  • 经济成功转型,全赖香港的雇主和雇员能够对当前或新现的市场力量,作迅速和灵活的反应。
    This transformation of the economy would not have been possible unless employers and employees could react quickly and flexibly to prevailing or emerging market forces.
  • "他只用手腕轻轻一抖,打了那个球。"
    He hit the ball with just a flick of the wrist.
  • 闪烁象遥远的灯光或星星一样发闪烁的微光;闪烁不定;微光
    To shine with slight, intermittent gleams, as distant lights or stars; flicker; glimmer.
  • 有时候,当心中现希望的火苗时,我必须运用我手边所能运用的资源把它再煽大一点以免熄灭。
    Sometimes,when the flames of hope dwindled to a flicker, I had to fan them with everything I possessed to keep them from going out.
  • 在计算机制图技术中,阴极射线管显示图象中不希望现的波动,通常在刷新率较低时现。注:典型的显示器现闪烁现象是在刷新率为40赫兹或更低时。
    In computer graphics, an undesirable pulsation of a display image on a cathode ray tube that usually occurs when the refresh rate is low. Note: for typical displays, flicker occurs at a refresh rate of40 Hz or less.
  • 他击腾空球至左外场被守方球员接住而局。
    He flied out to left field.
  • 他把传单印了来,分发给这个地区所有的报纸。
    He had fliers run off and distributed to all the newspapers in the district.
  • 她是类拔萃的新闻工作者。
    She's in the top flight of journalists.
  • 食火鸡澳大利亚、新圭亚那及邻近地区的一种食火鸡属的不会飞的大型鸟类,在头顶有一个大的、骨质的突物和颜色鲜艳的垂肉
    Any of several large flightless birds of the genus Casuarius of Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent areas, having a large, bony projection on the top of the head and brightly colored wattles.
  • 轻浮的班纳特太太立即开始筹划该将哪个女儿许配给没料想到将发生这种事的彬格莱,可是长期忍气吞声的丈夫却提,彬格莱先生对此事也许会挑三拣四。
    The flighty Mrs. Bennet immediately begins plotting which daughter to marry off to the unsuspecting Bingley, but her long-suffering husband suggests that Mr. Bingley might want some choice in the matter.
  • ……巴黎的政客们——仅仅去年他们还视若无睹地昧着良心售武器给伊拉克——已在准备退缩。
    …politicians in Paris—who only last year winked at the corrupt sale of arms to Iraq—are preparing to flinch.
  • 他急忙伸手臂把她扶住,她才没有跌倒。
    He flung his arm out just in time to stop her falling.
  • &&&英国最后的一个伟大音乐家是在什么时候?
    When did Britain last fling up a great musician?
  • 他请求我不要把他过去的错误翻来曝光。
    &&&He asked me not to fling up his past mistakes.
  • 他匆匆穿上衣服,奔门去。
    He fling his thing on and rushed out the door.
  • 火石打不出火来了。
    The flint would not strike.
  • 用来在燧发枪中击打引火火花的火石。
    the piece of flint that provides the igniting spark in a flintlock weapon.
  • 引火燧石用来在燧发枪中击打引火火花的燧石
    The piece of flint used to strike the igniting spark in a flintlock.
  • 一开电门,水就哗哗地流来了。
    A flip of the switch sent water gushing out.
  • 一种游戏,玩家捏着塑料圆盘的边抛,并力图使其进入一个杯子。
    a game in which players try to flip plastic disks into a cup by pressing them on the side sharply with a larger disk.
  • 他本来有国的念头,但後来决定不去了。
    He flirt with the idea of go abroad but decide against it.
  • 她和杜洛埃的那一段小小的调情现在看来似乎格了。
    Her little flirtation with Drouet seemed now an extraordinary thing.
  • 喜剧中演轻浮少妇的侍女的小角色。
    a minor female role as a pert flirtatious lady's maid in a comedy.
  • 简欠了房东很多房租,她突然走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。
    Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she did a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere.
  • 这个想法最早是在战前提的。
    The idea was first floated before the war.
  • 现在是向开放市场推我们新公司的时候了。
    It is time to float the new firm on the open market.
  • 一群羊从羊圈口涌了来。
    A flock of sheep poured through the gate.
  • 为了长一层新皮来代替在学期中被鞭打掉的一层,我常常要搭上整个假期。
    It used to take me all vacation to grow a new hide in place of the one they flog off me during school term.
  • 灌溉的动作;充满到溢
    the act of flooding; filling to overflowing.
  • 奔流,涌洪水般的奔涌或冲撞,如水的奔涌
    A flooding flow or rush, as of water.
  • 队员均须接受训练,以便执行各种任务:在台风袭港、发生山泥倾泻或水灾时奉命动;
    Volunteers are trained to perform duties during typhoons, landslips and flooding;
  • 一定是什么人忘了关龙头,因为水都溢来了,盥洗室里尽是水。
    Someone must have left the tap on, for the water was running over and flooding the bathroom.