  • 在这欢乐之中,哪一种是物质的,哪一种是精神的呢?
    Which of these pleasures is material and which spiritual?
  • 质膜某微生物,如螺旋体,包围细胞壁的外层膜
    An outer layer surrounding the cell membrane of certain microorganisms, such as a spirochete.
  • 男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
    The boys were spitting out of the train window.
  • 尽管遇到所有这困难,他们仍坚定不移地干下去。
    They plowed on in spite of all the difficulties.
  • 至于凯蒂,当她听说主人只顾照料这个陌生人而失落了她的鞭子时,就向那小笨东西呲牙咧嘴啐了一口以发泄她的脾气,然而,她这样费劲却换了他父亲一记很响亮的耳光,这是教训她以后要规矩
    and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father to teach her cleaner manners.
  • 大学生花钱大手大脚
    Some university students splash their money around.
  • 鸟能够使它们的脚趾外倾。
    These birds can splay out their toes.
  • 脾脏某脊椎动物的脾脏,如牛或猪的
    The spleen of certain vertebrate animals, such as cows or pigs.
  • 唇枪舌剑中,让小市民听了痛快,也吐吐怨气,更提供机会给那“政治人物”打拼和曝光。
    Their battle of words and wits allow the masses to happily vent their spleen, and enable the political figures to propagate their views and win personal publicity.
  • 这些非常不错。
    They are very splendid.
  • 这些货物十分畅销。
    These goods are going off splendidly.
  • 果树长得真不错。
    Those fruit trees are doing splendidly.
  • 请使用那专为暂时性收紧分叉的发梢并阻止分叉延续而设计的护发素.。
    Try conditioners that are designed to temporarily seal split ends and give resistance to further splitting.
  • 有些木头容易劈.
    Some types of wood split easily.
  • 他们花了两个小时为一程序问题争论不休。
    They spent two hours splitting hairs over matters of procedure.
  • 妻子曲意奉承丈夫。
    Some wives spoil their husbands.
  • 我认为,我印象里有家长把他们的孩子都宠坏了。
    I think,my impression is that some families have spoilt their children.
  • 外国人讲的话很难理解。
    the foreigners spoke unintelligibly.
  • 若到说某种语言的国家去, 就能把该种语言学得好.
    You learn a language better if you visit the country where it's spoken.
  • 桌子早就预定出去了。
    These tables are already spoken for.
  • 一位官方发言人提到了我们决定撤回使团的一国家。
    An official spokesman named a number of countries from which it had been decided to recall our missions.
  • 石头上长着一柔软的苔藓。
    There grows some spongy moss on the stone.
  • 一旦被裁员,这人平均只有30天的时间找到另一家提供签证担保的公司。
    If laid off, the worker has an average of 30 days within which to find another sponsor.
  • 我曾经获得富布赖特奖学金,在美国认识了他们的一顶尖学生。依我看,和他们比较,成都最优秀的学生绝不逊色。
    Yes, even by the standards of some of the top American students I met in US when I had a stint there under Fulbright sponsorship, I would say the best students at Chengdu are no laggards.
  • 不稳定的原子会自发地衰变,有衰变的很快,有则很慢,它们的衰变遵循着各种不可改变的规律,而这规律是不可能受到干预的。
    These unstable atoms disintegrate spontaneously, some very quickly, others very slowly, but in accordance with unchanging laws which it has never been possible to interfere with.
  • 关于另一种生产要素(适当的自然物品),需要指出的是,某能满足人类需要的物品是自然存在或生长的。
    Of the other requisite -- appropriate natural objects-- it is to be remarked, that some objects exist or grow up spontaneously, of a kind suited to the supply of human wants.
  • 只有当科学家所在人群中的科学素养能够恰当地提供所需的基础训练时,天才科学家才会自然而然地得到培养。这就是当今世界上的一国家,包括许多发展中国家中所出现的情形。
    they develop spontaneously whenever the scientific training of the community is adequate to providethe basic training they need -- which is today the case in several nations over the world, including many of the developing countries.
  • 教师教书如喂食,使学生不会独立思考。
    Some teachers spoon-feed their students.
  • 学生要教师用填鸭式方法讲课。
    Some students want the teacher to spoon-feed the lessons.
  • 把这些匙擦乾净。
    Give the spoon a good rub to get them clean.
  • 你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。
    You've got to put in a spoonful of liquor, some vinegar and olive oil-but that comes ten minutes later.
  • 你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。
    You've got to put in a spoonful of liquor,some vinegar and olive oil -but that comes ten minutes later.