  • 你是否注意到琼斯有事相求时总是十亲昵,可是没事求人时便简慢无礼?
    Have you noticed that Jones is always hail-fellow-well-met when he wants something, but offhand when he doesn't?
  • 因为造就生产力的劳动,不论是体力的还是脑力的,可以看作是社会完成其生产活动所用劳动的一部,换言之,可以看作是生产使社会付出的代价的一部,所以用于维持生产力的劳动,防止它们因事故或疾病而毁坏或减弱的劳动也可以这样来看待。
    As the labour which confers productive powers, whether offhand or of head, may be looked upon as part of the labour by which society accomplishes its productive operations, or in other words, as part of what the produce costs to society, so too may the labour employed in keeping up productive powers; in preventing them from being destroyed or weakened by accident or disease.
  • 地政总署的地政处由总部办事处及14个区地政处组成,主要工作是批出和征收土地、管理土地,以及执行批约条款。
    The main functions of the Lands Administration Office of the Lands Department, which consists of a headquarters and 14 District Lands Offices, are land disposal, land acquisition, land management and lease enforcement.
  • 该人员主要负责析区内毒品走私趋势,并培训区内其他海关组织的人员。
    The officer is mainly responsible for the analysis of regional drug trends and training officers of other customs administrations.
  • 这一部人已从正式的联盟中裂出来了.
    The group have split away/off from the official union.
  • 同时,香港的街道上也有越来越多的宝马房车行驶,原因不单在於宝马是香港大部高层政府人员使用的政府车辆。
    At the same time, there is a growing number of BMWs on the roads, not simply because BMW has become the official car for most of our senior government officials.
  • 今天在这里为医院管理局第六届研讨大会主持开幕典礼,我感到十荣幸和高兴。
    It is my great honour and pleasure to be here today to officiate at the Opening Ceremony of the Hospital Authority's sixth Annual Convention.
  • 本人获邀主持第一届香港资讯基建博览会及研讨会的开幕典礼,感到十高兴。
    I am very pleased to be here this morning to officiate at the Opening Ceremony of the First Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo and Conference.
  • 市长以主席身主持那次的集会。
    The Mayor officiated as chairman at the meeting.
  • 但事情总是一为二。
    But there are always trade-offs.
  • 一家较大公司的分支
    an offshoot of a larger company
  • 象树枝或叶柄的支与轴之间的上角。
    the upper angle between an axis and an offshoot such as a branch or leafstalk.
  • 树干上的一个枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来
    One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow
  • 由生长双子叶胚胎和网状叶脉叶子的种子植物组成;为(并不总是明显区别开)六个亚纲(或总目);木兰群和金缕梅亚纲等。
    comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae.
  • 许多移民团体是为了保持他们自己的特殊宗教信仰而来的,这样就使欧洲许多教派的支在美国都有了代表。
    Many groups of settlers came in order to have their own particular form of religion, and a number of offshoots of European churches are represented in America.
  • 朴次茅斯美国俄亥俄州南部一城市,位于俄亥俄河沿岸,哥伦布市以南。该市是重要的工业中心及铁路中心,附近则布着史前印第安人构筑的土墩及土木工事。人口22,676
    A city of southern Ohio on the Ohio River south of Columbus. An important industrial and rail center, it has prehistoric mounds and earthworks nearby. Population,22, 676.
  • 电阻单位等于百万之一欧姆。
    a unit of resistance equal to a billionth of an ohm.
  • 哦,10钟之内你就能走到。
    Oh, you can walk it within ten minutes.
  • 哦,6点30左右-这个时间行吗?
    Oh, about6:30- will that be all right?
  • 为了防止海上石油开发对海洋环境的污染,采油平台全部配备了含油污水处理装置,钻井船舶全部配备了机舱油水离装置,各油田都配备了围油栏、化学消油剂,以及溢油回收船。海上油田还制定了《海洋石油勘探开发溢油应急计划》。
    To prevent marine environment pollution resulting from offshore oil exploitation, besides the formulation by offshore oilfields of the Crash Program to Combat Oil Spills During Offshore Oil Exploration and Exploitation, oil-polluted water treatment equipment has been installed on all drilling platforms, engine-room oil-water separators have also been installed aboard all drilling ships, and oil barriers, chemical de-oiling agents and spill recovery ships provided in all China's offshore oilfields.
  • 为了防止海上石油开发对海洋环境的污染,采油平台全部配备了含油污水处理装置,钻井船舶全部配备了机舱油水离装置,各油田都配备了围油栏、化学消油剂,以及溢油回收船。海上油田还制定了《海洋石油勘探开发溢油应急计划》。
    Similarly, to prevent marine environment pollution resulting from offshore oil exploitation, besides the formulation by offshore oilfields of the Crash Program to Combat Oil Spills During Offshore Oil Exploration and Exploitation, oil-polluted water treatment equipment has been installed on all drilling platforms, engine-room oil-water separators have also been installed aboard all drilling ships, and oil barriers, chemical de-oiling agents and spill recovery ships provided in all China's offshore oilfields.
  • 海上试油时,油和油性混合物不得排放入海,并应当确保油气充燃烧,防止污染海洋。
    When testing offshore wells, oils and oil mixtures may not be discharged into the sea, and the gas and oil shall be thoroughly flared so as to prevent pollution of the sea.
  • 油和水分离。
    Oil and water separate.
  • 有效支援了当地经济发展,新疆克拉玛依、吐哈、塔里木等各大油田和泽普、独山子、乌鲁木齐、克拉玛依等各大石化企业,都充发挥人才、资金、技术优势,扶持地方企业,投资搞建设,贯穿塔克拉玛干大沙漠南北的沙漠石油公路,就是由塔里木油田投资7.85亿元建设的。
    Local economic development has been effectively supported. The large oilfields in Xinjiang, such as Karamay, Tuha and Tarim, and major petrochemical enterprises in Zepu, Dushanzi, Urumqi and Karamay, fully using their human resources and financial and technological advantages, have aided local enterprises and invested in local construction. The Desert Petroleum Highway, which runs from north to south across the Taklimakan Desert, was built with an investment of 785 million yuan from the Tarim Oilfield.
  • 我不清楚你为什么一定要穿这身旧的油布衣裤去打鱼,你是能搞到防水挡风、量很轻的尼龙衣的。
    I don't know why you persist in wearing those old oilskins for fishing, when you can get nylon jackets that are waterproof, windproof, and light as a feather.
  • 我不喜欢过殷勤的店员。
    I don't like oily shop assistants.
  • 他敷上油膏,并用手指揉擦,使它充浸入。
    He spread on the ointment and worked it in thoroughly with the fingers.
  • 在污物除净之前,感染部不要涂上药膏。
    Do not apply this ointment to the affected parts until all dirt has been removed.
  • 老人十思念过去的美好日子。
    The old man sighed for the good old days.
  • 乳脂牛奶中的天然脂肪,是奶油的成之一,主要由含有油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸的甘油脂混合物构成
    The natural fat of milk from which butter is made, consisting largely of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.
  • 国际奥林匹克委员会、中国奥林匹克委员会和第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会之间的权利划,依照《奥林匹克宪章》和《第29届奥林匹克运动会主办城市合同》确定。
    The division of the rights among the IOC, the COC and the BOCOG shall be confirmed according to the stipulations in Olympic Charter and Host City Contract for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.
  • 办好2008年北京奥运会,坚持"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运"的理念具有十重要的意义。
    We fully understand that the concepts of "Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics" are of great significance to the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.