  • 每当我以正手拍击球时,很多裁判都判界。
    The umpire called "out" many times when I hit the ball with a forehand-stroke.
  • 用正手击旋转球是很难的事。
    It's hard to put a lot of spin on the ball with a forehand shot.
  • 每当我以正手拍击球时,很多次裁判都判界。
    The umpire called "out" so many times when I hit the ball with a forehand-stroke.
  • 但在第二盘维纳斯打正手球时,裁判曾两次喊“界”。
    But in the second set, the umpire called "out" twice when she hit the ball with a forehand stroke.
  • 他的额头上冒汗来。
    The sweat sprang up on his forehead.
  • 他的额头上开始渗滴滴汗珠。
    Beads of perspiration began to form on his forehead.
  • 忧虑使她的前额上现了深深的皱纹
    Care has cause deep furrows to appear on her forehead.
  • 忧虑使她的前额上现了深深的皱纹。
    Care have cause deep furrow to appear on her forehead.
  • 外国出版史
    history of foreign publishing
  • 他的口音立刻暴露他是一个外国人?
    His accent at once betrayed him to be a foreigner.
  • “我从他笨拙的表达中判断他是一个外国人。
    I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner.
  • 臂状物与人体上肢相似的部分,如动物的前肢或机器上从中间支撑部位伸的部分
    A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.
  • 在一片嘈杂声中,工头喊叫着说他的指令。
    The foreman screamed his instructions above the noise.
  • 如果不是哈里卖我告诉了工头,我是不会因迟到而受惩罚的。
    I would have got away with coming in late if Harry hadn't sold me down the river and told the foreman.
  • 船首斜桅从船头柱上伸来的帆桅,其上用于系前桅的支索
    A spar, extending forward from the stem of a ship, to which the stays of the foremast are fastened.
  • 他首先拿了他最吸引人的优点。
    he put his best foot foremost.
  • 幸运的是,在dna个案中,因为误差导致误判还没有被发现,虽然不可避免的在将来的某一天会现。
    Fortunately, an error resulting in a miscarriage of justice has yet to be demonstrated in forensic DNA casework, although it is perhaps inevitable that it will occur someday.
  • 在走向成功的路途中能够预见到困难的人在困难真正现的时候常常能保持冷静的态度。
    Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.
  • 我们的一条经验是,发展顺利时要看到现的新问题,发展要适度,经济过热就容易毛玻
    One thing we have learned is that when development is going smoothly, we have to foresee new problems and keep to an appropriate pace; if the economy overheats, it may well cause trouble.
  • 今天,党中央这样关注科学和教育事业,这样着力于培养选拔人才,我们可以预见,一个人才辈、群星灿烂的新时代必将很快到来。
    Today the Central Committee is paying close attention to science and education and laying heavy stress on the training and selection of talented people. We can foresee that a new era will soon open, in which talented people will come to the fore in great numbers like a galaxy of brilliant stars.
  • 果然不我所料,她招呼我到她包厢里去。
    What I had foreseen happened: she summoned me to her box.
  • 这是我个人没有预料到的,许多同志也没有预料到,是突然冒这样一个效果。
    But this result was not anything that I or any of the other comrades had foreseen; it just came out of the blue.
  • 后海岸海岸的一部分,位于前滩和除最强烈的暴风雨之外,高水面的向陆地边缘地区之间
    The part of a shore between the foreshore and the landward edge that is above high water except in the most severe storms.
  • 本届政府并没有显示应有的远见,应有的常识,不能看这些人民正以伟大的战争来换取自由。换取更好的生活水平,过上好日子。
    I don't think this Administration has shown the foresight, has shown the knowledge, has been identified with the great fight which these people are waging to be free, to get a better standard of living, to live better.
  • 幸亏建筑师有先见把房子盖得很结实:窄小的窗子深深地嵌在墙里,墙角有大块的凸的石头防护着。
    Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the corners defended with large jutting stones.
  • 因此,我希望党中央能作切实可行的决定,使全党的各级干部,首先是领导干部,在繁忙的工作中,仍然有一定的时间学习,熟悉马克思主义的基本理论,从而加强我们工作中的原则性、系统性、预见性和创造性。
    I therefore hope that the Central Committee will formulate a workable decision that will enable Party cadres at all levels, but especially leading cadres, to have some time in their busy schedules for study. That will enable them to become well versed in basic Marxist theory, and thus they will adhere more strictly to principles and work more systematically and with greater foresight and creativity.
  • 因为包皮细胞可在培养基上继续生长,形成层层的基层,并能分泌生长素。
    The foreskin cells are grown on substrates, resulting in layered matrices that secrete growth factors.
  • 我已做好准备要提反对意见,不料斯蒂芬斯却抢先了一步。
    I have my objection all prepared, but Stephens forestall me.
  • 他在收到第二封电报后才相信这消息是确切的,便赶紧行动以防有朋友听到这一噩耗后做轻率、鲁莽的事来。
    He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.
  • 第十五条 下列森林、林木、林地使用权可以依法转让,也可以依法作价入股或者作为合资、合作造林、经营林木的资、合作条件,但不得将林地改为非林地:
    Article 15 The use right for the following forests, trees and woodlands can be transferred according to the law. It can also, according to the law, be priced and converted into shares or used as conditions for equity or cooperative joint ventures for forestation and operation of trees. However, woodlands shall not be converted into non-woodlands.
  • 到2007年,北京市环境质量将有更大的改善,森林覆盖率将提高到50%,城市垃圾全部实现无害化处理,90%的污水得到处理,污染严重的企业全部从市区迁,届时的北京市将成为一个生态环境优美的现代化国际大都市,完全能够适应奥运会对环境保护的要求。
    By 2007, the quality of the environment will be greatly improved. Forestation coverage will grow to 50 percent of the territory of the city. All city waste will be disposed of harmlessly, and 90 percent of drainage water will be treated. Polluting industrial enterprises will be moved out of the inner city. By that time, Beijing will become a modernized international city with a beautiful ecological environment. It will easily meet the environmental requirements required from a host city of the Olympic Games.
  • 她能预先说他会有什麽反应。
    She could foretell what his reaction would be.