  • 各级人民代表大会负责制定和改有关保护妇女权益的法律、法规,监督有关法律的实施及政府保障妇女权益方面的工作。
    People's congresses at all levels are responsible for drafting and revising laws and statutes to protect women's rights and interests. They supervise the implementation of relevant laws and governmental work to safeguard the women's rights and interests.
  • 中国的各级人民代表大会负责制定和改有关保护妇女权益的法律、法规,监督有关法律的实施及政府保障妇女权益方面的工作。
    People's congresses at all levels are responsible for drafting and revising laws and statutes to protect women's rights and interests. They supervise the implementation of relevant laws and governmental work to safeguard the position of women and children.
  • 中国的各级人民政府及政府各部门负责制定和改有关的行政法规,发布有关决定和命令,把发展妇女事业纳入社会发展计划,采取行政措施,领导和管理妇女权益保障工作。
    People's governments at each level and their departments are responsible for drafting and revising women-related administrative regulations, issuing relevant decisions and orders, linking women's advance with social development, and adopting administrative measures to oversee the protection of women's rights and interests.
  • 中国的各级人民政府及政府各部门负责制定和改有关的行政法规,发布有关决定和命令,把发展妇女事业纳入社会发展计划,采取行政措施,领导和管理妇女权益保障工作。
    People's governments at each level and their departments are responsible for drafting and revising related administrative regulations, issuing relevant decisions and orders, linking women's advance with social development, and adopting administrative measures to lead and mannage the protection of women's rights and interests.
  • 接下来我们假定甲的一万镑,不是借给乙,而是在有抵押的条件下借给土地所有者丙,丙用这笔钱筑篱、排水、路或改良土壤,以此提高其地产的生产力。
    Suppose next that A's ten thousand pounds, instead of beinglent to B, are lent on mortgage to C, a landed proprietor, bywhom they are employed in improving the productive powers of hisestate, by fencing, draining, road-making, or permanent manures.
  • 这将需要一个关于他的观点的大幅度的改。
    it would require a drastic revision of his opinion.
  • 1986年到2000年的15年间,在中国农村贫困地区建基本农田9915万亩,解决了7725万多人和8398万多头大牲畜的饮水困难。
    During the 15 years from 1986 to 2000, 99.15 million mu (one mu equals 1/15 ha) of basic farmland was constructed in poverty- stricken rural areas, and the problem of drinking water for more than 77.25 million people and more than 83.98 million draught animals were solved.
  • 屋顶有漏洞,前台阶需要维
    The roof has leaks in it, and a dresser for the bedroom.
  • 这只老式的松木梳妆台已被整一新,但装上了这些不值钱的塑料拉手后,他似乎显得有些不伦不类,真是因小失大。
    The old pine dresser had been lovingly restored but they spoiled the ship for a ha'porth of tar by fitting it with cheap plastic handles.
  • 砂轮修整
    grinding wheel truing and dressing
  • 修好的漏水的笼头
    Fixed the drip in the faucet.
  • 我来理这几处漏水。
    there's a drip through the roof.
  • 发动机出了毛病,所以船不得不靠港维
    There is something wrong with the engine, so the drip has to put in for repairs.
  • 用于饰或说明如下的特定事物,表面看来具有某种特性,但实际上没有实现这种操作的能力。例如,哑字符,假插头,哑语句。
    Pertaining to the characteristic of having the appearance of a specified thing but not having the capacity to function as such. For example, a dummy character, dummy plug, or a dummy statement.
  • 我们立即组成突击小组轮班进行堤坝的抢工作。
    We immediately organized into shock groups to work by shifts on repairing the dyke.
  • 倘若让他干点儿机械活,从门的合叶到磨农具,他都干得起劲。
    Give him a mechanical job to do, from mending the hinges of a gate to sharpening tools, and he would set to work eagerly.
  • 耳饰一种耳朵上戴的或从上面垂下来的饰物,尤指耳垂部分的装饰
    An ornament worn on or pendent from the ear, especially the earlobe.
  • 靠修剪草坪赚钱
    Earned money by mowing lawns.
  • 不特如此,它所描写的还很有点接近基督徒底情形呢——那就是当赫扣力斯去解放普罗密斯的时候(普罗密斯是象征人性的)他坐在一个瓦盆或瓦罐里渡过了大海。
    nay, and to have some approach to the state of a Christian: that Hercules when he went to unbind Prometheus (by whom human nature is represented) sailed the length of the great ocean in an earthen pot or pitcher: lively describing Christian resolution;
  • 此外,东西部地区在干部交流、人才培训、援建学校、建设基本农田、筑公路、解决人畜饮水困难等方面也开展了协作。
    The eastern and western regions have also cooperated in cadre exchange, personnel training, establishing schools, building basic farmland and highways, easing the shortage of drinking water for people and livestock, and so on.
  • 东正教隐修制度
    Monasticism in the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • 这辆车的特点是耗油省,维方便。
    The strong point of the car is that it is economical to run and maintain.
  • 他主修经济学。
    He majors in economics.
  • 沃尔特登记要选经济学课程。
    Walter registered for a course in economics.
  • 当局现正着手订《渔业保护条例》,以期提高这些罪行的最高罚款,并制订条文,禁止或限制使用任何对渔业有害,或有损海洋生态系统的渔具。
    Action is in progress to amend the Fisheries Protection Ordinance with a view to increasing the maximum fine for such offences and providing for the prohibition or restriction of the use of any kind of apparatus for fishing which is detrimental to fisheries or has a harmful effect on the marine ecosystem.
  • 用蓝铅笔校订或删改用蓝铅笔或好象用蓝铅笔核订、校订、
    To edit, revise, or correct with or as if with a blue pencil.
  • 改处理器结构则只需编辑核心的makefile并重新运行linux核心配置程序。
    To change architectures you need to edit the kernel makefile and rerun the Linux kernel configuration program.
  • 与会者可利用鼠标器和制图工具对文档进行编辑或加注,或者从键盘上敲进改内容。
    Participants can edit the documents or make notations using their mice and drawing tools, or by typing in the changes from their keyboard.
  • 一本参考书的最新订版
    A newly revised edition of a standard reference work.
  • 出版社推出这部书的又一个订版。
    The publishing house brought out another revised edition of the book.
  • 编辑修养
    selfcultivation of an editor
  • 编辑的文稿修改意见
    Textual emendations made by the editor.