  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么差劲了。
    Folks that blurt out just what they think wouldn't be so bad if they thought.
  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么差劲了。
    Folks that out just what they think will not be so bad if they thought.
  • 一想到什么就马上脱口而的人们,倘使经过思量之后再讲的话,就可能没那么差劲了。
    Folks that out just what they think will not is so bad if they think.
  • 你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付 代价的.
    You'll pay later for your follies.
  • 蠢人嘴里说来的尽是蠢话。
    The mouth of a fool boils forth follies.
  • 小男孩跟随他父亲去了。
    The little boy followed his father out.
  • 现在你就跟同花色的牌。
    Now you just follow suit.
  • 古戈尔10的100次幂(10100)写的形式为数字1后跟100个零
    The number10 raised to the power100(10100), written out as the numeral1 followed by100 zeros.
  • 新点子层出不穷
    New ideas followed fast.
  • 他随其他人一起来。
    He followed the others out.
  • 这男孩跟着他父亲走了去。
    The boy followed his father out.
  • 他带着一大群随从走来。
    He came out with a troop of followers.
  • 流行乐团迷跟随摇滚乐队巡回演的迷恋者,尤指年轻女性
    A fan, especially a young woman, who follows a rock group around on tours.
  • 这种要求简直是愚蠢。
    Such a demand borders upon folly.
  • 她的美貌迷得他干荒唐的事。
    Her beauty deluded him into doing something folly.
  • 要是有人及时劝说,佩特森就不会干这蠢事了。
    A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly.
  • 一个有才智足以写讽刺作品的人,竟然还蠢到把它公诸同好,这才是怪事哩。
    Strange that a man who has wit enough to write a satire shall have folly enough to publish it.
  • 如果这种婚姻自一个女人的自愿选择,甚至是不顾亲友的劝告而选择的,那么就让她自己去品尝这枚果实的滋味吧。
    But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.
  • 她似乎喜欢动嘴唇而不声。
    She seems fond of mouthing.
  • 他们把自己喜欢想像的事情说来。
    They outtold their fond imaginations.
  • 我已搞这些高科技的格子设计,正面正好配上鲜黄色的字体。
    I have come up with these high-tech grid design which go well with a bold yellow font like this.
  • 除非奇迹现,要不我在1月份便将无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。
    Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.
  • 杂货店售食品和各种日常用品的商店
    A store selling foodstuffs and various household supplies.
  • 下面是中国粮油食品进口公司售货合同。
    The following is a sale contract of the China national cereal, oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation.
  • 我来给您介绍一下周先生。他是河北省粮油食品进口公司的经理。
    Let me introduce Mr. Zhou to you. He is the manager of hub cereal, oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation.
  • 中国在进口一些粮食的同时,还口一些具有较高附加值的食品。
    It is true that China imports some grain, but at the same time it also exports some foodstuffs with fairly high added value.
  • 1985—1995年,中国食品及主要供食用的畜禽等口额为756亿美元,进口额为340亿美元,是食品净口国。
    From 1985 to 1995 the export value of foodstuffs and edible animals and poultry was US$ 75.6 billion, while the import value was US$ 34 billion, so China was a net food-exporting country.
  • 中国粮油食品进口公司经理赵同志与澳大利亚墨尔本的t.g.塞尔公司的副经理霍华德·葛列芬先生会谈。
    Comrade Zhao, Manager of the China national Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, had a talk with Mr Howard Griffin, Assistant manager of T. G. Salgo & Co. Melbourne, Australia.
  • 这样,通过坚持不懈地发展粮食生产,到2030年中国人口现高峰值时,人均占有粮食400公斤左右,其中口粮200多公斤,其余转化为动物性食品,就可以满足人民生活水平提高和营养改善的要求。
    Based on this assumption and by making unswerving efforts in grain production, China's per capita share of grain is estimated to reach approximately 400 kg by 2030, despite the fact that the population will reach a new peak. Over half of the 400 kg will be used for staple foodstuffs, while the rest will be used for producing food of animal origin so as to satisfy the need to improve the living standard and the nutritional level of the people.
  • 期间请不要吸烟。
    Please forbear from smoking during the performance.
  • 他对质问者表现极大的克制。
    He acted with forbearance toward the hecklers.
  • 此时又现了把玛侬和玛格丽特作比较这种新情况,更增添了这本书对我的意料不到的吸引力。于对这个可怜的姑娘的怜悯,甚至可以说是喜爱,我对她愈加同情了,这本书就是我从她那里得到的遗物。
    In my new circumstances, the kind of comparison drawn between her and Marguerite added an unexpected edge to my reading, and my forbearance was swelled with pity, almost love, for the poor girl, the disposal of whose estate I could thank for possessing the volume.