  • 最近,本地媒体显著的报道了一新加坡钱币兑换商,被控欺骗数以百计的中国客工辛苦工作存下来的血汗钱的新闻。
    In recent weeks, the local media reported prominently the unedifying spectacles of a Singaporean money changer allegedly cheating hundreds of Chinese workers of their hard-earned savings here.
  • 科普兰被控:据称当他从中间人处得悉在赖克斯岛坐监的毒贩提供血腥钱谋杀一警察以后,他与其他三人会合计划进行谋杀的事。
    Copeland is accused of meeting with the other three to plan. the execution after he allegedly learned through an intermediary that drug dealers jailed on Rikers Island were putting up blood money for the murder of a cop.
  • 再者,这些律师说:如果政府可以冻结所谓的不义之财,则宪法所保障每刑事被告都有使用律师的权利就会受到威胁。这种说理的方式乃是混淆视听。付律师费不必使用非分之财。
    Moreover, these lawyers say that the constitutional right of every criminal defendant to a lawyer is jeopardized if the Government can freeze allegedly tainted assets. This line of reasoning is a red herring. It is not necessary to use ill-got-ten gains to pay lawyers.
  • 军阀在某一地区行使行政权力的军事首领,不管其义上是效忠于国民政府还是反抗它
    A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.
  • 可是,这四个寓意人物竟相采用了大量的隐喻,滔滔不绝,观众中没有一个人耳朵的专注,心脏的急跳,目光的慌乱,脖子的伸长,赛过了作者本人,即那位诗人,那位好样的皮埃尔·格兰古瓦,就是刚才禁不住把自己字告诉两个漂亮姑娘的那个人儿。
    Meanwhile, in all that crowd over which the four allegorical figures were pouring out floods of metaphor, no ear was more attentive, no heart more palpitating, no eye more eager, no neck more outstretched than the eye, the ear, the heart, the neck of the poet-author, our good Pierre Gringoire, who but a little while before had been unable to resist the joy of revealing his name to a couple of pretty girls.
  • 比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷--他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯和另一长他两岁的学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。
    Bill Gates was immediately hooked-so was his best friend at the time, Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years older than Bill.
  • 去年theoandkarlalbrecht是排在微软另一位创始人保尔·艾伦的后面,位居第四。当时艾伦的净资产达304亿美元,但是后来他的资产减少了52亿,其中一部分是在由于在股市的投资中失败,因此今年他的排下降了一位。
    They pushed Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, ranked third last year with a value of $30.4 billion, to No.4 after he lost $5.2 billion, partly in the stock market bust.
  • 但是一项叫输入/输出(i/o)交换的新技术能缓解这个问题。
    But a new technology, called I/O switching, can alleviate the problem.
  • 敌军士兵在建筑物间窜来窜去,在小巷胡同间穿梭——这是城市战争中最令人头疼的情形了。
    The enemy soldier is darting from building to building, from one alley to the next -- urban warfare at its worst.
  • 他还熟知这里最著的栖居者--短吻鳄。
    He also knows a lot about one of its most famous inhabitants--the alligator.
  • 特区政府将会在本年度增加36亿元拨款给房屋协会,为额外六千首次置业人士提供贷款;
    The SAR government will allocate funds for the Housing Society to increase the loan to "home starters" this year by HK$3.6 billion for an additional 6,000 first-time property buyers.
  • 这样的分配法则,肯定让成功为第一个孩子报读校的父母松了一口气,也使校校友满心欢喜,却不见得对没有“显赫”背景的普通老百姓有合理的交代。
    Parents who have managed to get their elder kids into a top school feel relieved, and the old boys and girls are happy. But, to the masses without a special background, such a system of allotting school vacancies can hardly sound reasonable.
  • 教师允许有一学生列席他们的会议
    The teacher allows a pupil to sit in on their meeting
  • 他没提你的字, 但是我确信他是暗指你的。
    He didn't mention your name but I was sure he was alluding to you.
