  • 一种蝴蝶郁金香,在细长的茎干上长着几朵大的、深黄色的、钟状,其呈簇生,类似于伞状序;生长于加利福尼亚海岸地区。
    mariposa having umbel-like clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; California coastal ranges.
  • 一种蝴蝶百合,在短粗而直立的的茎干顶端长着由一至三朵漂亮的丁香紫色构成的簇状松散的伞状序;生长于北美北部的干旱地区。
    mariposa having loose umbel-like clusters of 1-3 handsome lilac flowers atop stout erect stems; arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California.
  • 具有基生草状叶,在无叶的茎干顶部长着窄的、张开的、星形、淡桔黄色的;生长于美国西南部;在北美生长的一个安寿属的品种。
    plant having basal grasslike leaves and a narrow open cluster of starlike yellowish-orange flowers atop a leafless stalk; southwestern United States; only species of Anthericum growing in North America.
  • 北美的一种普通的野葱,具有强烈的葱味,在无叶的茎干顶端有一个粉红色的伞状序;分布于不列颠哥伦比亚省至加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州、怀俄明州和科罗拉多州。
    a common North American wild onion with a strong onion odor and an umbel of pink flowers atop a leafless stalk; British Columbia to California and Arizona and east to Wyoming and Colorado.
  • 成本某物的费,例如时间或劳动,是为达到某一目的而必需的
    The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal.
  • 越多注意力在处理信息上,将越能准确地记住该信息。
    The more attentional resources spent on processing the information, the more accurately the information will be remembered.
  • 他以玫瑰和夹心糖扮演了一个殷勤的求婚者
    He played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons.
  • 了一下午在阁楼里寻找一些家庭旧照。
    I spent the afternoon raking around in the attic for some old family photographs.
  • 新加坡人还爱穿新衣,我的一位老师怀孕时,居然孕妇装也换上十几套,让人目不暇接,眼缭乱。
    And Singaporeans love new attire, too. A teacher of mine, when pregnant, changed out of one and into another of her dozen suits of expectant mother's wear in such quick succession that dazzled the beholder.
  • 公子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像公子的;公子的
    Suggestive of or attired like a dandy; foppish.
  • 今年的展吸引了大批观众。
    The flower show attracted large crowds this year.
  • 她非常喜欢你送给她的
    She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her.
  • 招引来许多蜜蜂。
    Flowers attract many bees.
  • 这些房子的前面都有漂亮的
    Attractive gardens fronted the houses.
  • 为景区或园设计迷人特征的人。
    someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively.
  • 任何一种属于树紫菀属的大多在澳大利亚的有着迷人形状的灌木丛,由于其美丽的有时是芳香的常青树叶而载植,还有浮现着白色、紫色或兰色的雏菊
    any of various mostly Australian attractively shaped shrubs of the genus Olearia grown for their handsome and sometimes fragrant evergreen foliage and profusion of daisy flowers with white or purple or blue rays.
  • 华丽;辞藻某种在形状、精细或吸引人的程度上与相似的物品,例如一件饰物或一席讲话
    Something, such as an ornament or a figure of speech, that resembles a flower in shape, fineness, or attractiveness.
  • 我在奥克兰找不到机会,所以就掉最后一镑钱到这儿来了。
    I could not get a show in Auckland, so I spent my last pound to come down here.
  • 那天傍晚,拍买商梅特兰拿出一对瓶来拍卖。
    Maitland, the auctioneer, put up a pair of vases late that afternoon.
  • 时之所尚,甚至打着风雅情趣的旗号招摇过市,厚颜无耻地在峨特艺术的伤口上敷以时髦一时的庸俗不堪的各种玩艺儿,饰以大理石饰带,金属流苏,形形色色的装饰,卵形的,涡形的,螺旋形的,各种各样的帷幔、彩、流苏、石刻火焰、铜制云霞、胖乎乎的小爱神、圆滚滚的小天使,总之,真正的麻风病!它先是开始吞噬卡特琳·德·梅迪奇斯小祈祷室的艺术容颜,两百年后,继而在杜巴里夫人小客厅里肆虐,使其建筑艺术在经受折磨和痛苦之后,终于咽气了。
    They have audaciously adjusted, in the name of "good taste," upon the wounds of gothic architecture, their miserable gewgaws of a day, their ribbons of marble, their pompons of metal, a veritable leprosy of egg-shaped ornaments, volutes, whorls, draperies, garlands,fringes, stone flames, bronze clouds, pudgy cupids, chubby-cheeked cherubim, which begin to devour the face of art in the oratory of Catherine de Medicis, and cause it to expire,two centuries later, tortured and grimacing, in the boudoir of the Dubarry.
  • 礼堂里用卉布置得很漂亮。
    The auditorium was beautifully decorated with flowers.
  • 为了召开记者招待会,他们了整个下午打扫礼堂。
    They spent the whole argernoon clearing up the auditorium for the press conference.
  • 樱草欧洲中部的报春(耳状报春),有由黄色大簇成的伞状
    A central European primrose(Primula auricula) having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels.
  • 自动传送;导致削减习惯性销的预算赤字。
    automatic transmission; a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts.
  • 这丛矮树秋天开花。
    This bush flowers in the autumn.
  • 生长于美国东南部的秋天开的榆树。
    autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States.
  • 生长于弗吉尼亚的一种水杨梅,具有暗黄或黄绿色的
    avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers.
  • 年青的妇女要学会钱审慎小心,避免浪费。
    Young ladies should learn to spend money carefully and avoid extravagance.
  • 通常雅芳要至少3年的时间开发新产品,但研发部主管珍妮回忆,钟曾对她说:“只能给你2年。
    Normally Avon spends at least three years developing new products, but Janice Teal, head of R&D, recalls Jung saying to her:" You've got two years.
  • 花在凋谢。
    Flowers are falling away.
  • 由于修理要点时间,今天下午晚一点我们会送一套更换装置给您们使用。
    As the repairs will take awhile, we will send over a replacement unit for you to use later this afternoon.
  • 笔如鞋匠之大针,越用越锐利,结果如锈针之尖利。
    The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl, gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle.