  • 巨大的锤子把岩石成了粉末。
    The rocks were crushed into powder by a gigantic hammer.
  • 工具作业,手工花用工具完成的工作或装饰品,特指皮革上的印章式或镀金的图案
    Work or ornamentation done with tools, especially stamped or gilded designs on leather.
  • 注意r上电降的极性。
    Note the polarity of the voltage drop across R.
  • 未婚怀孕的女孩子承受很大的心理力。
    he got several girls in trouble.
  • 三楼地板在机器的重下坍了下去。
    The second floor gave way under the weight of the machines.
  • 从出钱人的角度来看,如果有人让你自作决定而不让你为难,你便不会感到有力了。
    From the giver's point of view,once someone has let you off the hook in this way,you should feel no pressure to contribute.
  • 到了第五天,突然接到大哥的电话,说信和汇款均已收到,这时在我们心头的一块石头终于落地了,不禁欢呼世上竟有这样的好心人,代我们贴上邮票,把信寄走。
    Yet, five days later, my brother called from China, telling us that he had just received our letter and the remittance.Gladly relieved, we burst into shouts of joy, grateful to the good Samaritan who had found the package and mailed it for us, paying for the postage out of his own pocket.
  • 到了第五天,突然接到大哥的电话,说信和汇款均已收到,这时在我们心头的一块石头终于落地了,不禁欢呼世上竟有这样的好心人,代我们贴上邮票,把信寄走。
    Yet, five days later, my brother called from China, telling us that he had just received our letter and the remittance. Gladly relieved, we burst into shouts of joy, grateful to the good Samaritan who had found the package and mailed it for us, paying for the postage out of his own pocket.
  • "气计正在下降,天要下雨了。"
    The glass is falling; it's going to rain.
  • 把纸或布料放在滚筒或金属板间以使变平,变光滑或变细成为薄片。
    press between rollers or plates so as to smooth, glaze, or thin into sheets; as of paper or cloth.
  • 制板重而光滑的纸板或硬纸板,主要用于覆盖印刷机的纸卷筒或滚筒
    A heavy glazed paper or pasteboard used especially to cover the platen or cylinder of a printing press.
  • 当被滑动法演奏的可移动钢管施时能够发出弦声的钢弦。
    steel strings are twanged while being pressed with a movable steel bar for a glissando effect.
  • 吹成球体后平转成圆盘状的玻璃。
    a glass blown into a globe which is later flattened and spun to form a disk.
  • 他的乐观主义制了他的悲观。
    Her optimism neutralizes his gloom.
  • 手套-在80年代,戴一只手套会让你看上去很酷。
    Stress Glove-In the'80s,wearing a single glove made you look cool.
  • 英国人的工商业在世贵上居于垄断地位,他们时常会发生他们叫作“生产过剩”的情况,据说是由于“存货积过多”的原故。
    Through their position as the manufacturing and commercial monopolists of the world, their manufactories from time to time fall into the state which they call 'glut,' and which arises from what they call 'overtrading.'
  • 其实,在格林斯潘及其前任保罗·沃尔克领导下的美联储之所以成功,其秘密就在于他们避免将自己美化成可以准确驾驭经济的神人,相反,他们将自己的职责缩到了极致:保持物价稳定。
    In fact, the very secret of the Fed's success under Greenspan and predecessor Pa ul Volker has been that they have avoided godlike pretensions of being able to p reisely steer the economy, and instead defined their task as narrowly as possibl e: keeping prices stable.
  • 舱物,载放在船舱或气球吊篮里以增加稳定性的重物
    Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability.
  • 不过,为了表示我们对一位老朋友的好意,我也把我的报价低九十美分,降到15.90美元。
    However, to show our goodwill to an old friend, let me cut my offer also by 90 cents and make it $15.90.
  • 路机用来平整道路或其它表面以达到预期的坡度的一种重型设备
    A piece of heavy equipment used to level or smooth road or other surfaces to the desired gradient.
  • 推土机用来清除和平整土方的重型的,驾驶操作的机器,常有连续的履带,前部有宽的液铲刀
    A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic blade in front.
  • 通过嫁接法或条法使植物繁殖。
    cause (plants) to propagate, as by grafting or layering.
  • 虽然《华盛顿邮报》正处于巨大的财政风险当中--《邮报》公司刚刚上市招股,同时尼克松政府威胁不批准《邮报》公司的电视转播许可证--格雷厄姆还是顶住了来自白宫的重重力。
    Though the Post was at considerable financial risk? ? the Post Company had just gone public and the Nixon administration was threatening the Post's television licenses Graham stood up against the pressure from the White House.
  • 被葡萄压弯的葡萄藤
    Vines that were weighed down with grapes.
  • 葡萄汁是压出来的。
    The juice of the grapes is pressed out.
  • 他们压榨出葡萄汁。
    They pressed out the juice of the grapes.
  • 用葡萄或苹果挤后的残渣制成的酒。
    made from residue of grapes or apples after pressing.
  • 制酒时先得把葡萄碎取汁。
    To make wine, first you must press the grapes.
  • 把图像或者图形缩以方便储存和传输的缩技术或者活动。
    the compression of graphics for storage or transmission.
  • 他说:“传统的燃料电池是一大堆挤在一起的石墨板,而我们又不缺生产垫板这类的材料,所以我们就用像印制电路这样的方式重造燃料电池。
    " A conven tional fuel cell is a big stack of graphite plates you squeeze together, and you're got all these gaskets and things", he says.
  • 三是建设人工草地,减轻牲畜数量增加对自然草地的力;
    Thirdly, man-made grassland is being promoted so as to ease the pressure brought to bear on natural grassland by the ever-growing livestock population.
  • 来自双子系统正常恒星的物质,会被缩星体的重力场所捕获。
    Matter comes from the norrna.1 star in a binary system can be caught by the gravitational field of the compact star.