  • 水顯現出衆多獨特的特性,這特性使其對全球氣候産生穩定的影響,並成為生命本身的關鍵要素。
    Water exhibits an array of unique properties that make it the stabilizing influence on global climate and the key to life itself.
  • 數字的總和是多少?
    How much do all these figures stack up to?
  • 請告訴我怎樣在這書架上找書,好嗎?
    Can you show me how to find book in the stack here?
  • 碗碟不用擦幹,把它們堆在桌上就行了。
    Don't bother to wipe up the dishes, just stack them on the table.
  • 舞蹈演員的身材可真漂亮。
    The dancers are certainly well stacked.
  • 瑪麗:學校都有哪運動場館?
    Mary: What kinds of stadiums and gymnasiums do you have on the campus?
  • 王平,你瞭解這場館歷史有什麽目的呢?
    Wang Ping, What is your purpose to get to know the history of the stadiums?
  • 你那職員都同意嗎?
    Are your staff of the same mind?
  • 經理並沒有認識到他們的盲行使下屬感到多麽不快。
    Some managers don't realize how much their words or actions upset staffers.
  • 例如,安排計劃、處理組織和人事方面的事,進行技術革新、做預算以及指揮人去執行這任務等都是管理工作。
    For example, things like handing planning, organization and staffing, innovation and budgeting and directing people to carry out these tasks.
  • 職工今年將退休。
    A number of the staffs will be retired this year.
  • 要把“請”字挂在嘴邊,要盡量記住一英國酒保最厭惡的事。
    Always say "please" and try to remember some of the British bar staffs pet hates.
  • 他們在喬舉行的男子交際會上放映一黃色錄像。
    They showed some blue videos at Joe's stag party.
  • 1998年,為慶祝她的百歲誕辰,英國皇傢芭蕾舞團上演了她的著名芭蕾舞劇《雷剋的歷程》和她的其他一作品的選段。
    The Royal Ballet staged“The Rake's Progress”and excerpts from her other works in celebration of her 100th birthday in 1998.
  • 在奧運會期間,這文化活動將同時在奧運村和全市範圍內展開,以方便運動員們參與。
    During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes.
  • 窮人為他們儲蓄的消耗而吃驚。
    These poor people are staggered by the drain on their savings.
  • 誰也不能想像她那年所受的巨大痛苦。
    Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffer in those years.
  • 國傢岌岌可危的債務問題在很大程度上也應歸因於那作出財務决策的政治傢和政府官員們,他們中有人雖然受過高等教育,但卻很少甚至幾乎沒有接受過財務方面的必要培訓。
    Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money.
  • 他的律師安德魯·肖聲稱這物品中的衣服絶大部分是伯勒爾妻子的,並指控警察安排了這出好戲,而他稱之為戰利品審判。
    His lawyer Andrew Shaw has said many of the items of clothing belonged to Burrell's wife and accused police of staging what he called a trophy trial.
  • “一切嚮錢看”的歪風,在文藝界也傳播開來了,從基層到中央一級的表演團體,都有演員到處亂跑亂演,不少人竟用一庸俗低級的內容和形式去撈錢。
    The bad practice of putting money above all else has been spreading in literary and art circles. Some members of theatre troupes from the grass roots to the central level run around giving cheap performances and even staging low, vulgar shows just to make money.
  • 現在,周邊一國傢和地區經濟發展比我們快,如果我們不發展或發展得太慢,老百姓一比較就有問題了。
    The economies of some of our neighbouring countries and regions are growing faster than ours. If our economy stagnates or develops only slowly, the people will make comparisons and ask why.
  • 我們發現了一個裝滿槍支的盒子。那槍大多因年代久遠而生銹了。
    We found a box full of hardware, mostly stained with age.
  • 憑着像撬棍這樣簡單的工具,救援人員可能救出了一難以靠近樓梯的人。
    With simple tools like crowbars, rescue workers might have freed people who simply could not get to stairways.
  • 在那洞裏,您會看到壯觀的鐘乳石、石筍、石簾和石花。
    In the caves you'll see splendid stalactites, stalagmites, stone curtains and flowers.
  • 但是那勇夫在如上述的情形之中他們底精神就衹能呆着,好象下棋下成和局一樣,輸是不算輸,然而那一局棋是無法走了。
    but with bold men, upon like occasion, they stand at a stay; like a stale at chess, where it is no mate, but yet me game cannot stir.
  • 但是第一,我們說相持局面基本上已經到來,並不否認敵人還有某戰役進攻的可能;
    But first, when we say that basically a stalemate has been reached, we do not rule out the possibility of further offensive campaigns by the enemy;
  • 菌托某真菌圍繞莖的底部的杯狀結構
    A cuplike structure around the base of the stalk of certain fungi.
  • 你們如何才能使那憤怒的商人們同意把期限放寬到月底呢?
    How can you stall of the angry tradesmen till the end of the month?
  • 也許你可能在一舊書攤上碰巧找到幾本。
    Perhaps you might chance on copies at some old book stalls.
  • 在荒野中過了幾個月的堅強的狩獵者;幸存的都是堅毅、強壯的人;滿屋子都是小男孩,所以你必須得有結實的傢具。
    a rugged trapper who spent months in the winderness; those that survive are stalwart rugged men; with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture.
  • 她有些口吃。
    She is troubled with stammer.
  • 他班上的那女生過去常常拿他的口吃開玩笑。
    The girls in his class used to make sport of his stammering.