  • 尽管当时的拉丁语已经与古典文学中的拉丁语有了显著的差别,但是开始时拉丁语口语较为统一。
    Spoken Latin remained fairly uniform in the beginning, though it already differed markedly from the Latin of classical literature.
  • 同定居的社会相比,他们对土地这种生产手段利用得很少,但这是他们生活资料的源泉。如果附近有需要更多土地的农业社会,他们的土地便具有市场价值。
    an instrument of production of which they make slender use, compared with more settled communities, but which is still the source of their subsistence, and which has a marketable value if there be any agricultural community in the neighbourhood requiring more land than it possesses.
  • 只要这些惯用较低科技的工业引入创新意念和科技,以提高本身的增值能力和生产力,它们在国际市场上有许多发展良机。
    These traditionally relatively low-tech industries still have plenty of opportunities in the global marketplace if they can increase their added value and productivity through innovation and application of technology.
  • 但是市场的实际情况是,当劣质产品的质量走下坡路时,如果它们保持高质量的外表,它们可能销路很不错,高等教育与之非常相似。
    But the truth of the marketplace is that shabby products can do just fine if they sustain the veneer of quality while slipping downhill, as has much of higher education.
  • 即使在华盛顿总统离职后,玛萨保持着她那博大仁厚的美德.。
    Even after the retirement of President Washington, Martha still continued her unbounded generosity.
  • 我们正把本港与其他大城市的标准作一比较,但这样做是不足够的。
    We have been matching standards set in other great cities, but that isn't good enough.
  • 他虽因爆炸而失明,能勇敢地面对未来。
    Although blinded by the explosion , he faced the future with matchless courage.
  • 这一关系在对角化后旧为真。
    the diagonalization of a normal matrix by a unitary transformation.
  • 不凋谢的叶子附在熟过的果实上;不脱落的鱼腮。
    persistent leaves remain attached past maturity; the persistent gills of fishes.
  • 由于"世界上最长寿的人"记录保持者美国密歇根州科尔德沃特的莫德·法里斯·卢斯老人周一以115岁零56天的高龄去世,吉尼斯公司在其网站上公布本乡老人成为目前在世的"世界上最长寿的人"。
    Hongo inherited the title Monday after the death of the previous record holder, Maud Farris-Luse, of Coldwater, Mich., the record-keeping company said on its Web site. Farris-Luse was 115 years, 56 days old.
  • 马克斯韦尔转过身,手中拿着文件和电报纸。
    Maxwell turned around with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.
  • 他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他得好好学习。
    He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work.
  • 但是无人驾驶探测器需要一个能为每磅重量提供1兆瓦能量的发动机。
    But the unmanned probe still needs an engine delivering one megawatt per pound.
  • 那个旋律然在她的耳际荡。
    The melody still rang in her ears.
  • 歌声虽已结束,但美妙的旋律在萦回。
    The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.
  • 这机构仍无会员。
    The organization is still memberless.
  • 尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182分之后,未被判出场。
    Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of182.
  • 尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182分之后,未被判出场。
    Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of 182.
  • 然记得我成为军人的那天。
    I still memorize I became that one of military man.
  • 如果新加坡人这种短视的、功利主义的态度不改,全社会缺少一个重视历史学习的大气候,史盲们就可以毫无愧色地大声说“吾道不孤”!
    We cannot create an overall climate that encourages the learning of history if such a myopic and mercenary attitude persists. And people who could not care less about history will have a perfect excuse: "So what? I'm not the only one who is ignorant!"
  • 在她想喊邮递员回来之前他在视线之内。
    the dispatched messenger was has hardly out of sight before she wished call him back.
  • “菲利普先生活着,现在和他女儿家住在一起。”“咳,你说的话真使我吃惊!他一定老不堪言—我还是个孩子的时候,他就是一个两鬓苍白的老人了。”
    "Mr Philips is still alive, but living with his daughter's family now." "Well, you do surprise me! He must be as old as Methuselah—he was a grey-bearded old man when I was a boy."
  • 一个然可以使用很多时间的录音机
    A tape player that still has a lot of mileage left.
  • 一个好战的少数党因此利用传统的习俗和人民的不幸,制造政治动乱,因而直到现在,希腊的经济无法复苏,
    As a result of these tragic conditions, a militant minority exploiting human mores and misery was able to create po1itica1 chaos which until now has made economic recovery impossible.
  • 现在,二次大战日本侵略中国造成的阴影然存在,日本国内存在的军国主义和右翼势力经常干扰和破坏中日关系,就是日政界也有一些人不能正确认识这一历史。
    The shadow caused by Japan's invasion of China during World War 11 still exists today. The militarists and right-wing elements in Japan try to disturb and destroy Sino-Japanese relations from time to time, and some Japanese politicians still do not hold a correct view on historical facts.
  • 在奥马哈海滩,约翰·米勒上尉(汤姆·汉克斯饰)接受另一项任务。
    Still reeling from Omaha Beach, Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) is given another assignment.
  • 二战以来,已有125万以上的英国人移居澳大利亚,而对其他数百万人来说,那里是个向往的地方。
    Since World War Two, more than one and a quarter million Britons have emigrated to Australia, and for millions more it's still the end of the rainbow.
  • 在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上有争论。
    The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.
  • 有许多人的生活条件是很艰苦的。
    There are still many people whose living conditions are miserable.
  • “史崴朋,”他重复道,然念错了音,“诗人。”
    "Swineburne," he repeated, with the same mispronunciation. "The poet."
  • 到目前为止,有近5000人(在这次事件中)下落不明。
    Nearly 5,000 people are still missing.
  • 随着时间的流逝,上帝又将73个其他部落召唤到这里,但是维多利亚瀑布不为外界所知。直到1855年,苏格兰传教士戴维·利文斯顿偶然地发现了这座雄伟的瀑布,并宣布瀑布为其女王维多利亚所有。
    Over time,the God's called 73 other tribes to the area.But Victoria Falls remained a secret to the rest of the world until 1855,when Scottish missionary David Livingston discovered the majestic falls quite by accident,and he claimed it for his queen,Victoria.