  • 此外,又版了一本700页有关战前制作的香港影片的影片评介,内容涵盖621部在一九一三至一九四一年期间制作的影片。
    A 700-page filmography on Hong Kong films made in the pre-war years was published, covering 621 film titles made between 1913 and 1941.
  • "不所料,消息走漏了。"
    "As was expected, the news filtered through."
  • 战败的消息开始传来.
    The news of the defeat started to filter through.
  • 从过滤器中流的气体或液体。
    a gas or liquid that has been passed through a filter.
  • 可以通过过滤把颗粒分离
    Filterable solutions of granular matter.
  • 固态物质被过滤来,只有液体流进了杯里。
    The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the glass.
  • 尽管小心防范,事情还是漏了去。
    In spite of precautions the facts filtered out.
  • 尽管小心防范,事实真相还是泄露了去。
    In spite of precautions the facts had filtered out.
  • 液体过滤了去,固体留了下来。
    The liquid filtered through, and the solids were left.
  • 消息慢慢地泄漏了来,她终于知道了。
    Slowly the news filtered through, and at last she understood.
  • 胶质在一连续介质中被细微分开的粒子形成的悬浮状态,粒子尺度约5至5,000埃,不会很快从该物质中分离,也不易被滤
    A suspension of finely divided particles in a continuous medium in which the particles are approximately5 to5, 000 angstroms in size, do not settle out of the substance rapidly, and are not readily filtered.
  • 鳄的上部长有鲸须薄片可以滤水中的浮游生物。
    whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water.
  • 但最近,供应商们推了能按用户群的需要而裁剪的过滤产品,工业界也开始研究允许这些产品与防火墙一起工作的标准。
    Recently, however, vendors have released filtering products that can be tailored to the needs of user groups, and industry has begun working on standards that allow these products to work with firewalls.
  • 那些河流被工厂排来的肮脏废弃物污染了。
    The rivers are polluted with filthy waste from factories.
  • 多数河流被该厂所排的污秽废物所污染。
    Most rivers are polluted with filthy waste from the factory.
  • 然后汇合很多小流,成一条大河,把一切腐朽黑暗的东西都冲洗干净,新民主主义的宪政就来了。
    The many little streams will merge into a great river to wash away all that is rotten and filthy, and new-democratic constitutional government will emerge.
  • 做最后决定;对……提最后的笔致。
    make final; put the last touches on; put into final form.
  • 交响乐的最后一个乐章演奏阴暗面时太快了,没有充分表现乐章暗含的无尽的空虚和恐怖。
    the finale of the symphony was played just a shade too fast and not quite insubstantially enough to convey the full, hollow horror of its implications.
  • 竞赛公告号召读者在这个星期四以前写一个一页长的不太令人伤心的结尾。公告写道:“女士们,擦干你的眼泪。
    "Dry your tears, madam," read the contest announcement, which called on readers to write a less tearful, one-page finale by this Thursday.
  • 卫生福利局局长将会在今年年底前提建议。
    The Secretary for Health and Welfare is now finalising the review, and will put forward her recommendations by the end of this year.
  • 几经耽搁,他终于在八点钟发了。
    After several delays, he finally set out at 8 o'clock.
  • 最终找到了正确的
    Finally hit the right exit.
  • 检察当局传财务处长或主任庭。
    The finance director was subpoenaed by the prosecution.
  • 在其他东南亚金融市场最近现动荡期间,你们可看到我们今天的金融和财政政策是何等稳健。
    During the recent turbulence in other Southeast Asian financial markets you saw how solid our finances and fiscal policy are today.
  • 从东南亚其他金融市场最近现的波动中,各位可以清楚看到现时香港的金融状况和理财政策是何等稳健。
    "During the turbulent days recently in other Southeast Asian financial markets, you saw how solid our finances and our fiscal policy are today.
  • 售保险的金融机构。
    a financial institution that sells insurance.
  • 我陷入了财政困难,只得售汽车来归还欠款。
    I got into a tight corner financially and had to sell my car to pay back what I owed.
  •  对这些“一家之主”伸援手,相信没有人反对。
    I am sure no one will object if we suggest that something be done to help these financially-strapped families.
  • 我得不出答案。
    I cannot find the answer.
  • 就是通过探求而有所发现,"ranging"就是测量精确的距离。
    "Detection" is finding something as the result of a search; "Ranging" is finding the exact distance. "detection".
  • 在40年代科学家们成功地发明了一种把储藏在原子里的巨大能量释放来的方法。
    In the forties scientists succeeded in finding a way to set free the great energy packed in atoms.
  • 基于如上调查所得的发现
    The finding based on such an inquiry.