  • 分扩大或向外伸展的。
    fully extended or stretched forth.
  • 全部地,分地,完全地
    To the full extent; completely.
  • 沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态
    The quality or condition of being exuberant.
  • 生气勃勃精力沛的行为或表现
    An exuberant act or expression.
  • 满狂暴的和繁茂的生气。
    full of rough and exuberant animal spirits.
  • 满或者令人想到欢乐、幸福。
    full of or suggesting exultant happiness.
  • 我双眸满眼泪,随时都会夺眶而出。
    Tears stung at the back of my eyelids and threatened to spill over at any moment.
  • 她眼中充满泪水。
    Tears filled her eyes.
  • 他们分利用旅馆的设备.
    They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.
  •  电影业是与查理同年诞生的。但当时人们普遍以为电影业其量只昙花一现的时尚,它不可能替代现场真人表演。
    Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fad, and would never replace live shows.
  • 不适当之处不分的情况;失败或缺乏
    An instance of being inadequate; a failing or lack.
  • 安妮:只有这样才能分体现出公正和选手的真实水平,不会压制和埋没人才。
    Annie: Only in this way can the fairness and levels of the athletes be displayed. The talents will not be suppressed neglected.
  • 以往的经验教训已分说明,这样做很容易陷入不切实际的空想。
    The past experience has fully proven that it will easily lead to unrealistic fantasy.
  • 玛丽对男人和女人满了迷人的想法。
    Mary is full of fascinating theories about men and women.
  • 这很难,但是却满乐趣。
    It is difficult, but it is fascinating.
  • 这些诗句极具音律感,满想象力丰富的意象。
    The poems have the quality of music and are full of fascinating allusions.
  • 它是一个满无数重大的、迷人的问题并需要冒险精神的竞技场。
    It is an arena filled with important problems,fascinating questions,and a spirit of adventure.
  • 在阳光足的地方过冬成了富人的时尚。
    It became fashionable for the rich to winter in the sun.
  • 推销员把一部有毛病的机器冒正品卖给了那位女士。
    The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine.
  • 中国民间传统艺术节举办了多达45项满民间艺术色彩的节目,包括艺墟、售票表演节目及户外演出。
    The Chinese Folk Arts Festival featured a wide variety of folk art programmes in 45 cultural presentations in arts fairs and other performances.
  • 足的借口;无益的争辩。
    a feeble excuse; a lame argument.
  • 《联合早报》不久前连续刊登新加坡民意处理组的调查报告。有关报告显示,在经济危机的冲击之下,绝大多数新加坡人对政府处理经济问题,社会问题以及发展国际关系方面的政策表示赞许,并对政府的能力满信心和肯定。
    According to the Feedback Unit's survey as reported recently by Lianhe Zaobao , an overwhelming majority of Singaporeans approve of their government's policies on economic and social issues and on international relations, with full confidence in the administration's competence.
  • 《联合早报》不久前刊登新加坡民意处理组的调查报告。有关报告显示,绝大多数新加坡人对政府处理经济问题,社会问题以及发展国际关系方面的政策表示赞许,并对政府的能力满信心。
    According to the Singapore Feedback Unit's survey as reported recently by Lianhe Zaobao , an overwhelming majority of Singaporeans approve of their government's policies on economic and social issues and on international relations, with full confidence in the administration's competence.
  • 他弹钢琴时满激情。
    He played the piano with feeling.
  • 滋润仿佛用水浇灌的方式使…变得肥沃或满活力
    To make fertile or vital as if by watering.
  • 她还补说:"如果斑马是是雄斑马,矮种马是是雌马,正常的受精和受孕是完全可能的。
    "If the zebra is the father and the horse is the mother there is no reason why a normal fertilization and a pregnancy should not take place," she added.
  • 热情的满热情的或为热情所动的;热烈的
    Filled with or motivated by zeal; fervent.
  • 主席先生、亲爱的同事:    今天我谨代表我的祖国和对这次会议满热切希望的13亿中国人民,荣幸地向各位介绍北京第二次申办奥运会的情况。
    Mr. President, Dear Colleagues,On behalf of my country and of the Chinese people nurturing fervent hopes about this session today, we have the honor, for a second time, of presenting Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games.
  • 软填料用于垫衬或填的纤维棉花或羊毛的一个软层
    A soft layer of fibrous cotton or wool used for padding or stuffing.
  • 换句话说,文学可说是历史、事件和人类经验的摘要,而且它采用更活泼,甚至满想象力的方式呈现给读者。
    To put it in another way, literature is like a summary of history, of events and human experiences recounted in a lively and sometimes fictional way.
  • 当某一特殊社会角色时使用的虚构名。
    a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role.
  • 他经营的旅馆成了窃贼和娼妓的寄身之处,满乌烟瘴气。
    He kept a Cat and Fiddle.