  • 沙滩排球于1996年在亚特大奥运会首次亮相,但它早在五十年代就已经是广受欢迎的竞技项目了。
    Beach volleyball made its debut in Atlanta in 1996, but its popularity as a competitive sport began in the 1950s.
  • 在男孩儿们的家乡爱尔,它直升排行榜之冠,成为爱尔流行唱片榜上有史以来销量最大的首张单曲。
    In their native Ireland it went straight to number one and became the biggest selling debut single in the history of the Irish charts.
  • 之所以有这样的错误,当然不是由于新加坡人连简单的算术都不会,而是在新加坡独立之前,我们习惯将新马当作一个整体,从1941年12月8日日军在吉丹的哥打¤鲁登陆那天算起到日本投降,经过三年八个月。这样讲没有错,但是新加坡被日本攻占是两个月后的事,因此,说新加坡被日本统治三年八个月就不对了。
    Of course, it is not a case of Singaporeans not being able to do simple sums. Before Independence, we were used to treating Singapore and Malaysia as an entity. So, three years and eight months is right if the counting begins from 8 Dec, 1941, the day Japanese soldiers landed in Kota Baru, Kelantan. But it was only two months later that Singapore was seized.
  • 不想明天哈佛大学心理学家艾伦·杰尔说:“只关心结果就会不动脑筋。
    Forget tomorrow. “ Preoccupation with outcomes makes us mindless,” says Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer.
  • 东基尔布莱德苏格中南部一城镇,位于格拉斯哥东南方,1946年为吸引格拉斯哥增长的人口而建立。人口70,600
    A town of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow. It was established in1946 as a new town to absorb the growing population of Glasgow. Population, 70,600.
  • 士瓦的一种小型每年落叶树种,穗状黄花。
    small deciduous tree of the Transvaal having spikes of yellow flowers.
  • 苏格数学家(1550-1617);发明了对数;书写数字是引入了小数点。
    Scottish mathematician; invented logarithms; introduced the use of the decimal point in writing numbers (1550-1617).
  • 用鲜艳的新裙子打扮起来的姑娘;鲜艳的旗帜飘扬着;‘braw’是苏格词;对她的年龄来说有点太艳丽的裙子;羽毛艳丽的鸟。
    girls decked out in brave new dresses; brave banners flying; `braw' is a Scottish word; a dress a bit too gay for her years; birds with gay plumage.
  • 指新英格和美国中西部地区的以逐渐衰退的行业,如钢铁和纺织,密集为特征的城区。
    urban areas in New England and Middle West characterized by concentrations of declining industries (steel or textiles).
  • 在万隆这个由荷殖民者在20世纪初兴建的极具装饰派艺术风格的印度尼西亚城市,建筑师们多年来一直在竭力保护一些全国最漂亮的建筑。
    In Bandung, the art deco Indonesian city that was built by Dutch colonists in the early 20th century, architects have been fighting for years to save some of the country's most elegant buildings.
  • 当弗妮接收到佐伊的报文,她就能用其秘密钥匙对报文解密。
    When Franny receives the message from Zooey, she can decrypt the message with her secret key.
  • “为我自己申辩?”格瓜尔咕哝着,“我为自己辩护什么呢?”
    "Defend myself? "whispered Gringoire,"Defend myself against what?"
  • 也许有关年老的最权威的美国式言论,就是伊凡纳·特普所说的那句话:“我会看上去总像是三十五岁,但这需要花唐纳德很多钱。”
    Perhaps the definitive American remark on aging was made by Ivana Trump, who said, "I'll always look 35, but it's going to cost Donald a lot of money."
  • 拉斯卡拉歌剧院芭蕾舞团
    Balletto del Teatro alla Scala di Milano
  • 南蒂科克族在切萨皮克湾与大西洋海岸间,原先居住在特拉华州和马里州东部的美洲土著人
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting Delaware and eastern Maryland between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast.
  • 美国东部一地区,由纽约州、宾西法尼亚州、新泽西州、特拉华州和马里州组成。
    a region of the eastern United States comprising New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Delaware and Maryland.
  • 指一般包括特拉华州、马里州和维吉尼亚州以及通常包括纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Delaware; Maryland; Virginia; and usually New York; Pennsylvania; New Jersey.
  • 索尔兹伯美国马里州东南部一城市,位于特拉华州丹佛以南的东海岸城市,是加工业和制造业中心。人口20,592
    A city of southeast Maryland on the Eastern Shore south of Dover, Delaware. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,20, 592.
  • 在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员:新罕布什尔三人、麻萨诸塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里六人、弗吉尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。
    and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
  • 代尔夫特精陶上釉陶器的一种类型,通常蓝白相间,最初是在荷的代尔夫特制造
    A style of glazed earthenware, usually blue and white, originally made in Delft, Netherlands.
  • 陶器总称用有孔的黏土在较低火温下烧制成的器皿。一般包括上彩釉的陶器、荷白釉蓝彩陶器和文艺复兴时期意大利出产的花饰陶器
    Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures. Faience, delft, and majolica are examples of earthenware.
  • 主要论文、著作、总结等33篇,其中英文、荷文各一篇已存入荷德尔夫特大学资料室。
    He has written 33 pieces of scholarly works including dissertations, books and summaries. One work in English and another in Dutch are keptin the Technische Hogeschool Delft library in the Netherlands.
  • 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。
    commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium.
  • 马斯河默兹河的一部分,向西流经荷南郊与莱茵河相汇而形成一片冲积三角洲
    A section of the Meuse River flowing westward through the southern Netherlands to a joint delta with the Rhine River.
  • 斯里卡民主社会主义共和国
    The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  • 与丹麦双方拟定了一份新的贸易协定。
    A new trading agreement was drawn up between Holland and Denmark.
  • 中国队与头号种子印度尼西亚队,非种子瑞典队以及芬队同分在a组,b组有二号种子丹麦队,卫卫冕冠军三号种子马来西亚队,韩国队和泰国队。
    China is in Group A with top seed Indonesia, unseeded Sweden and Finland. Group B consists of second seed Denmark, defending champion and third seed Malaysia, South Korea and Tailand.
  • 中国队同头呈种子印尼队,非种子瑞典队及芬队同分在a组,b组有二号种子丹麦队,卫冕冠军三号种马来西亚队,韩国队和泰国队。
    China is in Group A with top seed Indonesia, unseeded Sweden and Finland. Group B consists of second seed Denmark, defending champion and third seed Malaysia, South Korea and Tail and.
  • 曼哈顿专案小组长布多说,“我们想找出某种共同点(线索)。他们是否仅抢旅行社,或人们挟带大量的现金的行业?可是找不出。”
    "We tried to come up with some type of common denominator. Were they just hitting travel agencies or businesses where people carry large sums of money? It didn't pan out," said Capt. Salvatore Blando, head of the task force in Manhattan.
  • 密绒制品如法绒等制造毛织物的密绒制品
    A densely napped finish for certain woolen fabrics, such as flannel.
  • 英格西北部的一座城市,位于利物浦东方英里;英格人口最密集地区的中心。
    a city in northwestern England (30 miles east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England.
  • 但即便是最可怕的事例也无法吓退21岁的约达。她现在的工作是女佣和美发师。
    But even the most horrible tales seem to do little to dent the hopes of Yolande, 21, who works as a maid and hairdresser.