  • 第四届中国戏剧梅花奖和第二届上海戏剧玉兰主角奖得主。
    He was awarded the Fourth Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Shanghai Drama Magnolia Prize.
  • 爱丽丝被晒得黑黝黝的,看上去就像在地中海上住过几个月似的;而阿兰原本细皮嫩肉,这时身上已经变得红一块一块,脱了一层皮。
    Alice was so tanned that she looked as if she had lived on the Mediterranean for months, while he, being fair, had turned a blotchy, peeling.
  • 今天她穿了一件色衬衫。
    She wears a white blouse today.
  • 一种色到棕色的油,从鲸脂中获取,以前用作润滑剂。
    a white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber; formerly used as an illuminant.
  • 一九九八年二月,政府发表《香港长远房屋策略皮书》,勾划出本港未来的房屋政策蓝图。
    IN February 1998, the Government promulgated a White Paper on Long Term Housing Strategy, which provided a blueprint for future housing policy in Hong Kong.
  • 清教主义者们坚持认为,蓝调是一种非洲裔美国文化的表达方式,其从本质上来说对人世界是不适合的;
    Purists insist that blues is an African-American cultural expression, inaccessible in essence to the white practitioner.
  • 北美洲蓝绿色和色的燕子;在树洞中筑巢。
    bluish-green-and-white North American swallow; nests in tree cavities.
  • 头部为黑色胸部为色的蓝灰色币鸟;产于北美洲东部。
    bluish-gray nuthatch with black head and white breast; of eastern North America.
  • 北美洲西南部的各种钝鼻并带有灰色斑点的蛇。
    any of various pale blotched snakes with a blunt snout of southwestern North America.
  • 鼠海豚一种鼠海豚属小型群集齿鲸,其共同特点是生活于海洋中,生有钝圆的吻部以及三角形的背鳍
    Any of several gregarious toothed whales of the genus Phocaena and related genera, of oceanic waters, characteristically having a blunt snout and a triangular dorsal fin.
  • 他坦直说,毫无隐瞒。
    He spoke bluntly; he didn't pull any punches.
  • 色有毛的欧洲蛾子,尾部有黄色的簇毛。
    white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft.
  • 北温带沼泽灌木,有常绿的坚韧的叶子和小的色的圆柱形的花。
    north temperate bog shrub with evergreen leathery leaves and small white cylindrical flowers.
  • 北美东部的一种沼泽兰花,花纯、流苏状,穗状花序。
    bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers.
  • 产自美国中部至北部的沼泽或潮湿土壤上的兰花,总状花序,花极香、淡色或淡绿色。
    orchid of boggy or wet lands of north central United States having racemes of very fragrant creamy or greenish white flowers.
  • 花穗状、色、芳香,茎直、多叶;生长于北美西部和北部潮湿的沼泽地带。
    orchid with spikes of many fragrant white flowers on erect leafy stems; of wet or boggy ground through most of the West and northern North America.
  • 把被单好好煮一煮,好让它们一些。
    Give the sheets a good boil to get them white.
  • 白切鸡怎么样?
    How about soft boiled chicken?
  • 煮熟的洋菜、胡萝卜、马铃薯等
    Boiled cabbage, carrots, potatoes, etc
  • 现在正是坦、勇敢地说出实话,说出全部实话的最好时刻。
    This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly.
  • 去年10月科学家对一种叫红棉铃虫蛾的棉花害虫做了野外试验,它带有一个发光的水母蛋测试基因。
    Last October, scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth, carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein.
  • 而且蛋质与细胞膜通过水产生氢键,这可以在热能波动时防止它们变性及发生形态转变。
    Moreover, the proteins and membranes in cells are hydrogen bonded through water, which protects them from denaturation and conformational transitions when there are thermal fluctuations.
  • 在饮食业中这种现象被称为梅拉德现象。正是这种糖和蛋质的结合也使我们人类机体组织变得僵直而不灵活。
    This Maillard chemistry, as it is known in food circles, is the same sugar-protein bonding that stiffens our tissues.
  • 只留下一些被太阳晒得泛的枯骨。
    There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun.
  • 骨头被太阳晒得发了。
    The bones were bleached by the sun.
  • 那时,人音乐家演奏的是复活节女帽(easterbonnet),那是他们的音乐之声。
    Then the white [musicians] were playing Easter Bonnet. That was their sound in music.
  • 如果说是岛国内人民的需求,只要人们知识水平普遍提高,分析事物能力强,能明辨是非黑,政府找个适合的公共场所,设个论坛,让演讲者自由地大发伟论,畅所欲言,顺理成章的美事。
    If it were the people's desire that gave rise to the suggestion, the Speakers' Corner would be a great boon for society. As our population are becoming better educated and more discerning and insightful, a suitable venue for public speeches would enable them to air their views freely.
  • 他被人老板毫无理由地解雇了。
    He was booted out without any reason by the white boss.
  • 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而手起家的那一类人。
    Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.
  • 硬硼钙石,硼炭石一种天然的色或无色脱水硼酸钙,ca2b6o11?h2o,硼砂的主要来源
    A natural white or colorless hydrated calcium borate, Ca2B6O11?H2O, a principal source of borax.
  • 他点了3杯兰地和1杯波尔图葡萄酒。
    He ordered three brandies and a Bordeaux.
  • 波尔多酒一种红色或色葡萄酒,原产于法国的波尔多地区
    A red or white wine originally produced in the region around Bordeaux, France.