  • 物質是由強壓下凝固的幾種液體混合而形成的。
    These substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under great preasure.
  • 汽車製造得很結實.
    These cars are solidly constructed.
  • 在那漫長的孤獨生活中,她一直在幹什麽呢?
    What had she been doing during that long solitude?
  • 面對所有這社會關係,我一直有一種距離感,一直想要孤獨,這種感覺與時俱增。
    in the face of all these ties,I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude--feelings which increase with the years.
  • 即使在極盛時期,所羅門王也沒有像這花中的任何一朵那樣裝飾自己。
    Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
  • 在你現在所讀到的一離婚案例中,你需要有非常敏銳的判斷力纔知道問題更多出在哪一方。
    In some of the divorce cases you read about nowadays, one would need to be as wise as Solomon to know which party was the more at fault.
  • 問題不容易解决。
    These problems are not readily soluble.
  • 物質都不能溶於水。
    None of these substances are soluble in water.
  • 通過排除一無關係的成分來加強濃度(例如一種混合物中的一種溶劑)。
    strengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing extraneous material.
  • 迅速召開代表會議來解决這問題,不但比在黨內解决好,而且也比座談會的方式好。
    These problems are best solved by promptly convening conferences composed of representatives from all circles, rather than trying to solve them within the Party or through forums.
  • “我這問題都得解决。
    “ I had to solve all my questions.
  • 殘液某種液體某成分被分解劑分解後餘下的部分
    The portion of an original liquid that remains after other components have been dissolved by a solvent.
  • 公司沒有解决用戶的問題。”
    The vendors are not solving user problems."
  • 措施對解决這個問題會大有益處。
    These measures would go far towards solving the problem.
  • 另一種成就是對某難題的滿意解决。
    Another kind is derived from the satisfaction of solving difficult problems.
  • 有那麽一人愛炫耀自己的財富。
    There are soma people who like splashing their money around.
  • 我有一些書。
    I have some books.
  • 給我一些茶。
    Give me some tea.
  • 她有一大塊巧剋力,給了我一
    She had a big piece of chocolate and she gave me some.
  • 給你,一給我。
    Some for you,and some for me.
  • 我有一科目得了高分。
    I got some high marks in some subjects.
  • 外賓:我的護照,一人民幣和外幣。
    My passport, some Renminbi and some foreign money.
  • 櫻桃是甜的,有櫻桃是酸的。
    Some cherries are sweet and some are sour.
  • "有店主給了我們一這樣的錢。
    "Some shopkeepers brought us some notes like this.
  • 站在旁邊的一些人。
    Some people standing by.
  • 給我買些郵票。
    Buy me some stamp.
  • 給他們一些蘋果。
    Give them some apples.
  • 他畫了一些畫。
    He draws some pictures.
  • 他主動提供一消息。
    He volunteered some information.
  • 下面是一些例子:
    Here are some examples:
  • "也許有一天,如果他能爭取到更多顧客,他會獲得優秀報童奬。"
    "Someday, if he gets many more customers, Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy."
  • 所有這問題總有一天會使我惱火。
    All my problems will drive me up the wall someday.