  • 一个为浪费青春而痛心疾首的老人
    An old man who still moans about his misspent youth.
  • 啊,不,不,不,天气总是太冷/(那死者然躺着唏嘘)/我一生的命运真是太不一般/不是平平安安,而是风风雨雨。
    Oh, no no no, it was too cold always/(still the dead one lay moaning) /I was much too far out all my life/And not waving but drowning.
  • 从中长期看,中国将坚持实行适度从紧的财政政策,逐步实现财政收支基本平衡。
    In the medium to long term, China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance, with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time.
  • 烦忧然困扰诗人的思绪,诗人郁闷的胸膛。
    Cares do still their thoughts molest, and still the unhappy poet's breast.
  • 他已经帮助她不少了,但他然经常心情不好。
    He has helped her a lot, but she still has those black moods from time to time.
  • 尽管经历了极度的艰难困苦,红军战士们保持着旺盛的士气。
    The Red Army men kept up their morale in spite of untold hardships.
  • 船舶在海上进行夜航时然利用闪光信号灯发出信号。
    Morse flashing light / Morse lamp is still used in ships to send signals during the night voyage at the sea.
  • 她坐在椅子上,头仰靠着椅垫,一动不动,只是不时抽泣,喉头一动,全身颤抖一下,正如一个哭着入睡的孩子在梦中在抽泣。
    She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
  • 一部能给人们带来愉快的旧片
    An old movie that still delights.
  • 没有必要更换这台割草机:尽管它已比较旧了,但然很好使。
    There's no need to replace this lawn-mower: it's still going strong even thought it's quite old.
  • ms-dos占微软销售额的50%。
    MS-DOS still accounts for 50 percent of Microsoft's sales.
  • 她在纽约感觉不知所措。
    She still felt muddled in New York.
  • 地面泥泞不平,我们吃力地向前走
    The grind is muddy and uneven, but we toil on
  • 地面泥泞不平,我们吃力地向前走。
    The grind was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on.
  • 目前在亚洲经营业务的公司最渴求的是管理专才,香港在这方面虽然比不上美国,但已远较其他地区经济体系优胜,可以培育训练有素的管理人才,为跨国企业提供出色的服务。
    Companies operating in Asia today are crying out for management skills. While still behind US levels, Hong Kong is already way ahead of any other regional economy in providing trained managers, able to work well with multinational companies.
  • 虽然原产地原则作为各国实施贸易管理的工具,在世界贸易发展历史上发挥过重要作用,至今在国际多边贸易协定的执行和各国贸易政策措施的实施中然被广泛应用,但对如何判定货物是否发生“实质性的改变”,至今没有统一的实施细则。
    As a tool for countries to exercise trade management, the rules of origin have been important in the history of world trade. Today it is still widely applied to executing multinational trade accords and implementing foreign trade policy measures by different countries. On how to judge whether goods concerned have undergone ``substantial changes,'' however, there lacks a unified and detailed criterion for its application.
  • 在多道程序系统中拒绝接受新作业,同时继续处理已送入的作业。
    To reject new jobs in a multiprogramming system, while at the same time continuing to process jobs already entered.
  • 然和妈妈住在一起,房间的布置也然和童年时一样:灰色的床,蓝色的墙。
    And he still lives with his mum in his childhood bedroom with grey sheets and blue walls.
  • 但是即便在这种情况下,对这些地区的检查然是有用的,虽然没有被禁止的武器,但是还是发现了一些常规武器,我们认为,伊拉克在其领土范围内转移的是常规武器,这与大规模杀伤性武器并没有必然的联系。
    Even in such cases, however, inspection of these sites were useful in proving the absence of such items and in some cases the presence of other items - conventional munitions. It showed that conventional arms are being moved around the country and that movements are not necessarily related to weapons of mass destruction.
  • 那个谋杀案然是个未解决的秘密。
    The murder remained an unsolved mystery.
  • 她以前想必很美,现在然很好看。
    She muse have been beautiful and is still well-looked.
  • 尽管他受过专业训练可是一个蹩脚的音乐家。
    He is a poor musician for all his training.
  • 他尽力想说,却然哑口无声。
    He tried to speak but he was still mute.
  • 它的起源是个未解的谜。
    Its origin is wrapped in mystery.
  • 至今这种回忆然使我激动不已。有时我们感到像是神话一般。
    This memory is so thrilling to me that it reads to me like myth sometimes.
  • 现在世界上一些国家在政治、经济、社会、家庭以及种族方面然不同程度地存在着对妇女的歧视,因此,大幅度地缩短法律与事实上平等的差距是国际社会和各国政府进一步努力的重要而艰巨目标。
    At present, political, economic, social, family and racial discrimination against women continue to exist in some countries to varying degrees. Hence, a significant narrowing of the gap between law and reality remains an important and arduous task for every government and the international community at large.
  • 里弗赛德美国加利福尼亚南部一城市,位于圣安娜东北。1873年脐橙被引入此地,该城至今有重要的柑橘工业。人口226,505
    A city of southern California northeast of Santa Ana. The navel orange was introduced here in1873, and the city still has an important citrus industry. Population,226, 505.
  • 有的人在结婚后然愿意过独身生活。因为他们不喜欢家庭,把妻子儿女看作经济上的累赘。
    Some there are, who though they lead a single life, yet their thoughts do end with themselves, and account future times impertinences. Nay, there are some other, that account wife and children, but as bills of charges.
  • 她的礼服上的典雅的领口;尽管她的一个肩带滑了下来,但是以现在的标准看来她然是十分得体的。
    a modest neckline in her dress; though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards.
  • 虽然所有这些服务可以很好地满足用户对信息交换的需要,但用户旧还需要具有一些特定的先决条件。
    Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users.
  • 双方仍拒绝谈判.
    Both sides still refuse to come to the negotiating table.
  • 双方仍拒绝谈判
    Both sides still refuse to come to the negotiating table