Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在2002年6月召开的上海合作组织圣彼得堡峰会上,六国元首签署了《上海合作组织宪章》、《关于地区反恐怖机构的协定》和《上海合作组织成员国元首言》三份重要法律、政治文件。
    At the SCO St. Petersburg Summit held in June 2002, the heads of state of the six countries signed three important legal and political documents -- the Charter of the SCO, the Agreement on a Regional Anti-Terrorist Agency and the Declaration of the Heads of State of the SCO Member Countries.
  • 因此他只好布菲利普无罪。
    Mr. Beard then said he had no choice but to find Philip not guilty.
  • 菲利普被判犯了欺骗罪后,再也无法保全颜面了。
    There was no way no way Philip could save face after he was convicted of fraud.
  • 布德意志民族是模范的民族,德国小市民是模范的人。
    It proclaimed the German nation to be the model nation, and the German petty Philistine to be the typical man.
  • 加尔瓦尼,路易吉1737-1798意大利生理学家和内科医生,他称动物组织能产生电。虽然他的理论被证明是错的,但他的实验却促进了对电学的研究
    Italian physiologist and physician who asserted that animal tissues generate electricity. Although he was proved wrong, his experiments stimulated research on electricity.
  • 完善包括健身组织、健身设施、健身指导、传教育、竞赛活动和体质测试在内的全民健身服务体系。
    Improve and perfect the service system for national physical fitness, including health-building organizations, health-building facilities, health-building guidance, publicity and education, competition and physique monitoring and testing.
  • 摊出(得分的牌或牌组)在各种牌戏中,布或出示(手中的牌或牌组)以将其计入得分,如塔牌中
    To declare or display(a card or combination of cards in a hand) for inclusion in one's score in various card games, such as pinochle.
  • 因此,无论何时,当你变更你底主意或行事之道的时候,把这件事公开地承认了,并把这件事和使你变更的理由之于众,不要想偷偷摸摸地做了。
    Therefore, always, when thou changes! thine opinion, or course, profess it plainly, and declare it, together with the reasons that move thee to change; and do not think to steal it.
  • 称发现了一颗新的行星。
    He claims to have discovered a new planet.
  • 多征税的建议是该政党选举言建议中的主要点。
    A proposal to raise taxes is the central plank of the party's platform.
  • 多征税的建议是该政党选举言建议中的主要点。
    A proposal to raise taxes is the central plank of the party 's platform.
  • 各级政府层层落实禁种铲毒责任制,发动群众搞好传教育和禁种检查,做到种毒必究、有毒必铲。
    Anti-drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
  • 各级政府层层落实禁种铲毒责任制,发动群众搞好传教育和禁种检查,做到种毒必究、有毒必铲。
    Anti- drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
  • 那些孩子在操场上玩,泄过剩的精力。
    The children are out in the playground let off steam.
  • 那些孩子在操场上玩,泄过剩的精力
    The children is out in the playground to let off steam.
  • 一种抗辩,即对被指控的罪行被告已被判无罪释放
    Plea that an accused person has already been acquitted of the crime with which he is charged
  • 宣誓效忠或订婚
    To pledge or betroth.
  • 当年布den时最具冲击力的应用之一是通过目录把qos政策与用户联系起来的能力,但在过去两年局域网中带宽变得更为便宜和充足,使qos不再是个问题。
    One of the killer applications for DEN when it was announced was the ability to link QoS policies to users via directories.But bandwidth has become cheaper and more plentiful in the LAN over the past two years, and that made QoS much less of an issue.
  • 报纸广告大力传新型号的优点
    The newspaper ads plump the virtue of the new model
  • 通过传毒害某人的思想
    Poison sb's mind with propaganda
  • 要有礼;要按外交辞令写;即使在战文告里,依然是要遵循礼节的。
    Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
  • 那个候选人花得过火了:他已经领先他人却又花了一百万元在传费上
    The candidate used overkilling : he was way ahead in the poll but spent another million dollars on campaign ads
  • 由于世界博会的缘故,奥运会组织得很差,也没有得到广泛传。
    Because of the fair, the Olympics were poorly organized and poorly publicized.
  • 中国人口众多,文化教育事业还不够发达,全民族的环境意识有待进一步提高,因此搞好环境传教育是一项长期而艰巨的任务。
    China is a populous country with underdeveloped education and the nation's consciousness about the environment remains to be further enhanced. Therefore, it will be a long-term, arduous task to do well in environmental publicity and education.
  • 中国人口众多,文化教育事业还不够发达,全民族的环境意识有待进一步提高,搞好环境传教育是一项长期而艰巨的任务。
    China is a populous country with underdeveloped education and the nation's consciousness about the environment remains to be further enhanced. Therefore, it will be a long-term, arduous task to do well in environmental publicity and education in China.
  • 传形式不够大众化,往往不为群众所熟悉所喜闻乐见,也不善于多方面地多样地表现政治内容,有时在表现急遽多变的现实上显得无能。
    The forms of propaganda being used are not popular enough and, therefore, are not always familiar or loved by the masses. People in this field of work have failed to portray political content in diversified ways, and sometimes they are incompetent in depicting rapidly changing realities.
  • 断言肯定的称或陈述,通常没有证据或不试图证实
    Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.
  • 那个小孩被布遭到绑架。
    The child was posted kidnapped.
  • “乔治·华盛顿”号轮船被布晚点。
    The steamer George Washington is posted as late.
  • 参观者知道他们是在传号称南半球最大的华文网站“咿呀.com”(后,不禁哑然失笑。
    Under the poster, several young Netpreneurs were busy promoting that they claimed to be the largest Chinese portal site in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 最后,在她们誓入主白宫的那个周日,她们将举办的白宫家常便饭会来款待结识每个美国人。
    Finally, the Sunday after they're sworn in, they'll host a White House potluck to meet every person in America.
  • 用预告片来大造声势这一招同样也被美国在线的另一家旗下公司华纳兄弟学到了手,他们把这一招用在了即将上映的新片《哈里·波特与密室》的传上。
    AOL's other moviemaking unit, Warner Bros., used a similar strategy with upcoming film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."