  • 他们将勇敢地站出来,支持工人的正义斗
    They will bravely step forward to support the just struggle of the workers.
  • 工人们勇敢地起来进行抗,这一阶段出现了多次重大罢工事件。
    The workers fought back bravely and there were many important strikes in this period.
  • 在革命战年代,党号召全党同志不怕牺牲、前赴后继地为革命的胜利而英勇斗
    During the revolutionary wartime, our Party called on all its members to fight bravely and fear no sacrifice, and advance wave upon wave for the victory of revolution.
  • 大声喧闹吵闹、混乱的战吵;打架
    A noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; a brawl.
  • 很多夫妇的吵,是这所公寓的问题之一。
    Brawl between many couples is one of the problems in this apartment.
  • 年久失修而逐渐失去功用的水管;发展成为吵的辩论
    Old water pipes that are degenerating with age; a dispute that degenerated into a brawl.
  • 全国的政治家彼此吵。
    Statesmen of the nation are brawling with each other.
  • 在战中,为了欺骗人民,为了动员舆论,战的双方都将不顾羞耻地宣称自己是正义的,而称对方是非正义的。
    In this war, each of the belligerents will brazenly declare its own cause to be just and that of its opponents unjust in order to delude people and win the support of public opinion.
  • 新中国成立初期,以美国为首的西方国家对中国实行政治上不承认、经济上封锁、军事上包围的全面遏制政策,并于1950年悍然发动朝鲜战,把战火烧到鸭绿江边,企图将人民共和国扼杀在摇篮里。
    In the early period after the founding of New China, the Western countries, headed by the United States, carried out a total-containment policy of political non-recognition, economic blockade and military encirclement against China.They brazenly waged the Korean War in 1950, which was extended to the Yalu River, the border of China, in an attempt to strangle the newly founded PRC in the cradle.
  • 新中国成立初期,以美国为首的西方国家对中国实行政治上不承认、经济上封锁、军事上包围的全面遏制政策,并于1950年悍然发动朝鲜战,把战火烧到鸭绿江边,企图将人民共和国扼杀在摇篮里。
    In the early period after the founding of New China, the Western countries, headed by the United States, carried out a total-containment policy of political non-recognition, economic blockade and military encirclement against China. They brazenly waged the Korean War in 1950, which was extended to the Yalu River, the border of China, in an attempt to strangle the newly founded PRC in the cradle.
  • 那次吵後,他与表兄闹翻了
    He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.
  • 两国之间爆发了战
    Hostilities have broken out between the two countries.
  • 那些内科医生和专家们终于在同心脏病的斗中取得了突破。
    At last, those physicians and specialists broke through in their fight against heart disease.
  • 科学家们力在癌症研究方面有个突破。
    The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.
  • 这场冠军夺赛紧张得真叫人喘不过气来。
    The championship match is really breathtaking.
  • 年欧洲酝酿著一场战
    In 1938 war was brewing in Europe.
  • 他们之间正在酝酿着一场纷
    There's trouble brewing up between them.
  • 会上正酝酿着一场纷
    There's trouble brewing up at the meeting.
  • 两国间似乎正在酝酿战
    A war seems to be brewing between the two countries
  • 北京天津打下以后,这个团结立即解散,变为四派内部激烈斗的局面,蒋桂两派且在酝酿战中。
    [3] As soon as these cities were captured, this alliance broke up, giving way to bitter struggle among the four cliques, and now a war is brewing between the Chiang and the Kwangsi cliques.
  • 尽管求助于欺骗和收买,他们还是无法取到支持他们建议的人。
    In spite of resorting to deceit and bribery, they could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.
  • 以后,议会成为军阀权夺利的工具,发生了被长征饭店作“猪仔议会”的贿选总统的丑闻。
    Then parliament became a mere instrument for warlords in power struggle, and there occurred the scandal of the "parliament of pigs" and bribery in electing a president.
  • 桥梁往往是兵家夺之地。
    Bridges were often points of battle.
  • 我们从事战的信念,便建立在这个取永久和平和永久光明的新中国和新世界的上面。
    Our faith in waging this war is based upon the new China and the new world of perpetual peace and brightness for which we are striving.
  • 专制统治者总是企图镇压人民取自由运动的。
    Tyrants always try to bring the people's movement for freedom under.
  • 陷於战争边缘的国家
    A country hovering on the brink of war
  • 白宫和新闻界之间的一些相互
    Some bristly exchanges between the White House and the press.
  • 就这样张伯伦使英国陷入战
    Thus Chamberlain led Britain into war.
  • 库克,杰1821-1905美国金融家,因参与发行联邦政府的债券并资助南北战而著名,他银行的倒闭导致了1837年的经济恐慌
    British-born American journalist and broadcaster, whose books include Around the World in50 Years(1966) and Alistair Cooke's America(1973).
  • 我们的文艺工作者,要通过自己的创作提高人民的精神境界,继续同林彪、“四人帮”的恶劣影响进行坚决斗
    Our writers and artists should use their creative works to broaden the people's mental horizons, and continue to fight resolutely against the pernicious influence of Lin Biao and the Gang.
  • 因此,我们的任务就是继续扩大同党外人士的合作,使他们在我们的反对官僚主义的斗中,和在国家各方面的事务中,发生更大的作用。
    Therefore, it is our task to continue to broaden our co-operation with non-Party people and to enable them to play an ever greater role in our struggle against bureaucratism and in all fields of state affairs.
  • 此时我们的任务,在于动员全国民众,齐心一致,绝不动摇地坚持战,把统一战线扩大和巩固起来,排除一切悲观主义和妥协论,提倡艰苦斗,实行新的战时政策,熬过这一段艰难的路程。
    Our tasks will then be to mobilize the whole people to unite as one man and carry on the war with unflinching perseverance, to broaden and consolidate the united front, sweep away all pessimism and ideas of compromise, promote the will to hard struggle and apply new wartime policies, and so to weather the hardships.