  • 德基赫语为印第安语群的一个支,包括奥马哈语、彭加语、奥赛治语、堪萨语和夸保语
    A branch of the Siouan linguistic family comprising the Omaha, Ponca, Osage, Kansa, and Quapaw languages.
  • 在简短序幕之后,影片《救大兵瑞恩》镜头直接切换到战争场面,长达24钟的战斗场景真实地再现了1944年6月6日奥马哈海滩登陆的情。
    After a brief prologue[1], "Saving Private Ryan" goes straight into the battle scene, a 24 minute recreation of the D-Day[2] landing at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
  • 合约上的墨迹未干,他们就出发开始了作为"轰动表演"一部的巡回演出。此举为他们在1998年11月赢得了"最佳新人巡回演艺奖"("boyzone"本身在1994年也曾获此奖,似乎是一个吉兆)。
    Barely had the ink on the contract dried when they headed out on tour as part of the Smash Hits Show,which led to them winning the Best New Tour Act in December 1998 (this was an award Boyzone themselves had won in 1994 which seemed like a pretty good omen).
  • 词或句子的某些部的省略。
    omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences.
  • 以对多余成的极度经济的表达或者省略为特点。
    characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements.
  • 乐谱中必须被毫无改变省略来演奏的部
    a part of the score that must be performed without change or omission.
  • 我认为这部应略去。
    I think this part should be omitted.
  • 半真半假的陈述一种陈述省略了对于整个描绘或叙述都必不可少的部,尤指当一个人有意行骗时的这种陈述
    A statement, especially one intended to deceive, that omits some of the facts necessary for a full description or account.
  • 遗漏印刷件上漏排的字或稿子的其他部
    A word or other part of a manuscript omitted from the printed copy.
  • 计算机的工作就是通过计算机的软件组,充利用计算机的各种资源,并指挥硬件实现无所不能的奇妙用途。
    The work of a computer is just making full use of various resources by software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent functions.
  • 这个医院的主任医师一年中大部时间都在作巡回医疗。
    The chief physician of the hospital is on circuit for most of the year.
  • 大约有五之一的一年级生是在小城镇长大的。
    About one-fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns.
  • 党与非党干部的合作问题,就是百之二十与百之八十的合作问题。
    The question of co-operation between Party cadres and non-Party ones is one of co-operation between 20 percent of the cadres and the other 80 percent.
  • 事实上,那些大的漂亮的少盖一个,就可以盖很多个小的简易的,布也会更匀称一些。
    As a matter of fact, building one less large, elegant theatre will make it possible for us to build many smaller, simpler ones that are laid out more proportionately in the city.
  • 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口众多,经济发展水平不高,发展劳动和社会保障事业的任务十艰巨。
    As the most populous and largest developing country in the world with a relatively low level of economic development, China is faced with an onerous task of promoting its work in this regard.
  • 但是由于新疆地处中国西北边陲,自然条件较差,经济基础薄弱,教育、文化、卫生等各项社会事业的发展还面临着不少困难,提高各族人民生活水平的任务还十艰巨。
    However, as Xinjiang is located in China’s northwest border, with rough natural conditions and a weak economic foundation, it is still faced with many difficulties in developing its public undertakings, such as education, culture and medical care and health. And there is still the onerous task of raising the living standard of the people of all ethnic groups.
  • 我们最好把好的和坏的开。
    We'd better separate the good ones from the bad ones.
  • 把洋葱炒五分钟。
    Sauté the onions for five minutes.
  • 一般来说,参加网上讨论的只占读者的一小部
    These participants represented only a very small portion of Zaobao Online's readers.
  • 处理这一事件的主要难点在于,我们从来没有遇到过这种情况,一小撮坏人混杂在那么多青年学生和围观的群众中间,阵线一时不清楚,使我们许多应该采取的行动难以出手。
    The major difficulty in handling it has been that we have never encountered a situation in which a handful of bad people were mingled with so many young students and crowds of onlookers. Since for the moment we were not able to distinguish between innocent and guilty, we could scarcely take the actions that should have been taken.
  • 突然发作持续时间较短的裂症。
    schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration (a few weeks or months).
  • 以一个月银行同业拆息标准差计算,港元利率每日波幅由一九九八年的2.8个百点,下降至一九九九年的0.5个百点,回到亚洲金融风暴爆发前的水平。
    Measured in terms of the standard deviation of one-month HIBOR, the daily Hong Kong dollar interest rate volatility fell from 2.8 per cent points in 1998 to 0.5 per cent points in 1999, returning to the level before the onset of the Asian financial turmoil.
  • 他射门得时,显然并未越位。
    He was definitely onside when he scored that goal.
  • 上次反共高潮⑷曾被一部同志估计为马日事变,这次反共高潮又被估计为四一二事变和马日事变,但是客观事实却证明了这种估计是不正确的。
    The first anti-Communist onslaught[4] was appraised as another May 21st Incident by some comrades, and the second onslaught as a repetition of the April 12th and the May 21st Incidents, but objective facts have proved these appraisals wrong.
  • 前进运动;事情经过的前面部
    forward motion; the onward course of events.
  • 从1998年起,中央财政支出中教育经费所占比例每年提高一个百点,仅此一项五年增加489亿元。
    From 1998 onward, educational spending by the central government has increased by one percentage point each year as a proportion of its total expenditures, and that increase alone amounted to 48.9 billion Yuan over the five years.
  • 因此,金管局在一九九九年九月放宽规定,容许境外银行在不超过三幢楼宇内设立行。
    Accordingly, the one-building condition was relaxed in September and, from that time onwards, foreign banks have been allowed to carry out their business in not more than three buildings.
  • 一位西方知识子在《国际先驱论坛报》发表的一篇文章声称,东亚并不代表任何正面的价值观。
    One Western intellectual contended, in an op-ed essay in the International Herald Tribune, that East Asia did not represent any positive values.
  • 用遮光框遮住(胶片的一部
    To cover(a part of a photographic film) by the application of an opaque border.
  • 遮光板置于光源与感光性表面之间的、防止表面特定部曝光的边或图形
    An opaque border or pattern placed between a source of light and a photosensitive surface to prevent exposure of specified portions of the surface.
  • 我知道他很强壮,但当我看到他抬起一辆汽车时,确是惊讶万
    I knew he was strong, but it was an eye-opener to me when I saw him lift that car.
  • "当我看到那个强壮的大汉一个人搬起那个特大箱子时,确是惊讶万。"
    It was an eye-opener to me when I saw the strong man lift and move that extremely big box alone.