  • 作为海军一个部的部队单位。
    a military unit that is part of a navy.
  • “唔,要是你这么一本正经,我就认为这件事百之百地决定啦。
    "Nay, if you are so serious about it, I shall consider the matter as absolutely settled.
  • 纳粹子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。
    The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts.
  • 游击队在挡住纳粹子数天之后,逐渐撤退到森林中去。
    After standing off the Nazis for a few days, the partisans gradually retreated to the forest.
  • 是的,请问,迈克.杰克逊先生订了一张nc310去北京的机票,8点10离开广州,恐怕这个时间对他来讲太困难了。
    Yes, please.Mike Jackson has a reservation on Flight NC 310 to Beijing, leaving Guangzhou at 10.I'm afraid it'll be difficult for him to make it at that time.
  • 由于(使用nc)压力在服务器上,故那些采用nc平台的公司期待拥有强大的服务器,来完成大部的信息处理,这些信息来自诸如数据库、电子表格软件等应用程序。
    As the pressure will lie on the server, companies that use the NC platform are expected to have powerful server to do most of the processing of information from applications such as database or spreadsheet software.
  • 今天的微处理器速度要比20世纪50年代它的原始祖先快将近10万倍,当考虑到通货膨胀时,其价格为原来的千之一。
    Today's microprocessors are almost 100,000 times faster than their Neanderthal ancestors of the 1950s, and when inflation is considered, they cost 1, 000 times less.
  • 她分娩期近了。
    She is near term.
  • 海洋几乎占地球表面的四之三。
    The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.
  • 每天早上,要把头发梳好。
    Part your hair neatly every morning.
  • 修剪得很好的,裁剪得很整齐的;尤其是过整洁的。
    well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed.
  • 改动部应书写清楚,插在正文的左侧。
    Any alternations should be written in neatly to the left side.
  • 在空碟子的旁边整整齐齐摆着15--那是男孩给她的小费。
    There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies -- her tip.
  • 夏延怀俄明州首府,位于州的东南部且接近内布拉斯加州与科罗拉多州的边界,作为联合太平洋铁路的一个界点而始建于1867年。人口50,008
    The capital of Wyoming, in the southeast part of the state near the Nebraska and Colorado borders. It was founded in1867 as a division point for the Union Pacific Railroad. Population,50, 008.
  • 核星云或银河的中心或最亮部
    The central or brightest part of a nebula or galaxy.
  • 因此凡是一个国家,既培养了在它领域以内工业的一切部门,使工业达到了高度完善阶段,又拥有广大疆土和充发展的农业,使它工业人口在生活必需品和原料方面的需要,绝大部可以由本国供应,那么它就拥有最高的生产力,因而也就是最富裕。
    That nation will therefore possess most productive power, and will consequently be the richest, which has cultivated manufacturing industry in all branches within its territory to the highest perfection, and whose territory and agricultural production is large enough to supply its manufacturing population with the largest part of the necessaries of life and raw materials which they require.
  • 如果他亲自经营管理自己的业务,则他个人或家庭的开支只要不超过按市价计算的他的劳动报酬,就应看作是生产资本的一部,而他的个人消费,就生活必需品而言,乃是生产性消费。
    If he personally conducts his operations, as much of his personal or household expenditure as does not exceed a fair remuneration of his labour at the market price, must be considered a part of his capital, expended, like any other capital, for production: and his personal consumption, so far as it consists of necessaries, is productive consumption.
  • 这些国家的政府,虽然会因君主的个人品质不同而在好坏上有所不同,但却很少给耕作者留下除生活必需品以外的东西,甚至常常连生活必需品也拿走,以致在拿走了他们的全部产品以后,不得不再把其中的一部借给耕作者,以使他们有种子种地,能把生命维持到下一个收获季节。
    The government, in those countries, though varying in its qualities according to the accidents of personal character, seldom leaves much to the cultivators beyond mere necessaries, and often strips them so bare even of these, that it finds itself obliged, after taking all they have, to lend part of it back to those from whom it has been taken, in order to provide them with seed, and enable them to support life until another harvest.
  • 假使每个地区各自专门从事于它在自然条件上最适宜的那些生产事业,然后把它特有产品的剩余部,向别的地区交换那些地区所宜于生产的那些生活必需品和原料,这样做比每一地区对一切生产事业不好歹样样都来的办法,在人力和地力方面可以获致更大的利用,可以获致大得多的生产效果,这一点是显而易见的。
    If every district is devoted to all these branches of production, it is clear that its labour and its land cannot be nearly so productive as if every separate district were devoted mainly to those branches of production for which it is specially adapted by nature, and as if it exchanged the surplus of its own special products for the surplus produce of those provinces which in the production of other necessaries of life and raw materials possess a natural advantage equally peculiar to themselves.
  • 汽车是生活中的一个必不可少的组成部
    Cars are a necessary part of life.
  • 大部的运动家均了解不断练习的必要性。
    Most athletes can see the necessity of keeping training.
  • 这两个学生学习的成绩不上下。
    The two students were studying neck and neck.
  • 这次跑马赛从头到尾都胜败难
    It is a neck and neck horse race right down to the wire
  • 民意测验中,工党和保守党不高低。
    Labour is running neck and neck with the Conservative Party in the polls.
  • 比赛双方各得20, 打成平局.
    The two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each.
  • 乳沟,胸槽妇女两乳间的凹陷,尤指低领口展露的部
    The hollow between a woman's breasts, especially as revealed by a low neckline.
  • 她的礼服上的典雅的领口;尽管她的一个肩带滑了下来,但是以现在的标准看来她仍然是十得体的。
    a modest neckline in her dress; though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards.
  • 蜜腺像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或内部能泌甘美的液体
    A glandlike organ, located outside or within a flower, that secretes nectar.
  • 各尽所能, 按需分配
    from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
  • 以人为本策略:充考虑每一个奥运参与者的需求,满足个性化的需要。
    Strategy based on taking people as a dominant factor: Taking into full consideration the needs of every Olympic participant so as to meet his individualized need.
  • 自寻烦恼的人不必要且过烦恼的人
    One who worries excessively and needlessly.
  • xdsl需要分组交换。
    XDSL needs packet switching.