| - 血从他的伤口流出。
Blood was flowing from his wound. - 泛滥流出或泛滥的行为
The act of flowing or overflowing. - 流出流出的行为或状况
The act or an instance of flowing out. - 水流从水体中流出的溪流
A stream flowing out of a body of water. - 她心里漾起了一阵阵不可名状[说不出]的强烈喜悦。
A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her. - 三名受伤水手由飞机从船上运出去。
Three wounded sailore were flown off the ship. - 地震灾区的伤员们被迅速空运出去,进行治疗。
The injured in the earthquake-stricken area were quickly flown out for medical treatment. - 滥出,满出,过剩物质滥出或满出;过剩物
Something that flows over; an excess. - 从干流中分离出来的支脉。
a branch that flows away from the main stream. - 花生全部售出5月底前无货可供。
Peanut flub cantsupply until end of May. - 对他的到来她表现出一阵兴奋。
She shows a flush of joy at his coming. - 2.排出多余水分的5个窍门。
2.Five tips to flush out that fluid. - 猎人喜欢用狗把兔子驱赶出来。
Hunters like to use dogs to flush the rabbits out. - 当她答不出这简单问题时,脸红了。
Her face flush when she can not answer the easy question. - 保安人员说他们一定把所有捣乱分子清出来。
The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers. - 水从水管里涌出。
Water flushed through the pipes. - 他因回答不出问题而红了脸。
She flushed when she could not answer the question. - 她回答不出这个问题,脸红了。
She flushed when she couldn't answer the question. - 当她答不出这简单问题时,脸红了。
Her face flushed when she could not answer the easy question. - 尽管中国与韩国移民给法拉兴地区的经济——以及意识——留下了如此突出的特色,他们在政治上的影响尚在奋斗阶段。
But even though the Chinese and Korean immigrants have left such a prominent stamp on the economy – and the consciousness – of Flushing, they are still struggling to make an impact on the politics. - 他拿出笛子吹了起来。
He took out his flute and played on it. - 短笛吹奏地异常出色
Interpreted the flute solo most originally. - 他拿出笛子,吹了起来。
He took out his flute, and blew at it. - 这万千华厦的屋顶有瓦盖的,也有石板铺的,重重叠叠,勾勒出万般奇怪景观,而展现在这些华厦之上的则是右岸四十四座教堂的钟楼,都是纹花细镂,有凹凸花纹的,有格子花纹的;
upon these thousands of edifices, whose tiled and slated roofs outlined upon each other so many fantastic chains, the bell towers, tattooed, fluted, and ornamented with twisted bands, of the four and forty churches on the right bank; - 她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。
She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye. - 那出电视剧在观众中稍稍引起轰动
That TV play causes a mild flutter among the viewers - 流明(光通量单位)国际度量系统中的光通量单位,等于一烛光的均匀点光源在单位主体角内发出的光通量
The unit of luminous flux in the International System, equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle by a source of one candela intensity radiating equally in all directions. - 发脾气,发火honey,pleasedon'tflyoffthehandle--ihadalittleaccidentwiththecar,butitcertainlywasn'tmyfault.亲爱的,你可别发火。我出了一点小车祸,但是那绝不是我的错.mywifespentallafternoonyesterdaycookingaspecialdinnerforourweddinganniversary.soshereallyflewoffthehandlewhenicamehomethreehourslate.为了庆祝我们结婚周年,我太太化了整个下午精心烹调。可是,我昨晚晚了三个小时才回家。她可真火了。”.
To fly off the handle - 尽管它们从水面飞离时看起来是那么软弱无力,但它们却是出色的游泳者和能与沿海狂风巨浪搏击的飞翔能手。
They are superb swimmers and capable flyers in the stiff coastal winds, though they look almost helpless attempting to take off from the calm waters. - 尽管他自己从未参加过奥运会,但他为许多才能出众的中国举重运动员(不管是次轻量级也好,超重量级也好)在奥运会上获得胜利铺平了道路。
Although he was never an Olympian himself, he paved the way for many talented Chinese lifters, ranging from flyweight to super heavyweight, to succeed in the Olympics. - 赵:"你好(how)areyou"这句标志性的问候语是谁想出来的?
Zhao:Who created the symbolic phrase of Joy-FM " Ni How Are You"? - 起泡沫产生或发出泡沫;起泡
To produce or issue as foam; froth.