  • 他试图回避那个新闻记者提的问题。
    He tried to fend off the questions raised by the newsman.
  • 部长需避开记者提的某些尴尬的问题.
    The minister had to fend off some awkward questions from reporters.
  • 部长需避开记者提的某些尴尬的问题。
    The minister has to fend off some awkward question from reporter.
  • 父母差去了,孩子们留在家里自己照料自己。
    Their parents being away on business, the children were left to fend for themselves at home.
  • 当孩子们能自立时他就让他们外自谋生路。
    He put his children out of his house to make their own living when they are old enough to fend for themselves.
  • 这使国王感到痛心疾首,因为他视儿子为他最重要的财宝,但明白儿子必须受到惩罚,但又不能对儿子处以死刑。于是他选择了一个对于养尊处优、佣人成群的人来说是十分可怕的惩处办法:把王子逐家园,流放到荒野中自谋生路,只有一个佣人相随。
    Now the king was grief stricken. His fine son was his greatest treasure, but the king knew that he must be punished. The king could not execute the boy, but he chose no less terrible a fate for one raised in comfort and surrounded by servants. The boy was banished from the kingdom, cast into the wild world to fend for himself. Only one servant could accompany him.
  • 小孔由外科内耳开窗术在骨上切割的开口
    The opening in a bone made by surgical fenestration.
  • 酒发酵时会放气泡。
    When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas.
  • 1628年8月10日,当这艘船准备首次航时,斯德哥尔摩沉浸在激动的气氛中。
    As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment.
  • 谁的动作只要让裁判们觉得不舒服,他就会突然冲来给你一张白牌,而三张白牌之后,就会有一个凶神恶煞似的小胡子老头用红牌把你恶狠狠地罚去。.
    If a judge felt uncomfortable with some movements, he would dash out suddenly to give you a white brand. If the athletes got three white brands, an old man with a devil look and mustache would use a red brand to punish you ferociously out of the race.
  • 那位侦探把犯人搜来了。
    The detective ferret out the criminal.
  • 是谁写这封信的并没费什么劲儿。
    It wasn’t hard to ferret out who wrote the letter.
  • 她将尽力为我们查他们到底去了哪里。
    She will try her best to ferret out for us where they have gone.
  • 关于或表现铁磁性的。
    relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism.
  • 从尖沙咀的中国客运码头和上环的港澳码头开的跨界渡轮,可接载乘客前往内地和澳门。
    Cross-boundary ferry services to the Mainland and Macau are operated from the China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui and the Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan.
  • 港澳码头在一九八五年启用,内有13个泊位和66个入境检查柜台。
    The Macau Ferry Terminal, which commenced operation in 1985, has 13 berths and 66 immigration counters.
  • 肥沃的土地能种好庄稼。
    Fertile soil yields good crops.
  • 润湿肥沃的土地散发清新的泥土气息。
    The moist fertile land gave off the fragrance of fresh earth.
  • wachau地区因其产大量的优质葡萄树而著名。
    Wachau is a region that is famous for the presence of vast holdings of fertile vines.
  • 人口生率、自然增长率分别由1970年的33.43‰和25.83‰下降到1999年的15.23‰和8.77‰,总和生育率下降到更替水平以下,进入世界低生育水平国家行列。
    The birth rate and natural growth rate decreased from 33.43‰ and 25.83‰ in 1970 to 15.23‰ and 8.77‰ in 1999 respectively. The total fertility rate went below the replacement level, making China one of the countries with a low fertility level in the world.
  • 人口生率、自然增长率分别由1970年的33.43‰和25.83‰下降到1999年的15.23‰和8.77‰,总和生育率下降到更替水平以下,进入世界低生育水平国家行列。
    The birth rate and natural growth rate decreased from 33.43?? and 25.83?? in 1970 to 15.23?? and 8.77?? in 1999 respectively. The total fertility rate of Chinese women went below the replacement level, making China one of the countries with a low fertility level in the world.
  • 单性结实未以受精作用结果实
    The production of fruit without fertilization.
  • 就像21年前路易斯·布朗作为第一个体外受精的婴儿生时那样,克隆婴儿也会受到媒体的密切关注。
    Like Louise Brown, the first child born as the result of in vitro fertilization 21 years ago, the cloned infant will be showered with media attention.
  • 世界首例试管婴儿路易斯·布朗生后24年的时间里,成千上万想做父母亲的人们得到科学家们的保证说,试管内受精对基因不会有什么额外的危险。
    In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown,the world's first test-tube baby,thousands of would-be parents have been assure that as far as scientists knew there was no extra risk of genetic damage associated with in-vitro fertilization,or IVF.
  • 他不仅是个杰的作家, 而且还有使人获益的其它才干。
    He was not only a distinguished writer but a fertilizer of other talents.
  • 昨天我们就化肥问题向贵方提索赔。
    We lodged a claim with you on fertilizer yesterday.
  • 新化肥厂的厂址已经划来了。
    The site of the new chemical fertilizer plant has been marked out.
  • 白松香一种带苦味的、芳香的树脂胶(绿黄汁阿魏阿魏属),从一种亚洲植物或者相关的植物中提炼并用于制香和作为药用对抗刺激素
    A bitter, aromatic gum resin extracted from an Asiatic plant(Ferula galbaniflua) or any of several related plants and used in incense and medicinally as a counterirritant.
  • 炽热的温度……对他们半麻痹的体系而言只能传达和暖的信息——纳撒尼尔;当炽热的温度下降时再开始——弗朗西丝·特罗洛普。
    the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems- Nathaniel Hawthorne; set out...when the fervid heat subsides- Frances Trollope.
  • 菲律宾的一种植物,产用于制作粗麻绳的坚硬的纤维。
    Philippine plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine.
  • 纤维蛋白原一种为凝血必不可少的存在于血浆中的蛋白质,而且当存在电离的钙时能通过凝血酶作用转化为(血)纤维蛋白
    A protein in the blood plasma that is essential for the coagulation of blood and is converted to fibrin by the action of thrombin in the presence of ionized calcium.
  • 要避免结疤产生就要使身体重新长受伤前那种有错综结构的纤维状组织。
    Avoiding this scar tissue means getting the body to rebuild the complex fibrous structure of the original.