  • 她没有说出史密斯先生的字,但是很明显她指的是他。
    She did not say Mr Smith's name, but it was clear she was alluding to him.
  • 没有指出姓,候选人间接批评了国家领导们
    Without naming names, the candidate criticized the national leaders by allusion.
  • 上尉说他宁愿派20他认为忠实可靠的士兵去解救围困的要塞,也不愿派100盟国雇佣军去。
    The captain said he would rather attempt the relief of the fort with twenty men he knew to be as true as steel than with a hundred of their ally's mercenaries.
  • 自己的孩子要入学之际,才惊觉“母校”这个字原来意义深重。
    Many parents had not realised what "alma mater" could imply until they tried to get their children registrated for primary 1.
  • 新加坡有朝一日若出一诺贝尔得奖人的话,不难想象这得奖人的母校将会是华侨中学、公教中学、圣尼各拉女校、前南洋大学等。
    So in the happy event that Singapore gets its first Nobel Prize winner, it may not be surprising that the person's alma mater is Chinese High, Catholic High, Hwa Chong Junior College, St Nicholas Girls', the former Nanyang University, etc.
  • 从来也没有人提出可以像处理南大校友那样,把册转到另一所学校下,以慰“亡校”在天之灵,继续发扬母校精神。
    By an arrangement not long ago, former students of the defunct Nantah were recognised as alumni of NTU, to keep the memory and spirit of their alma mater alive. Unfortunately, similar arrangements have yet to be suggested for other schools extinct so far.
  • 当她说她的字是‘主·上帝’时,一个警官以酒后开车的罪拘捕了她。
    When she gave her name as the Lord God Almighty, an officer arrested her for drunken driving.
  • 这个巨型蛋糕由40000个奶油派组成,上面辅以杏仁酱,蛋奶沙司和巧克力。麦克-舒马赫曾经驾驶法拉利赛车赢得一级方程式比赛的胜利,而今这辆"蛋糕版"的法拉利却集中了50糕点师的心血。
    Constructed of 40,000 cream pies and decorated with almond paste, custard cream and chocolate, the five-meter-long confectionery version of Michael Schumacher's winning Formula One racing car was created by 50 pastry chefs.
  • 在一战中,艾米丽雅也热衷于做一自愿的看护助理。1920年,当地一个航空展览会使她有机会飞上蓝天,从此她决心学习航空飞行。
    Amelia also enjoyed volunteering as a nurse's aid during World War 1. In 1920 Amelia went aloft at a local air show and returned "hell bent" on learning how to fly.
  • 夏威夷州在1959年的立法条例中认可阿洛哈州为其官方通用称。
    The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.
  • ibm孤傲和大鼎鼎的路易斯?葛斯特勒先生;
    There's IBM's aloof and distinguished Louis V. Gerstner Jr.
  • 一字母希腊字母表中第22个字母
    The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet.
  • sortbynameasc:表示由findx或getx查询调用返回的结果必须在这个字段上按字母升序排序。
    sortByNameAsc: signifies that the result returned by a find_xx or get_xx inquiry call should be sorted on the name field in ascending alphabetic sort order.
  • sortbynamedesc:表示由findx或getx查询调用返回的结果必须在这个字段上按字母升序排序。
    sortByNameDesc: signifies that the result returned by a find_xx or get_xx inquiry call should be sorted on the name field in descending alphabetic sort order.
  • 一种字母数字项,用于标识某个数据集、语句、程序或已编目的过程。的首字符必须是字母。
    An alphanumeric term that identifies a data set, a statement, a program, or a cataloged procedure. The first character of the name must be alphabetic.
  • 按字母顺序排列姓
    the sequence of names was alphabetical.
  • 按字母表顺序排列的人和地址的列表。
    an alphabetical list of names and addresses.
  • 这些字是按照字以顺序排列的。
    These names are given in alphabetical order.