  • 为某人找工作出力
    Be instrumental in finding a job for sb.
  • 乎意料,他很快将要公布他的发现。
    Surprisingly he will publish his findings very soon.
  • 为了解释这一令人困惑的研究结果,雷德梅尔提了两个理论。
    To explain the puzzling findings, he offers two theories.
  • 这些都是一家民意测验公司所得的调查结果。
    These are the findings of a survey by a pollsters company.
  • 法律作精微的区别。
    The law makes fine distinctions.
  • 天气好的天;色的作家
    A fine day; a fine writer.
  • 细麻布精致纺的白色的麻布或棉纺织物
    A finely woven white linen or cotton fabric.
  • 我很佩服他色的演讲。
    I really admire the fineness of his speech.
  • 我想你的房东不会提起诉的。不过也不敢肯定,因为我对法律的细节不甚了解。
    I don’t think your landlord could prosecute, but I’m not well enough versed in the finer point of the law to be certain.
  • 在玩牌上出较小的牌
    To make a finesse in cards.
  • 玩(牌)时先较小牌的方法
    To play(a card) as a finesse.
  • 她戴着她最好的首饰现在招待会上。
    She appeared at the reception wearing her finest jewels.
  • 他是我国的最优秀的作家之一。
    He's one of the finest writers our country has ever produced.
  • 他将它打开之后,爱惜地瞧着那套在东部最色的盗窃工具。
    He opened it and looked fondly at the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East.
  • 我们中的一些最杰的年轻科学家取得了非凡的成就,而他们所得到的认可与赞誉却十分微薄。
    Some of our finest young scientists were achieving remarkable results and receiving all too little recognition and praise.
  • 叉子现前,用手抓饭吃。
    Finger is made before fork.
  • 越过乐器指板的小的金属条;当弦被手指挡住时金属档会发想要的音调。
    a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch.
  • 白杨的枝干向上生长;他伸了一个指头
    Poplars thrusting their branches upward; thrust out his finger.
  • 他走后,律师瞧着大烛台,伸手指头去把它前后左右都摸一阵,后来也象医师那样,为一个问题绞尽脑汁,想了很久:该怎么处置这个礼物呢?
    When he had gone away the lawyer examined the candelabra, fingered it all over, and then, like the doctor, racked his brains over the question what to do with the present.
  • 在乐器键盘上标演奏乐谱的指法位置。
    indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments.
  • 由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的压力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发明亮的白光。
    MIT's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear.
  • 自然长物正常的生长,如指甲或胡须
    A normal outgrowth, such as a fingernail or a beard.
  • 大不列颠还没有被排飞机制造业,她仍在坚持努力保住在这一行业占有的一席之地。
    Great Britain has not been pushed out of the business of building aircraft yet. It's still holding on by its fingernails.
  • 这个国家还没有被挤航空器制造业,它仍在下决心努力确保自己在该制造业中的地位。
    This country has not been pushed out of the business of building aircraft yet. It's still holding on by its fingernails.
  • 用他指纹辨认了死者。
    The dead man was identified by his fingerprint.
  • 第四,把有辐射能的或有色的探剂加到尼龙膜上就会制一个所谓的dna指纹图案。
    Fourthly, adding radioactive or colored probes to the nylon membrane produces a pattern called the DNA fingerprint.
  • 与仅现在指尖并能被外科手术改变的常规指纹不同,dna指纹对一个人的每个细胞、组织和器官来说都是相同的。
    Unlike a conventional fingerprint that occurs only on the fingertips and can be altered by surgery, a DNA finger- print is the same for every cell, tissue, and organ of a person.
  • 比赛几乎分不胜负!
    That was a close finish!
  • 他们进行了一次完美的演
    They gave a finished performance.
  • (数学)一个函数的定义,其中函数值可以在有限的级数里被计算来。
    (mathematics) a definition of a function from which values of the function can be calculated in a finite number of steps.
  • 当芬兰和挪威队互上交替领先时,这样的冲刺就在斯阔谷现了,比赛最终以芬兰队获胜而结束。
    Such a finish occurred at Squaw Valley, when Finland and Norway took Turns to lead in a dramatic race ending in Finland's victory.
  • 海岸巡逻队抬了被人使了蒙汗药而昏迷的水手。
    The shore patrol carried out the unconscious sailor who had been given a Mickey Finn.