  • 子中化学键的裂生成小子的过程。
    the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules.
  • 每个子中含有两个羧基。
    containing two carboxyls per molecule.
  • 任何很大的子(如蛋白质子或聚合物子)。
    any very large molecule (a molecule of a protein or a polymer).
  • 是永久性偶极子的子。
    a molecule that is a permanent dipole.
  • 子的一子的或与单个子有关的
    Of or relating to a single molecule.
  • 单层子的一层子厚的或由此组成的
    Of or consisting of a layer one molecule thick.
  • 子层一子厚度化合物的膜或层
    A film or layer of a compound one molecule thick.
  • 两性离子带有正负电荷的
    A molecule carrying both a positive and a negative charge.
  • 子中含有五个氧原子的一种氧化物。
    an oxide containing five atoms of oxygen in the molecule.
  • 子中含有三个氧原子的氧化物。
    an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen in the molecule.
  • 子中含有两个氧原子的氧化物。
    an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in the molecule.
  • 每个子中均含有五个碳原子的任何一种单糖。
    any monosaccharide sugar containing five atoms of carbon per molecule.
  • 臭氧是由3个氧原子构成的子。
    Ozone is a molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms.
  • 构造在化合物或子内原子的排列结构
    The structural arrangement of atoms in a compound or molecule.
  • 单体可以与其他子结合形成聚合物的
    A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer.
  • 多硫化物每个子中至少含有两个硫原子的一种硫化物
    A sulfide compound containing at least two sulfur atoms per molecule.
  • 子中含有一个氧原子的氧化物。
    an oxide containing just one atom of oxygen in the molecule.
  • 应规定一切不反对抗日的地主资本家和工人农民有同等的人权、财权、选举权和言论、集会、结社、思想、信仰的自由权,政府仅仅干涉在我根据地内组织破坏和举行暴动的子,其他则一律加以保护,不加干涉。
    It must be laid down that all landlords and capitalists not opposed to the War of Resistance shall enjoy the same rights of person and property, the same right to vote and the same freedom of speech, assembly, association, political conviction and religious belief as the workers and peasants.The government shall take action only against saboteurs and those who organize riots in our base areas, and shall protect all others and not molest them.
  • 单壳的具有由单个瓣膜或部组成的壳的。用于软体动物
    Having a shell consisting of a single valve or piece. Used of a mollusk.
  • 广泛布的十肢头足类动物,游动迅速,身体长而尖,有三角形尾鳍。
    widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins.
  • 辉钼矿硫化钼的一种矿物形式,子式为mos2,它是钼的主要矿石
    A mineral form of molybdenum sulfide, MoS2, that is the principal ore of molybdenum.
  • 这是一个庄严而又令人振奋的历史时刻。香港与中华人民共和国在开一百五十六年后团聚,这是全球华人都感到欢欣、喜悦和自豪的日子。
    It was a momentous and historic event, as Hong Kong was re-united with the People's Republic of China after more than one hundred and fifty-six years of separation. It is a time for celebration, and a time of pride and satisfaction, for Chinese people all over the world.
  • 第一部,小企业的界定和制度建立的意义和作用.第二部,小企业会计制度的使用范围.第三部,关于小企业日常经营中不经常遇到的经济业务.第四部,关于制度中经济业务会计处理和披露的出发点和原则.
    The first part,The definition of small enterprises and this system have established of momentous significance and purpose. The second part,the scope of the accounting system of samll enterprises, The third part, the uninvariably business, The four part, this system of starting point and fundamental.
  • 一块穿在肩上又长又宽的毛线布,上面有一个能放开头的开口;僧衣的一部
    a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit.
  • 削发仪式剃光头发或一部头发,特别是指成为神甫或和尚的入门仪式
    The act of shaving the head or part of the head, especially as a preliminary to becoming a priest or a member of a monastic order.
  • 据fraunhofergesellschaft公司(这家德国公司发明了mp3的大部标准)的工程师称,1956年录制的单声道“hounddog”完全适合mp3,它充满了嘘声和击打声,mp3转换软件实际上是可以把它们去掉的。
    According to engineers at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the German company that invented much of the MP3 standard, "Hound Dog" is perfect for MP3;recorded in monaural sound in 1956, it's full of hisses and pops that MP3 conversion software actually can eliminate.
  • 楚瓦什苏联欧洲部中东部地区,位于伏尔加河谷。在13和14世纪被蒙古人征服,1552年后由俄罗斯统治
    A region of east-central European U.S.S.R. in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the13th and14th centuries, it came under Russian rule in1552.
  • 汉人;汉族中国占主导地位的种族集团的成员,占人口总数的大约百之九十三,主要区别于满族、蒙族、回族以及其它少数民族
    A member of the principal ethnic group of China, constituting about93 percent of the population, especially as distinguished from Manchus, Mongols, Huis, and other minority nationalities.
  • 布于蒙古的一个阿尔泰语系支。
    a family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia.
  • 布于蒙古以及临近地区的阿尔泰语系的一个支。
    a family of Altaic languages spoken in Mongolia and neighboring areas.
  • 颗粒物浓度高的城市主要布在新疆、青海、甘肃、山西、内蒙古、陕西、宁夏、河北等省区。
    The cities with high concentration of particulate are mainly located in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia and Hebei.
  • 六十年代,在整个中苏、中蒙边界上苏联加强军事设施,导弹不断增加,相当于苏联全部导弹的三之一,军队不断增加,包括派军队到蒙古,总数达到了一百万人。
    In the 1960s the Soviet Union strengthened its military presence all along the borders between China and the Soviet Union and Mongolia. The number of missiles was increased to one third of the Soviet Union's total, and troops were increased to one million, including those sent to Mongolia.