  • 过度汗而导致的泡沫(比如马)。
    the foam resulting from excessive sweating (as on a horse).
  • 当他倒鲜啤酒时,啤酒泛起泡沫从杯中流了来。
    When he poured the warm beer, it foam up out of the glass.
  • 将牛奶打泡沫后加入咖啡中。
    It's foamy milk that you add to the coffee.
  • 这次我可不上当了--我一定要把想法说来.
    I won't be fobbed off this time I'm determined to say what I think.
  • 欧洲市场价格坚挺,建议贵公司价在fob10。75美元。
    European stiffen market suggest your bid indication usd 10.75 fob
  • 多数情况下我们按fob价售商品,但买进商品却按cif价。
    In most cases we sell our goods on FOB while we buy on CIF basis.
  • 该局把港口经营商与受港口拓展影响人士所提的观点及意见,集合起来加以处理。
    It acts as a focal point for ideas and opinions expressed by port operators and for anyone affected by port expansion.
  • 经济合作与发展组织并希望为“知识经济”如何取得“最佳实践”做探索。
    And it's also an OECD focal work in the field of science, technology and industry to help identifying "best practices" for the knowledge-based economy.
  • 这个新的事实突了三个大问题。
    This new fact brought into focus three big questions.
  • 这次的论坛,把焦点放在亚太区所面对的挑战和可掌握的良机;能够席这样重要的论坛,我感到十分荣幸。
    It is an honour to be here for such an important forum, focusing as it does on the challenges and opportunities facing the Asia Pacific Region.
  • 这次的高峰会议把焦点放在亚太区所遇到的挑战和可掌握的机会,能够席这样重要的会议,我感到十分荣幸。
    It is an honour to be here for such an important summit, focusing as it does on the challenges and opportunities facing the Asia-Pacific Region.
  • 梁智强的最新电影——《小孩不笨》尖锐地说许多社会弊病,重点描述了三个em3学生所面对的压力和不公平待遇。
    Focusing on the pressure and unfair treatment faced by three EM3 pupils, Jack Neo's latest movie “I Not Stupid”, puts many negative social consequences of our education system under the spotlight.
  • 芸苔,油菜属十字花科的一种欧洲植物,(芸苔属欧洲油菜),作为饲料进行种植,可炼价值珍贵的油
    A European plant(Brassica napus) of the mustard family, cultivated as fodder and for its seed that yields a valuable oil.
  • 这些山脊外的田野——高尚的雷诺兹率领的部队曾经阻止了敌人的前进,而雷诺兹将军却为此献了生命;这支军队依靠雷诺兹将军的远见卓识和牺牲精神确保了随后两天的胜利;
    the fields beyond the ridge, where the noble Reynolds held the advancing foe at bay, and, while he gave up his own life, assured by his forethought and self-sacrifice the triumph of the two succeeding days;
  • 让每个国家都知道——不论它希望我们繁荣还是希望我们衰落——为确保自由的存在和自由的胜利,我们将付任何代价,承受任何负担,应付任何艰难,支持任何朋友,反抗任何敌人。
    Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty
  • 正当卡德摩斯站到他已打倒的大敌前面,打量着这个硕大的尸体时,有个声音向他发话了(他说不上声音是从哪里发来的,但却听得真真切切),命令他拔掉毒龙的牙齿,把它们播种在地里。
    While Cadmus stood over his conquered foe, contemplating its vast size, a voice was heard(from whence he knew not, but he heard it distinctly) commanding him to take the dragon's teeth and sow them in the earth.
  • 在这寒冷而多雾的天气里,我要是不必外该有多好。
    I wish I hadn't to turn out in this cold, foggy weather.
  • 船上的浓雾信号角发呜呜声。
    The ship's foghorn boomed out.
  • 雾号整夜发刺耳的叫声
    The foghorn brayed all night.
  • 两种信号的雾号。
    a foghorn that makes a two-tone signal.
  • 在这幅图画中,人物被靠着的背景衬托来。
    In this picture, the figures are foiled against the background.
  • "他们并未邀请约翰一同游,可是他自己硬跟着他们去。"
    "They didn't invite John to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them."
  • 星期五演后就要停演了。
    The show will fold after Friday's performance.
  • 抽彩盘一种用作赌具盘的通常呈长方形的小盘子,同分布有许多小孔,每个小孔中放有折叠在一起的纸条,纸条被抽后表明预先指定的价钱、胜利或失败
    A small, usually rectangular board, used as a game of chance, that contains many holes each filled with a folded slip of paper that when punched out indicates a designated prize, win, or loss.
  • 局部运动形成褶皱或现断层影响了相当大地区
    Folding or faulting that affects a relatively large area.
  • 我们有几本早期的对开本书售。
    We have several early folios for sale.
  • 他身着礼服席我们的会议。
    He attended our meeting in full folio.
  • 喂,朋友,我们去吗?
    Well folks, shall we go?
  • 出身于民间的领袖
    A leader who came from the folk.
  • 地灵德国民间传说中在地下没的地神
    A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore.
  • 莉莉思希伯来传说中的亚当的第一位妻子,据传她在夏娃被造来之前就已经存在了
    The first wife of Adam in Hebrew folklore, believed to have been in existence before the creation of Eve.
  • 此外,该署人员亦席了世界知识产权组织的会议,包括国际私法及知识产权论坛,以及多个委员会主办的会议,例如商标法、工业品外观设计及产地指示常设委员会会议,版权及其相关权利常设委员会会议,以及知识产权与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术政府间委员会会议。
    Representatives of the department also attended conferences at the WIPO, including the Conferences on Private International Law and the conferences held by various committees including the Standing Committee on Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications, the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, and the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore.