  • 如果偿还额与借额相等,那他的处境还同原先一样,并没有因为推迟将节省的食物用于自身的利益或享乐,而得到任何好处。他力求自己的节制能得到某种补偿。
    if he receives merely that, he is only in the same situation as at first, and has derived no advantage from delaying to apply his savings to his own benefit or pleasure. He will look for some equivalent for this forbearance: he will expect his advance of food to come back to him with an increase, called in the language of business, a profit;
  • 暴风雨使我们不能外
    The storm forbids us to go out.
  • 禁止员工使用正门入。
    The staff are forbid to use the front entrance.
  • 我希望他们的车别什么毛病—但愿不会!
    I hope they don't have any trouble with the car—God forbid!
  • 外国人被禁止进该国。
    Foreigners were forbidden to enter the country.
  • 禁酒由法律禁止生产、运输、售和占有烈性酒
    The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
  • 密涅瓦再也不能容忍了,她也不再提进一步的忠告。
    Minerva forbore no longer, nor interposed any further advice.
  • 挤冲出一条路
    To force one's way.
  • 他勉强进出。
    He forced his way in.
  • 她被迫做这项承诺。
    The promise was forced from her.
  • 他从人群中强挤一条通路来。
    He forced a passage through the crowd.
  • 从鼻或口有力地呼气体。
    forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth.
  • 从内部猛烈喷的现象。
    the forceful expulsion of something from inside.
  • 表达,发泄作通常是强有力的表达或陈述
    To give often forceful expression or utterance to.
  • 强烈要求竭力主张,竭力要求,提充足理由
    To present a forceful argument, claim, or case.
  • 直率地摆明情况以一种强有力的、直率的态度向(另外的人)摆形势的实际情况
    To lay out the facts of a situation to(another) in a forceful, candid manner.
  • 这次她使所有的力气压下去再向上推。那块肉终于吐来了。
    Mustering all her strength,she gave Bill a forceful thrust,and the piece of meat dislodged at last.
  • 大声地、强有力地唱或奏
    Sing or play sth loudly and forcefully
  • 努力扩大农产品口。
    We should forcefully increase export of agricultural products.
  • 激烈地打击;发噼啪声地打击。
    hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise.
  • 我省先后作《关于加快关中高新技术产业开发带建设和发展的决定》、《关于深化科技体制改革,加快科技产业化的决定》,陆续制定了多项政策,有力地推动了高新区的建设和高新技术产业的发展。
    In the light of "the Resolution to Accelerate the Establishment and the Development of Guanzhong High and New Technological Industrial Development Zones", "the Resolution to Further the Reform of Scientific and Technological System and Speed up Scientific and Technological Industrialization", following were many favorable polices, which promoted the establishment and the development of hi-tech zones forcefully.
  • 吐痰的动作普通是以三个音乐的拍子去完成的,开头两个拍子是吸进和廓清喉咙的声音,以引最后吐痰时的拍子;吐痰时的动作是急速有力的:“连音”继之以“断音”。
    The spitting is done generally in three musical beats, the first two being sounds of drawing in and clearing the throat in preparation for the final beat of spitting out, which is executed with a quick forcefulness: staccato after legato.
  • 生时,由于动用了产钳,严重地损坏了他面部的神经,致使他的嘴唇,舌头和下颚部分麻痹。
    A forceps accident during his birth severed a facial nerve, leaving Stallone with parts of his lip, tongue, and chin paralyzed.
  • 是游击队员把敌人从我们国家赶去的。
    It is the partisan who drove the enemy forces out of our country.
  • 撕脱通过创伤或以手术方法用力抽一部分组织
    The forcible tearing away of a body part by trauma or surgery.
  • 他的思想总是很有说服力地表达来。
    Her ideas are always forcibly expressed.
  • 那伙流氓强迫在该街区开店的老板每周各捐5美元来。
    The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over$5 a week.
  • 弄成粉的咖啡豆通过蒸汽加压煮的咖啡。
    brewed by forcing steam through powdered coffee beans.
  • 挤压用一模子把(如塑料等)挤压成形
    To shape(a plastic, for instance) by forcing it through a die.
  • 最后他们不得不撞开门来救那个男孩。
    At last they had to resort to forcing the door to rescue the boy.
  • 不准谷米境,不准高抬谷价,不准囤积居奇。
    Prohibition on sending grain out of the area, forcing up grain prices, and hoarding and cornering.
  • 通过把油墨挤过精细的(丝绸)网眼而制作的一种印刷品,网眼是经过处理用来画空白区域的。
    a print made by forcing ink through a fine (silk) mesh that has been treated to give blank areas.