  • 産於中國部和緬甸大型黃色和黑色貂。
    large yellow and black marten of S China and Burma.
  • 剋倫人居住在緬甸部和東部的泰族居民
    A member of a Thai people inhabiting southern and eastern Burma.
  • 亞洲東的一個半島,由部分馬來群島和泰國以及緬甸占據。
    a peninsula in southeastern Asia occupied by parts of Malaysia and Thailand and Burma.
  • 亞洲東部的區域,包括越、老撾、柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸和馬來西亞的大陸部分。
    a region of southeastern Asia that includes Burma and Cambodia and Laos and Malaysia and Thailand and Vietnam.
  • 一種攀緣植物,成熟時結黑紅色漿果;産於印度部和斯裏蘭卡;引種於緬甸和阿薩姆邦。
    climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in North Burma and Assam.
  • 昆明中國部一城市,位於重慶西。二戰期間為中國緬甸公路的終點站。昆明是雲省的省會。人口1,080,000
    A city of southern China southwest of Chongqing. The Chinese terminus of the Burma Road during World War II, Kunming is the capital of Yunnan province. Population,1, 080, 000.
  • 中國中部一省份,與越、老撾和緬甸接壤。1253年被蒙古人占領,17世紀成為中國的一部分,首府昆明。人口34,060,000
    A province of south-central China bordering on Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. The region was overrun by Mongols in1253 and became part of China in the17th century. Kunming is the capital. Population,34, 060, 000.
  • 因此,這個職位從亞洲(緬甸的吳丹)、西歐(奧地利的庫爾特·瓦爾德海姆)、拉丁美洲(秘魯的哈維爾·佩雷斯·德奎利亞爾)輪到非洲(埃及的布特羅斯·布特羅斯-加利(一屆任期)和現任秘書長,加納的科菲·安)。
    It has thus passed from Asia (U Thant of Burma, now Myanmar), to Western Europe (Kurt Waldheim of Austria), to Latin America (Javier Pérez de Cuéllar of Peru), to Africa (Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt, who served one term, and Kofi Annan of Ghana, the current Secretary-General).
  • 這些公共汽車是開往京的。
    The buses are destined for Nanjing.
  • 小型濃尾美掘洞嚙齒動物。
    small bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents.
  • 美國東部的一種小矮樹,開大量成串的白色花朵。
    small bushy tree of southeastern United States having profuse clusters of white flowers.
  • 一種濃密的忍鼕,具有纏繞的枝和白色或黃白的花;産自美國部。
    bushy honeysuckle with twining branches and white or yellow-white flowers; southern United States.
  • 美洲一年生灌木狀半直立植物,結內有白色種子的長豆莢,常作草料。
    annual semierect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage.
  • 美國東一種高大的三針鬆,紅褐色裂紋樹皮,樹冠濃密。
    tall spreading 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head.
  • 濃密的灌木,有粉色到白色的花;康沃爾的沼澤地中多見,分佈在歐洲的西部;可在各地載植。
    bushy shrub having pink to white flowers; common on the moors of Cornwall and in southwestern Europe; cultivated elsewhere.
  • 包在捲心菜葉裏、用熱灰烘焙的玉米粉面包(方)。
    corn bread wrapped in cabbage leaves and baked in hot ashes (Southern).
  • 王木具有硬質的,良好結構的,紫褐色木質的部美洲喬木(西阿拉黃檀黃檀屬),用於製作傢俱
    A South American tree(Dalbergia cearensis) with hard, fine-textured, purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking.
  • 濟南黃河斜張橋
    Jinan Huanghe River Cable-stayed Bridge
  • 雷角加拿大的紐芬蘭西頂端卡伯特海峽的一個突出部
    A promontory of extreme southwest Newfoundland, Canada, on Cabot Strait.
  • 一個近球形仙人掌植物屬,産於墨西哥和美國西;桶形仙人掌。
    genus of nearly globular cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States: barrel cacti.
  • 一個生長緩慢的仙人掌屬;産於墨西哥東部和北部;得剋薩斯州部。
    slow-growing geophytic cacti; northern and eastern Mexico; southern Texas.
  • 矮生球形的美仙人掌的一個屬,具瘤狀多刺的中肋。
    large genus of low-growing globular South American cacti with spiny ribs covered with many tubercles.
  • 一個細長且常為樹狀的多刺仙人掌屬,具夜間開放的白色或粉色單生花;産於佛羅裏達和加勒比海至美洲。
    genus of slender often treelike spiny cacti with solitary showy nocturnal white or pink flowers; Florida and Caribbean to South America.
  • 開紅色花的美洲仙人掌;常作為室內盆栽植物種植;有時歸為蟹爪屬。
    South American jointed cactus with usually red flowers; often cultivated as a houseplant; sometimes classified as genus Schlumbergera.
  • 長有小瘤的無枝無刺仙人掌,開品紅色的花結白色或緑色的果實;和竜舌蘭相似;墨西哥東北部和美國西部。
    usually unbranched usually spineless cactus covered with warty tubercles and having magenta flowers and white or green fruit; resembles the related mescal; northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States.
  • 佩奧特掌一種無刺的圓形仙人掌(烏羽玉烏羽玉屬),原長於墨西哥和美國西部,有鈕扣形小塊莖,新鮮或者曬幹的佩奧特掌被某些土著美洲人當作麻醉藥咀嚼
    A spineless, dome-shaped cactus(Lophophora williamsii) native to Mexico and the southwest United States, having buttonlike tubercles that are chewed fresh or dry as a narcotic drug by certain Native American peoples.
  • 凱撒在公元前48年占領英國部的軍港。
    Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC.
  • 古埃及城市,在今開羅之
    an ancient city of Egypt (S of Cairo).
  • 西剋斯頓美國密蘇裏東部一城市,位於伊利諾斯州凱羅城西偏西。是一個貿易和加工業中心。人口17,641
    A city of southeast Missouri west-southwest of Cairo, Illinois. It is a trade and processing center. Population,17, 641.
  • 開羅美國伊利諾斯州最部的一個城鎮,靠近密西西比河與俄亥俄河匯合處。它依埃及的開羅而命名,是因為它也有金字塔一樣的建築。人口5,931
    A town of extreme southern Illinois near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. It was named after Cairo, Egypt, because of its similar deltalike setting. Population,5, 931.
  • 孟菲斯埃及一古老城市,位於開羅以。據說該城是由統一埃及的第一位國王美尼斯建立的,在亞歷山大大帝占領埃及之前它一直保持原狀。該地遺物包括大面積的史前墳墓
    An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo. Reputedly founded by Menes, the first king of united Egypt, it retained its primacy until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. Its remains include an extensive necropolis.
  • 熱帶美洲的天星科小屬,葉通常為帶有各種彩紋的盾狀箭形和佛焰苞船形。
    any plant of the genus Caladium cultivated for their ornamental foliage variously patterned in white or pink or red.