  • 作为运动员,汤姆觉得爬山很易。
    Being athlete, Tom found the climb quite easy.
  • 给壁橱刷漆不是件易事
    Painting the closet was a tough nut to crack.
  • 这种布容易皱。
    This cloth crumples easily.
  • 这块布容易着色。
    This cloth dyes easily.
  • 这布料容易撕破.
    This cloth tears easily.
  • 白布容易脏。
    White cloth dirties easily.
  • 这麻布容易玷污。
    This linen cloth spots easily.
  • 如果所有的思想都极易现身在对应的事物中(这已是不置疑的事实),恐惧和贫穷不能化身为勇气和经济所得,也就是不假了。
    If it is true that ALL THOUGHT HAS A TENDENCY TO CLOTHE ITSELF IN ITS PHYSICAL EQUIVALENT (and this is true, beyond any reasonable room for doubt), it is equally true that thought impulses of fear and poverty cannot be translated into terms of courage and financial gain.
  • 在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常易遇到阴天或多风天。
    It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
  • 在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常易遇到阴天或多风天。
    It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom is in full bloom.
  • 在这项新的研究中,接受测试的大学生说,他们觉得同在晴天中相比,他们在阴天里更易感到焦虑和急躁易怒。
    In the new study, college students experienced more symptoms of anxiety and irritability on a cloudy day compared with on a sunny day.
  • 我们做完最难的部分后,其它部分就轻松易了。
    When we finish the hard part, well be in the clover.
  • 一股难以形的气味充斥着房间散不出去。
    The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
  • 外包糖衣的药片较易吃下去。
    Pills coated with sugar are easier to eat.
  • 客观地讲,现在的“咿呀.com”,内和服务都显粗糙,需要改进。
    In the eyes of industry veterans, Eyah.com still needs time to cobble together the right combinations of content and services.
  • 在程序设计语言(例如cobol)中,一个或若干个数据项,其内用于标明某个记录的类型或所处的位置,或者标识数据的顺序。
    In programming language, such as COBOL, one or more data items, the contents of which identify the type or the location of a record, or the ordering of data.
  • 软件开发公司发现ldap更易实现,因为它采用简单的文本串用于编码,而不是较复杂的格式化。
    Developers find LDAP easier to implement because it uses simple text strings for coding rather than more complicated formatting.
  • 为了与他人和平共处,你需要学会宽
    You will need to learn tolerance in order to coexist peacefully with others.
  • 宣扬容忍及和平共处
    Preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
  • 好不易才把棺材打了开来,一股恶臭迎面扑来,尽管棺材四周都是芳香扑鼻的花草。
    The dampness of the earth had rusted the screws, and it was not without considerable effort that the coffin was opened. A foul odour emerged, despite the aromatic herbs with which it had been strewn.
  • 认知的内;思考中最重要的东西。
    the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about.
  • 如果我们思想上不清醒,工作中不注意,是很易搞散的。
    We should be sober-minded about this and pay attention to the trend. Otherwise, our country would be deprived of cohesiveness.
  • "这种桌子可以折叠,不用时很易收藏。"
    This table collapses so you can store it easily when you're not using it.
  • 垮起来易,建设就很难。
    Collapse is easy, but construction is difficult.
  • 这张桌子可以折叠,不用时很易收藏。
    This table collapses so I can store it easily when I'm not using it.
  • 蓄水量在此种器中的水的收集量
    The amount of water collected in such structure.
  • 没有人能够知道,什么时候,小小岛国又纳不下哪批珍品,有心馈赠的艺术家/收藏家,必须大费周章,让藏品远走他乡。
    This tiny island-state seems to have no place for precious collections. When will it again turn its back on artists or collectors who are potential donors and who have no choice but to look elsewhere? No one knows.
  • 新加坡作品也不少,华文报刊副刊内丰富,学生报刊蓬勃,较具规模的华校也搞学生文集,不少报人与老师也活跃文坛。
    There were many Singaporean works as well. The supplementary sections of the Chinese newspapers had varied contents, the students' newspapers were active, the larger schools also published collections of students' works, and many journalists and schoolteachers were also active in the literary arena.
  • 新加坡作品也不少,华文报刊副刊内丰富,学生报刊蓬勃,较具规模的华校也搞学生文集,不少报人与老师也活跃文坛。
    There were many Singaporean works as well. The supplementary sections of the Chinese newpapers had varied contents, the students' newspapers were active, the larger schools also published collections of students' works, many journalists and school teachers were also active in the literary arena.
  • (组合词)有一张特定的脸或者一种特定的貌。
    (combining form) having a face or visage as specified.
  • 易燃物用于引火的易燃烧的物质,如干树枝
    Readily combustible material, such as dry twigs, used to kindle fires.
  • 纳,提供空间宽绰而不拥挤
    To hold comfortably without crowding.