  •  1984年以来,中国人均占有粮食相对稳定,但由于动物性食品增加较多,人民的营养水平明显改善,平均每人每天供给的热量达到2727大卡,蛋白质和脂肪别达到70克和52克,高于同等人均国民生产总值的国家,基本达到世界平均水平。
    Since 1984, though the per capita share of grain has been relatively stable, the nutritional status of the Chinese people has markedly improved because of the increased supply of food of animal origin. Food supply per person per day in terms of calories reaches 2,727 kilocalories, including those from 70 grams of protein and 52 grams of fat. This figure is higher than the figures for those other countries with per capita GNP comparable to China's. Therefore, it can be said that the food supply in China has basically reached the average world level.
  • 哺乳动物泌的白色营养液体,用作人类的食品。
    a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings.
  • 卵中的营养物质,尤其是鸟类或爬虫类卵中的黄色部
    nutritive material of an ovum esp. the yellow mass of a bird or reptile egg.
  • 布于美国西北和加拿大西部的摩森语的一个支。
    a family of Mosan language spoken in NW US and W Canada.
  • 李先生已按期离开北京,将于20日10点10抵达纽约。
    Mr. Lee left Beijing on schedule rl is NY 1010 20
  • 生长中的羊毛、棉花和丝或制造尼绒和几千种其他新的物质——这些也都是化学世界的组成部
    growing wool, cotton, and silk; or making nylon and thousands of other new substances -- these, too, are parts of the world of chemistry.
  • 羽节蕨;在一些类系统中包括在沼泽蕨属内。
    oak ferns: in some classification systems included in genus Thelypteris.
  • 他现在生活放荡,然而结了婚他会安下来的。
    He is sowing his wild oats now but he will settle down once he is married.
  • 我们需三钟就得的燕麦粥,一小时就得的干洗,并需马上成功。
    We want three-minute oatmeal, one-hour dry cleaning, and instant success.
  • 只有对个别顽固子,才经过一番孤立工作之后,实行斗争的方式。
    The struggle shall be waged only against a few obdurate landlords after they have been isolated.
  • 老仆人在主人面前毕恭毕敬,十顺从,巴不得讨人喜欢。
    The old servant bowed and scraped before his master, too obedient and eager to please.
  • 肥胖症学研究肥胖的原因、预防和治疗的医学的
    The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.
  • 战士必须百之百地服从命令。
    Soldiers have to obey orders to the letter.
  • 数据可以是全对象,如整个.gif文件,或部对象,如.gif文件的调色板。
    Data may include full objects such as an entire .gif file, or a partial object such as a color palette of a .gif file.
  • 两者的主要区别在于,前一个例子指的是同一个人把他的工作划了一下,以便完成各种事物,后一个例子指的是几个人担一种事物的生产工作。
    The essential difference between both is, that in the former instance one person divides his work so as to produce various objects, while in the latter several persons share in the production of a single object.
  • 一个十讨厌、招致很大反对的作品;发现那个政客的观点令人反感。
    a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing; found the politician's views objectionable.
  • (指行为或者特别是指语言)没有令人讨厌的成;适合于所有在场的人。
    (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers.
  • 这充说明,科学规律是客观存在,人类不管用什么方法迟早都会掌握。
    This fully indicates that the law governing science exists objectively, and people all over the world can get hold of it sooner or later no matter what method is used.
  • 在IBMSeries/1中,把系统资源或目标程序配或联接到某个任务集的过程,在这之后方可执行该任务集。
    In Series/1, the assignment or connection of resources or objects to a task set. This occurs before task set execution.
  • 1992年中国加入该条约后,严格履行条约关于保障监督等各项义务,并与国际原子能机构在这些方面进行充合作。
    Since 1992 when it became a party to the treaty, it has strictly fulfilled all its obligations under the Treaty, including the obligation to cooperate fully with the IAEA in safeguard application.
  • 我十感激他的帮助。
    I'm much obliged to him for his help.
  • 只有现在,当有关多利这个一度引人注目而现在被人遗忘的绵羊的消息成为文化争论的一部时,我们才开始平息了这一心灵上的撞击。
    Only now, as the news of Dolly, the sublimely oblivious sheep, becomes part of the cultural debate, are we beginning to come to terms with those soulquakes.
  • 政府一味要求学生达到预计的考试目标,而那些官员们十清楚说明性过多的课程及为7岁、11岁和14岁孩子设置的全国性考试给孩子们造成的负担和不良影响。
    The Government was so concerned about meeting its examination targets that ministers were oblivious to the damage caused to children by an overly prescriptive curriculum and national tests at the ages of 7, 11 and 14.
  • 广泛布欧洲的杂草,有黄色类似雏菊的花;牲畜大量食用会有毒害作用。
    widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity.
  • 秽语癖不加克制地、常常是过多地使用秽亵或色情语言,可能伴有某些心理紊乱,如精神裂症或托莱氏综合症等
    The uncontrolled, often excessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or Tourette's syndrome.
  • 他的信有些部晦涩难解。
    Some parts of his letter are rather obscure.
  • 你方17日来电部内容不明确,请重复一下一步unless前面五个字。
    Yours 17th message partly obscure repeat five word proceeding unless.
  • 这个可疑子受到监视。
    This suspect comes under observation.
  • 蚀天体的部或全部受到其他天体的遮掩而变得晦暗,这种现象与特定观测者相关
    The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another.
  • 譬如说,香港特区如欲以观察员身加入限以国家为单位参加的国际组织,须取得中央人民政府允许(第一百五十二条);
    For instance, CPG approval will be required if the HKSAR wishes to join an international organisation limited to states as an observer (BL 152);
  • 再说说尊重艺术家。我们现在还没有建立一个让艺术家生活安定,并充发挥才华的机制,整个社会仍旧笼罩在两眼只看会考多少个“a”的气氛中。
    As for according artists the respect they deserve, we have yet to develop a system that will provide them with a stable life that allows them to make full use of their potential and creativity. Our society is still obsessed with the number of “A”s one can score in examinations.
  • 他过分爱乾净。
    He is obsessional about tidiness.