  • 属于腹腔的,或在腹腔的。
    of or in or belonging to the cavity of the abdomen.
  • 他把胃重新放回腹
    He reposited the stomach in the abdomen.
  • 腹部内伤
    internal injury of abdomen
  • 我从心对那件事感到厌恶。
    I am heartily sick of that.
  • ivcellnumber*4)(ivcsno)该字段表示在以上三个字段(dcsid,ecpid,sid)中定义的系统小区。
    IV Cell Number*4) (ivcsno) This field represents a cell in the system defined in the above three fields (dcsid, ecpid, sid).
  • groupnumber*4)(ivtg)该字段表示以上3个字段(dcsid,ecpid和sid)定义的系统中继器的中继器群数。
    Group Number*4) (ivtg) This field represents the trunk group number of a trunk in the system defined by the above 3 fields (dcsid, ecpid and sid).
  • 有侧生齿的某些蜥蜴的颌中具有固定在侧部伸向部的齿的
    Having the teeth attached by their sides to the inner side of the jaw, as in some lizards.
  • 在内侧地
    On the inner side.
  • 墙以石头、木头、灰浆或其他建筑材料砌成的重直结构,用来圈住、划分或保护某一区域,尤指组成一幢房屋的部隔间或外部标界的垂直建筑
    An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster, or other building material serving to enclose, divide, or protect an area, especially a vertical construction forming an inner partition or exterior siding of a building.
  • 简表一个扼要的(如容的)条目;大纲
    An abbreviated list, as of contents; a synopsis.
  • 产于华达高原草场和森林的交界处。
    of high Sierra Nevada meadows and forest borders.
  • 华达山脉的一种小形、有流苏的、蓝色花。
    small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains.
  • 美国加利福尼亚州华达山脉的最高峰,海拔英尺。
    the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada range in California (14,495 feet high).
  • 生活在加利福尼亚的华达山脉中部的北美印第安族人。
    a member of the North American Indian people living in the central Sierra Nevada in California.
  • 加利福尼亚州华达山脊西部丘陵地带最南端的一种非常巨大的常绿杉木;现存树种中最大的植物。
    extremely lofty evergreen of southern end of western foothills of Sierra Nevada in California; largest living organism.
  • 帕拉代斯美国加利福尼亚中北部一个未取得自治权的社区,位于萨克拉门托以北的华达山脉的山脚。人口25,408
    An unincorporated community of north-central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada north of Sacramento. Population,25, 408.
  • 克洛维斯美国加利福尼亚州中部的一座城市,位于弗雷斯诺附近华达山脉的山麓小丘中,是加工业中心。人口50,323
    A city of central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada near Fresno. It is a processing center. Population,50, 323.
  • 地面栖息,喜开阔的地面并散布在矮树丛中;产于美国西部的落矶山脉和华达山脉之间。
    a ground dweller that prefers open ground and scattered low bushes; of United States west between Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains.
  • 一种生长在弯曲的茎干上的具有深的玫瑰红色或紫色的蛋形花的球形百合;生长于圣华金河谷的达华山脉的西部斜坡上。
    globe lily with deep rose-pink or purple egg-shaped flowers on flexuous stems; western slopes of Sierra Nevada in San Joaquin Valley.
  • 约克茨族一支美洲土著人,以前居住在圣华金河谷南部和华达山脉附近的山脚下,其后裔现仍居原地
    A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.
  • *2002年1月,联合国和塞拉利昂政府成立了特别法庭,对在该国十年战中严重违反国际人道主义法和国家法律的人进行审判。
    * In January 2002, the UN and the government of Sierra Leone established a Special Court to try persons for serious violations of international humanitarian and national law during that country’s decade-long civil war.
  • 米沃克人美国土著人,从前由大量居住在加利福尼亚州中部从谢拉华达山脚至旧金山湾地区的群体构成,在以上地区现在有少量的后代
    A Native American people formerly composed of numerous groups inhabiting central California from the Sierra Nevada foothills to the San Francisco Bay area, with a small number of present-day descendants in the same region.
  • 我决不依靠德,他什么都记不住。
    I wouldn't depend on Ned. He's got a memory like a sieve.
  • 内容过滤去除病毒
    Content Filtering Sifts Out Viruses
  • 附属修道院依附于一个较大房子的较小的宗教性房子,比如修道院的小修道院
    A small religious house dependent on a larger one, such as a priory within an abbey.
  • 如今,只有目光短浅的商人才会相信,一个企业在本国市场范围完全可以实现发展和繁荣。
    Today, only a short-sighted business person would believe that an enterprise can grow and prosper entirely within the confines of its domestic market borders.
  • 那时,以共产党的《向导周报》,国民党的上海《民国日报》及各地报纸为阵地,曾经共同宣传了反帝国主义的主张,共同反对了尊孔读经的封建教育,共同反对了封建古装的旧文学和文言文,提倡了以反帝反封建为容的新文学和白话文。
    Using the Communist Weekly Guide, the Kuomintang's Republican Daily News of Shanghai and other newspapers in various localities as their bases of operations, the two parties jointly advocated anti-imperialism, jointly combated feudal education based upon the worship of Confucius and upon the study of the Confucian canon and jointly opposed feudal literature and the classical language and promoted the new literature and the vernacular style of writing with an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal content.
  • 游览的内容很丰富。
    There's also plenty of sightseeing.
  • 游览的内容很丰富。
    There 's also plenty of sightseeing.
  • 检查s状结肠的诊镜。
    an endoscope for examining the sigmoid colon.
  • 属于或关于大肠乙状结肠。
    of or relating to the sigmoid flexure in the large intestine.
  • 为解决这些问题,食物环境卫生署发出消除妨扰事故通知,规定有关人士在指定时间作出改善,否则会提出检控。
    To tackle these problems, the FEHD issues statutory notices that require abatement of the nuisance. Prosecution will be initiated against those who fail to comply with the notice within a specified period.