  • 他依然是个夜猫子,有时要到凌晨1点30才能处理完案头工作(或给朋友打电话)。
    He's still a night owl, completing paperwork (or calling friends) until 1: 30 a.m.some nights.
  • 因此我们到黄昏时才手。
    So we didn't serve till nightfall.
  • 对那些因银钱和遗产问题而裂的家庭,他说:“你们瞧瞧德福宜山区的人吧。那是一片非常荒凉的地方,五十年也听不到一次黄莺的歌声。
    To families divided by questions of money and inheritance he said: "Look at the mountaineers of Devolny, a country so wild that the nightingale is not heard there once in fifty years.
  • 防止虐待动物协会旧金山会最近开办了一个投资700万美元的动物收容所,该会正在寻找代理机构与之合作为无家可归的成年人在“狗公寓”里提供夜间住宿。
    The city's chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, which recently opened a $7 million shelter, is seeking to work with a agency to offer adults nightly shelter in "dog apartments."
  • 比赛离终场还有五钟时,双方比为五比零。
    The score was five-nil with five minute left in the game.
  • 不过,在亚洲大部地方,这类投资的收入都不须要缴税。岸外基金投资因此有很大的吸引力。
    In most parts of Asia this also is nil, and thus investment into offshore funds becomes very attractive.
  • 在亚洲大部地方,这类投资的收入都不须要缴税。岸外基金投资因此有很大的吸引力。
    In most parts of Asia this is also nil, and thus investment into offshore funds becomes very attractive.
  • 为三比零,比赛结束的哨声响了,比赛获胜已成为定局。
    The score is three-nil and there goes the final whistle; it's all over bar the shouting.
  • 伯恩:对,因为我想要百之百地确认这机器不会出毛病,即便这种可能性微乎其微。
    Right, because I want to be one hundred percent sure that the machine will not go wrong even if the chance is virtually nil.
  • 是伦敦队首开纪录[先攻进一球],比一直是0,到了上半场结束时牛津队才攻进一球。
    It was the London team that opened the score, and the score remained to be 0[one to nil/one to nothing] until the very end of the first half when the Oxford team scored its first goal.
  • 分享尼罗河的水
    Sharing the Nile’s Waters
  • 全书共分九章。
    The book consists of nine chapters.
  • 一般情况下,其他的父母可以有9个月的时间给孩子起名。我们好像只有9钟左右的时间。
    Other people take nine months to name babies we had more like nine minutes.
  • 总共要99分。
    That'll be ninety-nine cents.
  • 女孩占全班的九之一。
    Girls composed the ninth of the whole class.
  • 在第九洞积相等(指高尔夫球)
    All square at the ninth hole, ie in a golf match
  • 在九届全国人大和九届全国政协中,共有少数民族代表428名、委员257名,别占代表总数和委员总数的14.37%和11.7%。
    There are altogether 428 ethnic minority deputies to the Ninth NPC and 257 ethnic minority members on the CPPCC Ninth National Committee, accounting for 14.37 percent and 11.7 percent of the total, respectively.
  • 2000年2月和9月中国与欧盟别举行了第九次和第十次人权对话。
    In February and September 2000, respectively, China held the ninth and tenth dialogues on human rights with the European Union.
  • 这是一声竞争十激烈的赛马。
    It was a nip-and-tuck race.
  • 赛跑势均力敌,直到终点线才见晓。
    It was a nip and tuck race right to the finish line.
  • 这些调查十奏效,既可防微杜渐,避免行政出现严重失误,亦可解决基本问题,防止日后有同类的投诉。
    They are useful in preventing administrative flaws of a systemic nature by nipping problems in the bud and preventing future similar complaints by addressing fundamental problems or other underlying reasons for complaints.
  • 乳晕,瞳仁围绕中心部的一小圈颜色,如乳房的乳头或环绕瞳孔的虹膜部
    A small ring of color around a center portion, as about the nipple of the breast or the part of the iris surrounding the pupil of the eye.
  • 地球上空气的大部是氮气。
    Nitrogen forms most of the Earth's air.
  • 脲,尿素可溶水的化合物,co(nh2)2,是蛋白质新陈代谢的主要氮成品,并且是哺乳动物和其他生物尿液中的主要含氮成
    A water-soluble compound, CO(NH2)2, that is the major nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism and is the chief nitrogenous component of the urine in mammals and other organisms.
  • 各种由脂肪酸、磷酸和一种氮基构成的化合物,是隔膜的重要成
    any of various comounds composed of fatty acids and phosphoric acid and a nitrogenous base; an important constituent of membranes.
  • 含氮有机化合物大的组合,是生命细胞的基本组成部,由长的氨基酸链构成。
    any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells; consist of long strings of amino acids.
  • 我一分钱没花.
    It cost me absolutely nix.
  • 丁肇中,塞缪尔·赵钟生于1936美国物理学家。他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人享1976年诺贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle.
  • 这本书枯燥乏味,玛丽看了还不到二十钟就睡着了。
    The book was so boring that it had Mary into the land of Nod in twenty minutes.
  • 其中每个网点都通过支与其它所有网点直接相连的一种网络。
    A network in which each node is directly connected by branches to all other nodes.
  • 有线电视运营商也须把光缆从头端(主设备)接到光缆配节点。
    Cable operators also install fiber optic cables from the head end to a fiber distribution node.
  • 支菌病通常发于脚或腿上的一种长期的慢性细菌或真菌感染
    A chronic, slowly progressing bacterial or fungal infection usually of the foot or leg, characterized by nodules that discharge an oily pus.