  • 但也有许多析家作出了相反的预测。
    But there are many analysts predicting otherwise.
  • 尚不构成犯罪的,给予行政处
    otherwise, he shall be given administrative sanctions.
  • 类的一部;水獭。
    subdivision not used in some classifications: otters.
  • 把蛋糕成相等的三份。
    divide the cake into three equal parts; The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I.
  • 海外邮件每盎斯62美
    That's 62 cents per ounce for overseas mail.
  • 百镑愁难还一债(或:烦恼不能还债)。
    A hundred pounds of sorrow pays not one ounce of debt.
  • 中国也不能迅速地驱逐日本,但是大部的土地将依然是中国的。
    China will not be able to oust the Japanese quickly, but the greater part of her territory will remain in her hands.
  • 外面,外部露出来的部;表面
    The part or parts that face out; the outer surface.
  • 机翼的外侧部;外侧索具。
    the outboard section of a wing; outboard rigging.
  • 一所住宅的外屋(或一所住宅的一部),是用来存放汽车的地方。
    an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles.
  • 我们必须充考虑足球比赛中的不确定性因素。
    the uncertainty of the outcome.
  • 突出物向外伸出物,如岩石露出地面的部
    Something, such as an outcropping of rocks, that extends outward.
  • 据中华全国商业信息中心对606种商品排队析,今年上半年供求平衡与供过于求的商品占98.3%,其中87.2%工业消费品供过于求,主要农副产品供大于求的状况进一步扩大,全社会消费品零售总额与全社会生产资料销售总额虽比去年同期有较大幅度增加,但由于总供给大于总需求,一季度全国商品零售价格指数同比下降2.9%,居民消费价格下降1.4%,生产资料价格也持续下降。
    According to the queuing analysis of 606 kinds of commodities made by the All-China Commercial Information Center, in the first half of this year the supply-demand balanced and oversupplied commodities accounted for 98.3 percent, of which 87.2 percent of industrial consumer goods were in excess supply, the situation of oversupplied farm and sideline products further expanded, although the total value of retail sales of social consumer goods and the total sale value of the means of production witnessed a fairly large increase over last year's same period, due to aggregate supply outdoing aggregate demand, however, in the first quarter the nation's commodity retail price index dropped by 2.9 percent, residents' consumer price fell by 1.4 percent, the price of the means of production continued to fall.
  • 农民大部时间都在户外。
    Farm workers spend most of their time outdoors.
  • 不,我要在外面多呆几钟。
    No, I will stay outdoors for a few more minutes.
  • 末端,极点最外或最远的点或部
    The outermost or farthest point or portion.
  • 边缘地带在一个精确边界内部的最外部或地区
    The outermost part or region within a precise boundary.
  • 地冕地球大气的最外部,主要由电离的氢组成
    The outermost region of the earth's atmosphere, consisting chiefly of ionized hydrogen.
  • 对外要素收入流入及流出数额庞大,估计别为3,830亿元及3,600亿元,占本地居民生产总值的30%及28%,反映本港经济高度外向。
    Reflecting the high degree of external orientation of the Hong Kong economy, both inflows and outflows of external factor income were very substantial, estimated at $383 billion and $360 billion respectively, amounting to 30 per cent and 28 per cent of GNP.
  • 叉主轴上的次级旁枝或岔,如鹿角尖
    A secondary outgrowth or subdivision of a main axis, such as the tine of a deer's antlers.
  • 见了女人就追吧,纵使你的收获仅及支出的百之五也好,也是一则可观的投资嘛。
    Make love to every woman you meet; If you get five percent on your outlay, it's a good investment.
  • 规范配秩序,合理调节少数垄断性行业的过高收入,取缔非法收入。
    We should standardize the order of income distribution, properly regulate the excessively high income of some monopoly industries and outlaw illegal gains.
  • 成千上万的危险子在学习如何杀人,他们得到了非法政权的支持,他们就像定时炸弹一样散落到世界各地——没有任何前兆,时刻准备爆炸。
    Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the world like ticking time bombs - set to go off without warning.
  • 见了女人就追吧,纵使你的收获仅及支出的百之五也好,也是一则可观的投资嘛。
    Make love to every woman you meet. If you get five percent on your outlay, it's a good investment.
  • 特许经营总店经营着三个零售商场,而特许经营店则经营着另外两个小型零售商店。
    The master franchise run three unit and sub franchise two other outlet.
  • 我们对市场十熟悉,能够为贵方的出口商品找到销路。
    We is quite familiar with the market where we can find an outlet for the goods you export.
  • 每年国家计划都规定并配特别的研究题目。
    Every year a national plan outlines and assigns special problems for research.
  • 作者析我国现有的科研环境,以及吸引国际科技人才的最佳办法,并认为我国可发挥带头作用,领导本区域推进科技发展。
    The writer outlines the most effective ways Singapore can attract international talent to help develop its science and technology. He believes that with more conducive environment, Singapore can take the lead among the Asian nations.
  • 就知识子的世界观改造方面来说,应该怎样估计呢?
    And how should we assess the transformation of the intellectuals' world outlook?
  • 纺织行业全年压缩淘汰落后棉纺锭512万锭,流下岗职工66万人。
    Over 5.12 million outmoded spindles of textile sector were reduced and eliminated, with some 660,000 employees laid off.
  • 即拿干部说,你们不要以为这部人数目少,这比在国民党统治区出一本书的读者多得多。
    Take the cadres alone. Do not think they are few; they far outnumber the readers of any book published in the Kuomintang areas.
  • 像所有极富成就的作家一样,就算是七年收入不好,一年收入好,他也得用收入的相当一部交纳国内税。
    Like all highly successful writers, he has to pay a huge percentage of his earnings to the Inland Revenue, regardless of the fact that the lean years for the self-employed outnumber the fat years by seven to one.