  • 大部是群居的筑巢黄蜂。
    mostly social nest-building wasps.
  • 听众大部是年轻人。
    The audience were mostly young people.
  • 我大部时间都会在伦敦停留。
    I'll be mostly in London area.
  • 主要布在北美陇牛儿苗科的一个属;陇牛儿苗科。
    genus of mostly North American geraniums: cranesbills.
  • 大部是种在南方各省。
    It's mostly grow in the southern province.
  • 多半,通常很大程度地;普遍地或大部
    To the greater extent; generally or mostly.
  • 大部是种在南方各省。
    It 's mostly growing in the southern provinces.
  • 一份对1000名25岁至35岁女性的调查发现五之三的女性选择尽情享乐为人生首要目标,远比为人妻为人母重要。
    A survey of 1,000 women aged between 25 and 35 found that three out of five ticked the box for" having as much fun as possible" as their No.1 goal, more important than marriage and motherhood.
  • 两个公认的真菌目之一;革兰士阳性球形或杆形体;有的能移动;在有些类中被归为裂殖菌类。
    one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms; some are motile; in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes.
  • 影片的一些部以慢动作重放。
    Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion.
  • 天文学中有关对天体运动应用牛顿运动定律的支。
    the branch of astronomy concerned with the application of Newton's laws of motion to the motions of heavenly bodies.
  • 这不但会使孩子们明白你的收入每月都必须应付各种支出,而且有助于激发他们成为解决资金问题一子的积极性。
    This will not only teach kids the myriad monthly claims on your in-come, but may help motivate them to be part of the solution to money problems.
  • 在这个部门里,文迪算得上是个活跃子,对其他人很有激发力。
    Wendy is the real live wire of the department who motivates all the others.
  • 这位老妇人上楼梯十艰难。
    The old lady can mount the stairs only with difficulty.
  • 山丘组成山脉的一部独立的大的山体或连接起来的山体密集群
    A large mountain mass or compact group of connected mountains forming an independent portion of a range.
  • 栓塞这种装置的可移动的控制部
    The movable control element of such a device.
  • (指身体的部)没有牢固的联系在一起,可以移动或者不在正常的位置。
    (of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal position.
  • 接着,光束转向图像的下一个极小部,从左向右扫描,然后扫描下一行,并重复这一扫描过程,直到扫描完整个图像。
    It then moved on to the next tiny part of the picture, working across it from left to right, then moving down a line and repeating the process, until it had scanned the whole picture.
  • 进化一套有顺序的动作中的一部
    A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
  • 拿这个观点来看过去的青年运动,就应该指出一种错误的倾向,这就是在过去几十年的青年运动中,有一部青年,他们不愿意和工农大众相联合,他们反对工农运动,这是青年运动潮流中的一股逆流。
    In assessing the youth movement of the past from this viewpoint, we should call attention to a wrong tendency.In the youth movement of the last few decades, a section of the young people have been unwilling to unite with the workers and peasants and have opposed their movements;this is a counter-current in the youth movement.
  • 年内的推广重点包括举办一连串活动,协助本港中小型企业掌握中国加入世贸组织的商机,充利用香港作为内地市场“先行者”的优势,开拓内销市场。
    Among the year's promotional highlights was a series of activities to help local SMEs build on Hong Kong's 'first mover' advantage in the widening Mainland market, prior to China's accession to the WTO.
  • 渐近线与曲线极限相关的一条直线,当曲线上某动点沿该曲线的一个支移向无穷远时,动点到该直线的垂直距离趋于零
    A line considered a limit to a curve in the sense that the perpendicular distance from a moving point on the curve to the line approaches zero as the point moves an infinite distance from the origin.
  • 迈克不加区把4架旧的割草机都买下了,但我总认为他是有点发疯了。
    Mike has bought a job lot of four old lawn mowers, but then I always thought he had a screw loose.
  • (这是邓小平同志在会见莫桑比克总统希萨诺时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President Joaquim Alberto Chissano of Mozambique.)
  • 皮尔逊先生对华尔顿先生十恭敬。
    Mr Pearson is hat in hand to Mr Walton.
  • 还有更多更多与您
    And there is much, much more to share.
  • 与粘液有关的或泌粘液的
    Relating to or secreting mucilage.
  • 秋葵一种较高的亚热带一年生植物((秋葵属黄秋葵))。它的可泌粘液的绿色豆荚可以食用,因而在温带地区广泛种植
    A tall tropical Asian annual plant(Abelmoschus esculentus) widely cultivated in warm regions for its edible, mucilaginous green pods.
  • 粘液的;泌粘液的属于或隐藏粘液的;粘稠的
    Of or secreting phlegm or mucus; mucous.
  • 粘蛋白尤指粘膜泌物中存在的一组糖蛋白
    Any of a group of glycoproteins found especially in the secretions of mucous membranes.
  • 粘液的,泌粘液的,或类似粘液的。
    of or secreting or resembling mucus.
  • 粘液的泌、产生或含有粘液的
    Secreting, producing, or containing mucus.