  • 痕因鞭打或猛擊或有時睏為過敏反應而産生的狹長隆起或腫塊
    A ridge or bump on the skin caused by a lash or blow or sometimes by an allergic reaction.
  • 使減輕在力量或強度上減輕(一種性質或件);緩和
    To moderate(a quality or condition) in force or intensity; alleviate.
  • 提倡一對夫婦生育一個孩子,是中國在特定的歷史件下為了緩解嚴峻的人口形勢而作出的必要抉擇。
    One child for one couple is a necessary choice made under China's special historical conditions to alleviate the grim population situation.
  • 第三十二縣級以上地方人民政府環境保護行政主管部門,在環境受到嚴重污染威脅居民生命財産安全時,必須立即嚮當地人民政府報告,由人民政府采取有效措施,解除或者減輕危害。
    Article 32. If the safety of the lives and property of inhabitants is endangered by severe environmental pollution, the competent department of environmental protection administration of the local people's government at or above the county level must promptly report to the local people's government. The people's government concerned shall take effective measures to remove or alleviate the hazard.
  • 如果中國不能有效地遏製人口的過快增長,不能緩解人口增長對土地、森林和水資源等構成的巨大壓力,那麽未來幾十年後的生態和環境惡化將不可避免,這無疑會深深危及絶大多數中國人起碼的生存件和社會經濟的可持續發展。
    If China fails to effectively check the over-rapid growth of the population and alleviate the great pressure wrought by the population growth on cultivated land, forests and water resources, an ecological and environmental deterioration will become inevitable in the coming decades, profoundly endangering the minimum living conditions of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people as well as the sustainable development of their society and economy.
  • 經過多年探索,走出了一符合中國國情的扶貧開發道路。
    Through years of exploration, we have found a road of poverty alleviation through development by proceeding from China's realities.
  • 二十一世紀初中國的扶貧開發存在着許多有利件,而且一些件較之過去更為有利。
    China today is blessed with many favorable conditions, some of them much more favorable than in the past, in its poverty alleviation drive.
  • 以最低收入人口作為扶貧開發的基本對象和主要目標,重點扶持低收入貧睏人口相對集中的地區,改善生産生活件。增加農業開發科技含量,拓寬市場,生産市場需要的産品。
    The poverty alleviation program should focus on helping the people with the lowest income and the poverty-stricken regions with relatively dense population by improving conditions for living and production, increasing the role of science and technology in agricultural development, and expanding the market and producing market-oriented products.
  • 那條鬍同是通的。
    That is a through alley.
  • 這條鬍同不通。
    This is a blind alley.
  • 倒開汽車直到你開出這巷子。
    Drive the automobile in reverse until you get out of the alley.
  • 那個通緝犯潛進一小巷躲避警察的追捕。
    The wanted man dived into an alley to escape from the police.
  • 當他投資做那個生意時,他就走上了一絶路。
    When he invested in that business, he went up a blind alley.
  • 她一個人在一空巷行走時忽然間四周冒出幾個年輕人。
    "When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her."
  • 英約同盟條約
    Anglo-Transjordanian Treaty of Alliance
  • 維也納秘密防禦同盟
    Treaty of Vienna Secret Defensive Alliance
  • 英國-伊拉剋同盟
    Treaty of Alliance Between United Kingdom and Iraq
  • 比利時首相簽訂了一個使其國傢和法國結盟的約。
    The premier of Belgium signed a treaty that allied his country to France.
  • 當嘉洛林·米貝登上下午開往芝加哥的火車時,她的全部行裝包括一個小箱子,一個廉價的仿鰐魚皮挎包,一小紙盒午餐和一個黃皮彈簧錢包,裏面裝着她的車票,一張寫有她姐姐在凡·布侖街地址的小紙,還有四塊現錢。
    When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister's address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money.
  • 你能不能說說,貴公司對這兩船準備撥出多少預算?
    Can you indicate what budget you are prepare to allocate for the vessel?
