  • 第三十三条 在洪泛区、蓄滞洪区内建设非防洪建设项目,应当就洪水对建设项目可能产生的影响和建设项目对防洪可能产生的影响作评价,编制洪水影响评价报告,提防御措施。
    Article 33 Where a construct ion project not intended for flood control is to be carried out within a flooded area or a flood storage and detention area, the possible impact of floodwater on the construct ion project and the possible impact of the construction project on flood control should be assessed, a flood impact assessment report be provided and precautions be put forward.
  • 我将一枚硬币掉到地板缝里去了,想想办法把它取来。
    I've dropped a coin between the floorboards; try to winkle it out of there.
  • 她把地毯拉开,使地板露来,让人看见木板相连处的裂缝。
    Pulling back the mat, she laid the floorboards bare to show the cracks between boards.
  • 钉板条铺墙、天花板或地板前的准备工作,利用木条或金属条为室内地板材料立起水平底层或别的颊或者留空气的空隙
    The preparation of a wall, ceiling, or floor with strips of wood or metal to provide a level substratum for plaster, flooring, or another surface or to create an air space.
  • 由於演死板,那部电影彻底砸锅。
    Because the acting is dull, the film is a big flop.
  • 然而,替换可能会很困难,因为一个公司为制造新产品而推的每100个方案中只有2%证明是有利可图的,其他绝大多数(95%)经市场测试后会被筛掉,而少数(3%)尽管开始似乎不错,但其实根本不行。
    Yet replacement can be difficult because for every one hundred ideas a company has for new products, only 2 percent will ever prove profitable. Most of the others (95 percent) are screened out after market testing, while a few (3 percent) will flop despite all initial signs to the contrary.
  • 驱动器从存储媒介(如软盘)上读或写入数据的仪器
    A device that reads data from and writes data onto a storage medium, such as a floppy disk.
  • 软盘对所有磁性物体都很敏感,它们有可能并且肯定会故障。
    Floppy disks are sensitive to everything from magnets.They can and do fail.
  • 去年春,两名美国东芝笔记本电脑用户以电脑软盘驱动控制器在使用过程中存在数据遗失或损坏现象为由,向法院提集体诉讼。
    Early last year, two American users of Toshiba notebook computers filed a lawsuit collectively against the company over a floppy-disk drive malfunction causing data loss or damage.
  • 两个蒙面人突然从树后边冒了来。
    Two masked men sprang out flora behind a tree.
  • 1878年冬,她从度假地佛罗伦萨提一个更为大胆的要求。
    And then, in the winter of 1878, she made an even holder request from Florence where she was spending her vacation.
  • 目前昆明已人工种植各种花卉上万亩,年产鲜切花6亿多支,昆明成为我国重要的花卉生产基地和口基地,也是旅游、度假的好地方。
    At present, more than 10,000 mu of various flowers have been planted in Kunming with an annual production of over 600 million fresh cut flowers. Kunming is becoming an important base for floriculture production and export.
  • 在佛罗里达举行比赛;举办旧货
    Held the race in Florida; hold a yard sale.
  • 辩护人提的下一个问题使证人吱吱晤晤答不上来。
    The next question from counsel left the witness flounder about for an answer.
  • 小号奏嘹亮的乐曲欢迎女王驾到。
    A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival.
  • 这个站长挥手示那张时刻表:指火车到达车站的时间旁边有一个小圆圈。
    The stationmaster produced it with a flourish and pointed out a microscopic 'o' beside the time of the arrival of the train.
  • 所以要提这个问题,是想培养一种好的学风,形成生动活泼的局面,使我国的科学教育事业兴旺发达起来。
    My point in bringing up this matter is that we must foster a good style of learning and create a stimulating atmosphere in which science and education in China can flourish.
  • 自报禁在1988年解除后,台湾的媒体与版事业蓬勃发展。
    Taiwan’s media and publishing industry has been flourishing since the restriction on newspaper licensing was lifted in 1988.
  • 我们知道,我们国家在近代一百多年来,经过了很多艰难曲折,才现了今天走向繁荣兴盛的局面。
    As we know, our country had a very hard time during the past hundred years. Today, it has finally got over and is flourishing.
  • "她一听到这伤心消息,眼泪就一涌而。"
    Her tears flowed fast at the bad news.
  • 涌出的油流了一地。
    A flow of oil poured all over the ground.
  • (像喷泉般)流动(使)泉水般地喷或涌
    To flow or cause to flow like a fountain.
  • 溢出或流出
    To spread or flow out.
  • 我们这一代人的杰代表
    The flower of our generation.
  • 开花产生或长出花
    To bear a flower or flowers.
  • 他的绘画天赋很早就发挥来。
    His genius as a painter flowered very early.
  • 突然流出血来.
    Blood suddenly started flowing out.
  • 当医生到达时血正从他的伤口中流来。
    "When the doctor arrived, blood was flowing from his wound."
  • 流出或溢出的
    Flowing out or forth.
  • 流出少量汁液的树
    Trees flowing thin sap.
  • 口中流出的涎沫
    Saliva flowing from the mouth.
  • 水在流出。
    The water was flowing out.