  • 他们今天有什么特别菜?
    What's their special today?
  • 同样的,本地的异族同胞也有人想要学习华文,然而试问:有哪一个组织专门开办这课程呢?
    Similarly, there are non-Chinese Singaporeans who are interested in learning the Chinese language. Do we have Chinese organisations which specialise in providing such courses?
  • 我们想带回一中国产的新产品和特产。
    We'd like to take home some new chinese-make product and speciality.
  • 我们想带回一中国产的新产品和特产。
    We'd like to take home some new chinese make product and speciality.
  • 我们的客户都是经营专业产品,而不是那大批出售给批发商的产品的。
    Our client is all for speciality product, not the kind of thing to sell in bulk to wholesaler.
  • 外行所有那不属于某职业或其它专业领域的成员
    All those persons who are not members of a given profession or other specialized field.
  • 管理有赖于某特定任务或工作的完成。
    Management depends on performance of certain specialized tasks or jobs.
  • 车道是专门为你们设计的。
    These lanes are specially designed for you.
  • 我还想买地方的特产。
    I'd like some local specialties.
  • 我们想吃点本地的特色菜,请推荐一
    We'd like to have some local specialties. Can you make a few suggestions?
  • "有一动物已经灭种了,因为它们不能适应环境的变化。"
    Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.
  • 有些律师玩笑很典型:
    Some lawyer jokes are specific:
  • 我们有专卖特效药。
    We have some proprietary specific.
  • 你能说得具体些吗?
    Can you make it more specific?
  • 我们有专卖特效药。
    We have some proprietary specific medicine.
  • 王平:请你说具体一好吗?
    Wang Ping: Could you speak more specifically?
  • 房子是专为老年人设计的。
    The houses are specifically designed for old people.
  • 联合国监核会禁止伊拉克在地对地导弹中使用这发动机;
    UNSCOM specifically prohibited use of these engines in surface-to-surface missiles.
  • 信令点(sp)是那被指定装载ss7软件的网络节点。
    or 襰ignaling points.?Signaling points (SPs) are network nodes specifically loaded with SS7 software.
  • 所有这零部件都是严格地按技术要求加工制造的。
    All these parts were machined strictly to specification.
  • 一个、一、每一个或所有无具体指明的。
    one or some or every or all without specification.
  • 时装完全按你们的规格和要求做的。
    These garments are made to your exact specification and requirement.
  • 时装完全按你们的规格和要求做的。
    These garment eat make to your exact specification and requirement.
  • 可否说说你具体干什么?
    Can you specify what you did there?
  • 实际上程序必须指定在什么时间、用哪一台微处理器来发送哪命令。
    Indeed, the program must specify which instructions can be launched by which processor at what time.
  • 月球的标本被带了回来。
    Some specimen of moon rocks were brought back.
  • 博物馆里有很好的岩石和矿石标本。
    There are some fine specimen of rock and ore in the museum.
  • 这幅油画仅仅是一个带着一红色斑点的灰色的帐篷。
    this painting was nothing more but an unexcitingly grey canvas with a few red speckles.
  • 纵使那是一本关于现实事情的书,亲眼看见那事情或亲历其境,和在书中读到那事情,其间也有不同的地方,因为在书本里所叙述的事情往往变成一片景象,而读者也变成一个冷眼旁观的人。
    Even if it is a book about physical events, there is a difference between seeing such events in person or living through them, and reading about them in books, for then the events always assume the quality of a spectacle and the reader becomes a detached spectator.
  • 毫无美感而且非常无知的;用那毫无美感的见解窥测。
    inaesthetic and quite unintellectual; peered through those inaesthetic spectacles.
  • 他相信冒险,风险愈大愈好,于是他把钱都投人那本该获得巨大利润的项目上。
    He believed in taking risks, the more spectacular, the better, and he invested in schemes which should have provided an unusually large profit.
  • 他们要观众站开些。
    They asked the spectators to keep off.