  • 破除塊分割,合理配置社會科研資源,形成部門、地方、高校和企業相結合的科技管理體係。
    Departmental and regional barriers will be removed to rationally allocate research resources in society in order to forma management system for science and technology that integrates government departments, local authorities, institutions of higher learning and enterprises.
  • 第五十 中央財政應當安排資金,用於國傢確定的重要江河、湖泊的堤壩遭受特大洪澇災害時的抗洪搶險和水毀防洪工程修復。省、自治區、直轄市人民政府應當在本級財政預算中安排資金,用於本行政區域內遭受特大洪澇災害地區的抗洪搶險和水毀防洪工程修復。
    Article 50 The Central finance should allocate funds for flood fighting and emergency operations when embankments and dams of major rivers and lakes designated by the state suffer catastrophic floods and waterlogging and for renovation of flood control works destroyed by floodwater. People's governments of provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should allocate funds from financial budgets at their level for flood fighting and emergency operations In areas afflicted by catastrophic floods and waterlogging within their administrative regions and for renovation of flood control works destroyed by floodwater.
  • 第七 國傢實行計劃用水,厲行節約用水。
    Article 7: The State Shall exercise planned allocation and practice strict water conservation.
  •  第二十六夫妻在婚姻關係存續期間所得的共同所有的財産,除有約定的以外,如果分割遺産,應當先將共同所有的財産的一半分出為配偶所有,其餘的為被繼承人的遺産。
    Article 26 If a decedent's estate is partitioned, half of the joint property acquired by the spouses in the course of their matrimonial life shall, unless otherwise agreed upon, be first allotted to the surviving spouse as his or her own property; the remainder shall constitute the decedent's estate.
  • 靄理期(havelock ellis)和範德未特(van der velde)說,講到丈夫和妻子在他們私人的臥室裏的戀愛藝術,什麽可以做,什麽不可以做,或什麽是風雅的,什麽是粗鄙的,是不能以規去限定的:這種話是很明智的。
    Havelock Ellis and Van der Velde are wise when they say that what is allowable and what is not allowable, or what is good and what is bad taste in the art of love between husband and wife in the intimacy of their bedroom, is not something that can be prescribed by rules.
  • 農民發現這河口底下的沉積物很肥沃。
    The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile.
  • 約或婚約結成同盟或聯合。
    become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage.
  • 産於美國西南部至秘魯的濃密成簇狀的擬蕨類植物;幹旱時捲成緊密的球形,在潮濕的件下伸展、生長。
    densely tufted fern ally of southwestern United States to Peru; curls up in a tight ball when dry and expands and grows under moist conditions.
  • 新疆民航現已新建擴建了烏魯木齊等11座機場,開通了烏魯木齊至阿拉木圖、塔什幹、莫斯科、伊斯蘭堡的國際航綫,至香港的包機航綫和跨省(區)航綫及自治區區內航綫92,形成了以烏魯木齊為中心,連接國內外65個大中城市和區內12個地、州、市的空運網,通航里程已達16.18萬公裏。
    Xinjiang has 11 airports, both newly built and enlarged, with international air routes connecting Urumqi with Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Moscow and Islamabad, as well as chartered flights to Hong Kong. In all, there are 92 air lines radiating from Urumqi to 65 cities in other parts of the country and abroad and to 12 prefectures and cities within the autonomous region. The total length of the air routes is 161,800 km.
  • 早在1992年前,中國已研製成功兩種整流罩,多次在鼕季高空風件下發射成功。
    Prior to 1992, China had already developed two kinds of fairing, and succeeded in many launches under wind aloft conditions in winter season.
  • 如果你想走到高處,就要使用自己的兩腿!不要讓別人把你擡到高處;不要坐在別人的背上和頭上。(德國哲學家尼采.f.w.)
    If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)
  • 夏威夷州在1959年的立法例中認可阿洛哈州為其官方通用名稱。
    The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.