我们能够相信生活。
    And because her answer reflects her fidelity and forgiveness, and ethical dimension becomes part of our aesthetic reaction: we can believe in life when it contains this much sweetness and tenderness.
  • 在正式拍摄一个场景之前,她常常当演员的替身。
    She often stands in before a scene is being filmed.
  • 交响乐的最后一个乐章演奏阴暗面时太快了,没有分表现出乐章暗含的无尽的空虚和恐怖。
    the finale of the symphony was played just a shade too fast and not quite insubstantially enough to convey the full, hollow horror of its implications.
  • 提供分的资金;供给经费。
    provide with sufficient funds; finance.
  • 瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去
    Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
  • 财政上实的或安全的。
    financially secure and safe.
  • 问题是要能找到裕的时间。
    It's a question of finding enough time.
  • 这孩子充满热情。
    The boy is full of fire.
  • 未给…装足火药给(火器)填弹药不足
    To load(a firearm) with an insufficient charge.
  • "放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,给人们分表达欢乐兴奋之情的机会。"
    Setting off firecrackers can add to the festive atmosphere and offer an outlet for people's pleasure and excitement.
  • 费尔斯通,哈维·塞缪尔1868-1938美国工业家,建立了费尔斯通轮胎和橡胶公司(1900年),首制气轮胎
    American industrialist who organized the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(1900) and first manufactured the balloon tire.
  • 他们拣拾木柴以补煤的不足.
    They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.
  • 船上的锅炉需要填燃料了。
    The ship's boilers need firing up.
  • 杰夫:更有一位球迷感慨道:“网球是我运动中的最爱,网球场上每一声清脆的击球声都令我无比陶醉,网球使我更加强壮,意志更加坚强,生活更加实。
    Jeff: A tennis fan even sighed with emotion, saying:"I love ten-nis more than any other sport. Every ringing sound of the tennis court makes me extremely intoxicated. Tennis has made my body stronger,my will firmer and my life fuller.
  • 矿脉在固体结岩中用于填裂缝的金属矿床
    The metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock formation.
  • 这位新来的教师是位严厉的女人,她不许学生乱来。
    The new teacher was a hard-fisted woman who would allow no nonsense.
  • 布什说:“作为我的首场表演,我有一点紧张和兴奋,但是我一旦出场——音乐响起,万事具备——就感到满乐趣了。”她在《时尚》、《妇女》和《名利场》杂志上亮过相,还在阿伯克龙比和菲奇公司的广告活动中扮演过重要角色。
    " Being my very first show, I was a little nervous and excited, but once I go out there with the music blaring and all it was actually a lot of fun," said Bush, who has appeared in Vogue, W and Vanity Fair and has been featured in an ad campaign by Abercrombie & Fitch.
  • 那人沛的感情竟在我们所说的普通会话中表现得淋漓尽致。
    The sheer exuberance of the man flashes out even in what we would call a normal conversation.
  • 汤姆回答时眼睛满怒火,盯着傲慢的记者。
    Tom fixed the arrogant reporter with eyes flashing pale-blue temper as he answered.
  • 可口的,好吃的满香味的;美味可口的
    Full of flavor; savory.
  • 日本汽车已斥美国市场。
    Japanese cars have flooded the American market.
  • 过去的几十年中洋货斥着发展中国家的市场。
    In the past few decades foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.
  • 灌溉的动作;满到溢出。
    the act of flooding; filling to overflowing.
  • 签名后的花笔,花押在签名后或其下的一个最初是为了防止冒的花饰
    A flourish made after or below a signature, originally to prevent forgery.
  • 她用惹眼的花体字签名;一段满华丽辞藻的讲话
    Signed her name with a distinctive flourish; a long speech with many rhetorical flourishes.
  • 满华丽语言的文章。
    a passage full of ornate and flowery language.
  • 这对年轻人在婚礼上满幸福。
    The young couple were flushed with happiness at their wedding party.
  • 它有用手操作的传动系统,裕的行李箱空间和调幅/调频的立体音响式收录音机。
    It has manual transmission, plenty of trunk space and an AM/FM stereo cassette player.
  • 泡沫的泡沫的、被泡沫覆盖或象泡沫的;满泡沫的
    Made of, covered with, or resembling froth; foamy.
  • 在这次战争中,波兰反动政府甘愿驱使波兰人民当英法财政资本的炮灰,甘愿当国际财政资本反动战线的一个组成部分。
    In the war, this reactionary Polish government willingly drove the Polish people to serve as cannon-fodder for British and French finance capital, and it willingly served as a sector of the reactionary front of international finance capital.
  • 她回答:“我是拿鹤和密迦的儿子彼土利的女子。我们家有足的粮草饲料、也有地方让你们过夜。”
    She answered, 'Ian the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah; and we daughter of Bethuel, the won of Nahor and Milcah; and we have plenty of straw and fodder and alsoroom for you to spend the night.'
  • 无论在德意,无论在英法,无论在欧洲和世界其他地方,人民如果不愿当帝国主义的炮灰,他们就一定会起来用各种方式去反对帝国主义战争。
    Whether in Germany or in Italy, Britain or France, or anywhere else in Europe or the world at large, if the people do not want to be used as imperialist cannon-fodder, they will have to rise up and oppose the imperialist war in every possible way.