  • 说教者过把道德与其它事物相联系的人
    One who is unduly concerned with the morals of others.
  • 摩根公司私人银行部的全球市场战略析家尼古拉斯·萨金称:“抛出的真正关键在于,认识到事情在何时已发生变化。
    " The real issue in selling is recognizing when the story has changed,” says Nicholas Sargen, global market strategist at J.P.Morgan's private bank.
  • 在美国的大部地区(除了犹他州,那里有很多奉行禁酒主义的摩门教徒),喝酒完全是合法的而且是可以接受的。
    In most of the country (with the exception of Utah. which is full of teetotalling Mormons), it is perfectly legal and acceptable to have a drink.
  • 一簇有相互关系的方言曾经是北非和埃及西部的主要语言;现在主要布于摩洛哥。
    a cluster of related dialects that were once the major language of North Africa west of Egypt; now spoken mostly in Morocco.
  • 斐兹摩洛哥中北部一城市,位于卡萨布兰卡东北部。该城最古老的部建于9世纪,在14世纪中期影响颇大。人口448,823
    A city of north-central Morocco northeast of Casablanca. The oldest part of the city was founded in the9th century and reached the height of its influence in the mid-14th century. Population,448, 823.
  • 在大的结构中只能以部出现的词素;比如复数名词之后的‘an’‘s’。
    a morpheme that occurs only as part of a larger construction; eg an -s at the end of plural nouns.
  • 生物形态学中研究动物结构的支。
    the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals.
  • 词形变化,词法词法学中处理词的屈折变化部
    The section of morphology that deals with the inflections of words.
  • 属于、关于生物有机体结构的形态学支的。
    of or relating to the branch of morphology that studies the structure of organisms.
  • 大部的孩子到4岁时,看到四处搁着书,多少会看一点。
    Most children, seeing books lying about, manage to read by the time they are four years old. (W. Morris, News from Nowhere)
  • 半神半人的女神神与人的女性子孙,她拥有一部但并不是全部神的力量
    A female being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess.
  • 半神半人神与人的男性子孙,有一部但并不是全部神的力量
    A male being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a god.
  • 我们难以继续支付期偿还的抵押贷款。
    We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.
  • 每月期付款偿还抵押借款
    repay one's mortgage in monthly instalment
  • 抵押款高了,其中一部可因免税额增加而相抵销。
    Higher mortgage rate is partly offset by increase tax allowance.
  • 腰槽为连接另一部而在木料上切入的切口或榫眼
    A notch or mortise cut into a board to receive another part.
  • 在长期发展中,新疆生产建设兵团已有汉族、维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、蒙古族等37个民族成
    During its long years of development, the XPCC has become a mosaic of people from 37 ethnic groups, including the Han, Uygur, Kazak, Hui and Mongolian.
  • 冬季的莫斯科是个十寒冷的地方。
    Moscow is a very cold place in winter.
  • 伯罗的诺苏联欧洲部中部的一个村庄,位于莫斯科西部。1812年9月7日,拿破仑在附近击败了保卫莫斯科的军队
    A village of central European U.S.S.R. west of Moscow. Nearby, Napoleon defeated the Russian troops defending Moscow on September7,1812.
  • 切列波维茨苏联欧洲部中北部城市,位于莫斯科以北。市中心有建于14世纪的修道院。人口299,000
    A city of north-central European U.S.S.R. north of Moscow. It grew around a monastery established in the14th century. Population,299, 000.
  • 卡卢加苏联欧洲部中部的一座城市,位于莫斯科西南部。该市的历史可上溯到14世纪,如今成为一座工业中心和河港。人口297,000
    A city of central European U.S.S.R. southwest of Moscow. Dating to the14th century, it is an industrial center and a river port. Population,297, 000.
  • 闺房在伊斯兰教国家女性家庭成员居住的房子或房子的一部
    A house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a Moslem household.
  • 位于亚洲南部的一个穆斯林共和国;以前是印度的一部
    a Moslem republic in S Asia; formerly part of India.
  • 哈萨克人居住在哈萨克斯坦和中国新疆维吾尔部地区的游牧的伊斯兰教徒
    A member of a pastoral Moslem people inhabiting Kazakhstan and parts of Xinjiang Uygur in China.
  • 盖果基,蒴壶苔藓类植物的孢蒴里长孢子的部
    The spore-bearing part of a moss capsule.
  • 在某些类中取代石松纲(theclasslycopsida);石松。
    used in some classifications for the class Lycopsida: club mosses.
  • 他的大部时间花在旅行上。
    Most of his time is spent travelling.
  • 上周他大部时间都生病。
    He was ill for most of last week.
  • 我们必须充利用它。
    We must make the most of it.
  • 大部哺乳类动物有乳齿及永久齿之别。
    Most mammals are diphyodonts.
  • 大部脊椎动物都是全椎目动物。
    most vertebrates are stereospondylous.
  • 这儿的土大部是黏土。
    The earth here is mostly clay.