  • 還得在擠的火車裏坐上並不舒服的一段旅程
    An unlovely ride to work on a crowded train.
  • 未知或未命名的來源的,或者有未知或未命名的來源。
    being or having an unknown or unnamed source.
  • 占據者第一個有在此之前不屬於任何人的事物的人
    One that is the first to take possession of something previously unowned.
  • 據有,占據占有以前不屬於(某人自己)的財産的行為,意在獲得有對其有權
    The act of taking possession of previously unowned property with the intent of obtaining the right to own it.
  • 節日期間,人們可以看到火車上擠不堪,人滿為患。
    In the holiday season one finds the trains unpleasantly full of people.
  • 青年俱樂部的領導人不受年輕人的戴,因為他總是以勢壓人。
    The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.
  • 他自然得對該組織的這一政策口頭上表示支持護,否則的話,他就會發現自己極不受人歡迎。
    Naturally, he must pay lip service to the policy of the organization; otherwise, he would find himself very unpopular.
  • 土地多而收入少的有大量不能獲利的土地但是又缺乏資金加以改造或維持的
    Owning much unprofitable land but lacking the capital to improve or maintain it.
  • 東京地鐵雖然擠,但秩序井然。相比之下,亞洲其他城市恐怕都要自慚形穢。
    Commuters at Tokyo subway stations who are packed like sardines remain orderly - putting unruly passengers in many Asian cities to shame.
  • 除工商企業外,那些有自己的房産、穩定的職業,並且有着迅速付款記錄的個人也可以獲得無抵押貸款。
    Besides business firms, many individuals who own their own homes , have steady jobs , and have records of prompt payment also can borrow on an unsecured basis.
  • 衹有這樣的國防會議和全國國會,才能是全國人民所歡迎、護和參加的,才能把救國救民的偉大事業,放在堅固不拔的基礎之上。
    Only such a national defence council and such an all-China parliament will win the approval, support and participation of the people of the whole country and place the great cause of saving the nation and the people on a firm, unshakable foundation.
  • 在我國,我們有三種不可言喻的寶物:言論的自由、信仰的自由、以及使兩者均不獲履行的精明。
    In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either.
  • 我國綜合國力顯著增強,有比較雄厚的物質基礎,糧食、外匯等重要儲備充足,國內市場潛力巨大,經濟發展有較大迴旋餘地。
    Our national strength has greatly strengthened; we have a relatively strong material base; we have ample reserves of grain and foreign exchange; there is much untapped potential in the domestic market; and there is still much room for our economy to develop.
  • 謹慎的做法是有一筆相等於六個月薪金的儲蓄,在股市和房地産市場突然下滑或是急需現金時,可作為後盾。
    It is always prudent to keep aside at least enough cash to provide a cushion of about 6 months' monthly income as a safeguard against sharp declines in the stock and property markets or in the event that you need cash urgently.
  • 強力用戶可以有整個10兆~20兆位/秒的信道,而其他用戶則可能分享一個信道上的帶寬。
    Power users might have an entire 10M to 20M bit/sec channel to themselves, while other LAN users might share the bandwidth in a channel.
  • (蘇聯)公産主義政府有的集體農場。
    (USSR) a collective farm owned by the communist state.
  • 火車擠到了最大限度。
    The train was crowded to the utmost capacity.
  • 陳文安國會議員說,在過去幾個月的辯論中,“外國人才”的定義已經被含糊地當成是“在海外念過書,及有符合新加坡的適當工作經驗”的人士,而這些到本地從事一些本地人也能夠從事的工作的外國人,就符合了上述的這個定義。
    Mr Sin said that in various debates over the past few months, the term "foreign talent" has vaguely come to include those "who have studied overseas, and whose practical experiences are suited to Singapore's needs". As a matter of fact, those foreigners who are undertaking jobs that can be done by Singaporeans fit the above definition too.
  • 這種右的傾嚮不是真正護改革、開放政策,是要改變我們社會的性質。
    These people don't really support our policies; they are only trying vainly to change the nature of our society.
  • 我們曾經嚴厲地指斥了所謂“有退無進”的逃跑主義,護嚴格紀律的執行,就是因為衹有這種在正確計劃下的英勇决戰,才能戰勝強敵;
    We have strongly condemned the flightism of "only retreat, never advance" and have supported the strict enforcement of discipline, because it is only through heroic decisive engagements, fought under a correct plan, that we can vanquish the powerful enemy;
  • 從實際的角度來看,作為有十二億人民,並决意透過市場經濟大力改善人民生活水平的國傢,中國必須維持一個穩定的社會環境。
    "From a practical point of view, with a population of 1.2 billion people and a commitment to vastly improve the standard of living of people through a market economy. China needs social stability.
  • 從實際的角度來看,作為有十二億人民,並决意透過市場經濟大力改善人民生活水平的國傢,中國必須維持一個穩定的社會環境,亞洲和世界各地和平安定,亦有助中國發展,和許多其他發展中國傢一樣,加強軍力並不是擴張勢力的工具,而是嚮國際宣示主權獨立和作出政治聲明。
    From a practical point of view, with a population of 1.2 billion people and a commitment to vastly improve the standard of living of people through a market economy, China needs social stability. China also needs stability and peace in Asia and around the world. Like many other developing nations, the strengthening of the military is not a tool for expansion but a declaration of independence and a political statement to the international audience.
  • 衡山白果地方的女子們,結隊入祠堂,一屁股坐下便吃酒,族尊老爺們衹好聽她們的便。
    The women of Paikuo in Hengshan County gathered in force and swarmed into their ancestral temple, firmly planted their backsides in the seats and joined in the eating and drinking, while the venerable clan bigwigs had willy-nilly to let them do as they pleased.
  • 它能夠使我們從群衆的表現中去測驗我黨的政策是否正確,是否為群衆所瞭解所護;
    It makes it possible for us to verify with the masses whether the Party's policies are correct and whether these policies have been understood and supported.
  • 儘管ulm城衹有10萬居民,但宏偉的建築處處展示着這裏曾有的輝煌。
    Even though Ulm only has one hundred thousand inhabitants, the splendid architecture shows that this city was the subject of a veritable building phenomenon in the past.
  • 以這樣的結構,一張單面dvd與一張衹有650兆字節的單面cd相比,可有4.7千兆字節。
    With this construction, a single-sided DVD can hold 4.7 GB versus the 650 MB that can be held on a single CD.
  • 專製單一統治者有絶對權力的政府
    A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
  • 在美國,參議院有宣戰權。
    In the United States, the power to declare war is vested in the Senate.
  • 總統對國會通過的議案有否决權。
    The president has the power of veto over bill pass by congress.
  • 就是在安全理事會,美國和其他四個有否决權的大國雖然能阻止它們不同意的任何行動,但也必須考慮到其他國傢的意見,不能將它們的意願強加於人。
    Even in the Security Council, the United States and the other four powerful, veto-wielding members, though able to stop any action with which they disagree, must take the views of other States into account and cannot impose their will.
  • 種葡萄釀酒的人有葡萄園並釀葡萄酒者
    One that owns a vineyard and produces wine.
  • 經受權而有軍銜的軍官。
    holds rank by virtue of a warrant.