| - 由于屡次犯规,琼斯在下半场中被责令退出比赛。
Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls. - 那富翁出资开办了一所医院。
The rich man founded a hospital. - 那个有钱的商人在他出生的城镇创办了一家医院和一所学校。
The rich businissman founded a hospital and a school in the town where he was born. - 筹资呼吁将向各国政府和私营基金会发出。
Appeals for funds will be addressed to Governments and private foundations. - 本人长期以来所接触到的许多突出的人才,基本上也都是在中学阶段就打好了扎实的基础。
Those exceptional talent whom I know all had their foundations laid in their secondary school days. - 本人长期以来所接触到的许多突出的人才,基本上也都是在中学阶段就打好了扎实的基矗
Those outstanding talent whom I know all had their foundations laid in their secondary school days. - 因此,国际年筹资呼吁将再次向诸如各国政府、非政府组织和私营基金会等所有利益攸关者发出。
Fund-raising appeals for the Year will therefore be directed again to all stakeholders, such as Governments, nongovernmental organizations and private foundations. - 这个弃婴的据说的父亲;传说中这本书的作者;推断出来的出生日期。
the foundling's putative father; the reputed (or purported) author of the book; the supposed date of birth. - 一股水从水管中喷出。
A fountain of water shot from the pipe. - 第六节 第四,有大量劳动不是用于生产产品,而是用于将生产出来的产品提供给使用者。
6. Fourthly: There is a very great amount of labour employed, not in bringing the product into existence, but in rendering it, when in existence, accessible to those for whose use it is intended. - 四,就会明白相应于全世界只有中国有统治阶级内部长期混战的一件怪事而产生出来的另一件怪事,即红军和游击队的存在和发展,以及伴随着红军和游击队而来的,成长于四围白色政权中的小块红色区域的存在和发展(中国以外无此怪事)。
Fourthly, one will understand another unusual phenomenon, which is also absent outside China, and which follows from the first (that in China alone there is prolonged and tangled warfare within the ruling classes), namely, the existence and development of the Red Army and the guerrilla forces, and together with them, the existence and development of small Red areas encircled by the White regime. - 清洗干净给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售
To clean(fish or fowl) for cooking or sale. - 那股恶臭是狐狸发出的。
That reek is from the fox. - 混合物通过分馏过程分离出来的成分。
a component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process. - 在汇编程序设计中,指出定点数或浮点数的小数部分在目标代码中所占用的位数。
In assembler programming, indicating the number of digit positions in object code to be occupied by the fractional portion of a fixed-point or floating-point constant. - 他儿子出现骨盆骨折。
His son suffered from a fractured pelvis. - 为了排除出现任何错误鉴定的可能性,分析者在一个样品上利用几种不同的探剂观察不同的dna碎片。
To eliminate any possibility of a mistaken identity, analysts use several different probes to look at several different DNA fragment patterns in a sample. - 由拼凑不完整的信息而画出的画
A picture that emerges from fragmentary information. - 只有感觉的材料十分丰富(不是零碎不全)和合于实际(不是错觉),才能根据这样的材料造出正确的概念和论理来。
It is only when the data of perception are very rich (not fragmentary) and correspond to reality (are not illusory) that they can be the basis for forming correct concepts and theories. - 杀伤炸弹是爆炸后射出许多小碎片的炸弹。
A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces. - 它散发出一种令人愉快的香味。
It gives forth a pleasant fragrance. - 香气从花中发出。
Fragrance emanated from flowers. - 这些鲜花盛开时,会发出阵阵馥郁的幽香。
When these flowers are in frill bloom they send forth a fragrance at once delicate and sweet. - 你是否想过,为什么你的最好的朋友的香水用在你自己身上就不那么对味儿?不同的基因、食物结构和性情(比如,如果你容易紧张,就会容易出汗)都会影响你用的香水的气味。
“ Even wonder why your best friend's scent doesn't smell exactly right on you? Different genes; diet and temperament (if you're nervous, for example, you are liable to perspire more) all affect the allowing fragrance you wear. - 花发出一阵幽香。
The flowers gave off a fragrant odor. - 奇迹将会出现,只要你肯相信;希望虽然渺茫,却不可磨灭
There can be miracles when you believe. Though hope is frail it's hard to kill - 在我出生的那个地方,我的灵魂几番被践踏蹂躏甚至摧残,脆弱无助的心苗被层层巨石酷压得喘不过气,无从生长;
On several occasions, my desire to study the Chinese language had been trampled upon, and even crushed - in the same way a young, frail and helpless sapling became leveled on the ground under the weight of layers and layers of huge rocks, suffocating it and impeding its growth. - 但偏偏就有这种事!在我出生的那个地方,我的灵魂几番被践踏蹂躏甚至摧残,脆弱无助的心苗被层层巨石酷压得喘不过气,无从生长;
In the country where I was born, this is indeed wrong. On several occasions, my desire to study the Chinese language had been trampled upon, and even crushed - in the same way a young, frail and helpless sapling became leveled on the ground under the weight of layers and layers of huge rocks, suffocating it and impeding its growth. - 刘医生说:"牙齿上长出的活组织将塑料视力筒包围,造成一种假象使眼睛可以接受它。
"The plastic optical cylinder is framed by living tissue that has grown on the tooth and that fools the eye into believing it's OK to accept it," says Dr Liu. - 在我会见那位大老板之前;听说他曾签出过一张百万元的支票,随后又把那张支票作废,后来他把那张支票装人镜框,作为纪念。
“Fortunately, just before I went to see this man, I heard that he had drawn a check for a million dollars,and that after it was canceled, he had had it framed. - 窗,窗口,窗户墙上或房顶上建造的出口,作用是使光线或空气进入室内,通常有框架和拱门,安装有玻璃,使之能开能关
An opening constructed in a wall or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening and closing. - 上校从沉思中游离出来,将注意力集中到桌子上的一个像框上,他的妻子是位美丽的女人,当想起他们成婚的那一天时他不禁自语道。
But he pushed away those thoughts and turned his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. His wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were married.