| - 为穷人分发食物的地方。
a place where food is dispensed to the needy. - 那时候他常常拿出一部分收入去帮助经济困难的朋友们。
In those days he used to give away a part of his income to help his needy friends. - 在一九九八至一九九九学年,共有32806名有需要的学生获发助学金和贷款,数额分别为8.87亿元及7.14亿元。
In the 1998-99 academic year, $887 million in grants and $714 million in loans were provided to 32 806 needy students. - 有时候,因为我们有事无法分身或别的原因,我们虽然想助一臂之力,但苦于没有时间。
Sometimes, because of our unbreakable commitments or other circumstances, we simply can't give a needy friend the time we'd like. - 我们党总结历史经验不能丢掉毛泽东,否定毛泽东就是否定中国革命大部分的历史。
When we summarize the historical experience of our Party, we should not count him out, because to negate the contributions of Mao Zedong would be to negate the importance of the greater part of Chinese revolutionary history. - 对毛泽东同志晚年错误的批评不能过分,不能出格,因为否定这样一个伟大的历史人物,意味着否定我们国家的一段重要历史。
We must not be too critical of the mistakes Mao made in his later years. To negate the contributions of such a great historical figure would mean to deny all our achievements during an important period of the country's history. - 否定词表示否定的词或词的一部分,如no,not或non-
A word or part of a word, such as no, not, or non-, that indicates negation. - 许多美国和欧洲知识分子对亚洲价值观非常排斥,我对此感到困惑。
I have been puzzled by the fact that many American and European intellectuals have reacted so negatively to Asian values. - 破破烂烂的由于疏忽或过分地使用而被损坏或被磨损的
Damaged or worn because of neglect or heavy use. - 有的部分对新起的武装的许多严重现象,以及由于收编土蒋土匪而引起的群众不满,采取忽视优容的态度;
some adopted a negligent, tolerant attitude towards many serious problems that emerged in the newly organized army units and towards the discontent among the masses over our incorporating local Chiang Kai-shek forces and bandits into our army; - 在美国,定期存款分为几类:第一,10万美元以上(含10万美元)的存单,主要是由公司持有的大面额可转让存单构成。
There are several categories of time deposits in the US. First, CDs (certificate of deposit) of $ 100, 000 or more, which are primarily large negotiable certificates of deposit of corporations. - 今天里根先生,对于副总统有关与毒贩谈判的谈话以及意见分歧一事,未予追究。
Today Mr.Reagan did not make an issue of the Vice President's remarks about negotiating with drug dealers and the apparent disagreement. - 同亚太各国开展对话与合作是中国亚太安全政策的重要内容,是中国睦邻友好政策的组成部分。
Conducting dialogue and cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries is an important content of China's policy concerning Asia-Pacific security, and a component part of its policy of good-neighborliness and friendship. - 近年来,中国分别与一些周边国家进行了多层次的磋商,并采取了一系列的实际行动。
In recent years, China has held multi-level consultations with a number of neighbouring countries and has taken a series of practical actions. - 用战争打败了中国之后,帝国主义列强不但占领了中国周围的许多原由中国保护的国家,而且抢去了或“租借”去了中国的一部分领土。
After defeating China in war, they not only occupied many neighbouring countries formerly under her protection, but seized or "leased" parts of her territory. - 他不愿打架。我们还以为他是个安分守已的人呢。
We took him a nice Nelly when he wouldn't fight. - 十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。
I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson. - 线虫学研究线虫的动物学分支
The branch of zoology that deals with nematodes. - 点描派,新印象画派新印象画派的一支,把颜色分成其基本成分并加以机械性的布置,通过视觉来组织新画的形状
A branch of neoimpressionism in which colors are divided into their components and mechanically arranged so that the eye organizes the shape. - 那群新石器时代的男人和女人们,而且极有可能是女人们,除了驯化了大部分主要的至今仍是人类主要食物来源的动物,又驯化了所有主要的谷类、豆类和根茎类植物。
This group of Neolithic men and women, and in all probability largely the latter, domesticated all the major cereals, legumes, and root crops, as well as all of the most important animals that to this day remain man's principal source of food. - 霓虹灯间歇闪烁,十分美丽。
The neon lights go in and out very beautifully. - gartner集团的研究主任claireprice说:“(wbem)是生手研究的标准,它可能会像cose(公共开放系统环境)和dme(分布管理环境)那样消失掉,但它是一项令人感兴趣的技术挑战。
"WBEM is a neophyte standards effort, and it may disappear as COSE (Common Open Systems Environment) and DME (Distributed Management Environment) did, but it's an interesting technical challenge," says Claire Price, research director with the Gartner Group Inc.. - 债主们拿走了三分之二,余下的由玛格丽特的家属继承,她的家属有一个姐姐和一个小外甥。
The creditors had divided two thirds among themselves and the family? a sister and a young nephew ?had inherited the rest. - (神经纤维)交叉x形交叉,尤指神经或神经纤维带的交叉,把相应的部分连接在脑或脊柱的另一面
An X-shaped crossing, especially of nerves or bands of nerve fibers, connecting corresponding parts on opposite sides of the brain or spinal cord. - 切除神经或神经的一部分
To remove a nerve or part of a nerve. - 神经切除神经或其一部分的外科节除手术
Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve. - 这列载着恐怖分子和人质的火车,停在一个空旷地带对面200码外的地方。双方准备进行长时间的心理战。
The railways carriages containing terrorists and hostages were two hundred yards away across an open field. Both sides prepared for a long drawn-out battle of nerves. - 我神经十分紧张。
I am suffering from nervous tension. - 等候的大部分人都在紧张地抽着烟。
Most of them who were waiting were pulling nervously on cigarettes. - 在等候的大部分男人都焦急地猛抽香烟。
Most of the men who were waiting were pulling nervously on cigarettes. - 他从一开始就显然十分紧张.
His nervousness was obvious right from the start. - 技术和"在线"肯定是生活中不可或缺的一个组成部分,也是大学经历中的一个至关重要的部分。
Technology and “ online- ness” is most certainly an undeniable part of life,and a crucial part of the college experience.